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Presentation on theme: "BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE WELCOME TO MANURE MANAGEMENT JEOPARDY! Section 6 Manure Application Building Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE WELCOME TO MANURE MANAGEMENT JEOPARDY! Section 6 Manure Application Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA) was funded by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under award #2009-49400-05871

2 Manure 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 Book Values Manure Considerations Managing Manure Nutrients Prohibited and Restricted Areas

3 These small creatures recycle and process manure for food and energy. Answer Manure for 100

4 What are micro-organisms? Back to the Game Board 3 Manure for 100

5 A rise in this has caused the value of manure to increase. Answer Manure for 200

6 What are fertilizer prices? Back to the Game Board Manure for 200

7 Name three benefits of manure. Answer Manure for 300

8 Adds essential nutrients Acts as mulch Adds organic matter Improves soil structure Improves tilth Increases cation exchange capacity Improves infiltration of water Reduces runoff Back to the Game Board Manure for 300

9 This provides an accurate guideline of how much manure can be applied. Answer Manure for 400

10 What is a soil test? Back to the Gameboard Manure Storage for 400

11 This office can help provide manure sampling and testing instructions Answer Manure for 500

12 What is the county extension office? Back to the Game Board Manure Storage for 500

13 Answer Book Values for 100 Pounds per ton

14 Back to the Game Board Book Values for 100 What is the measure of nutrients in solid manure?

15 Pounds of nitrogen in 1000 gallons of incorporated dairy manure. Answer Book Values for 200

16 What is 10? Back to the Game Board Book Values for 200

17 Amount of P 2 O 5 applied if 12 ton of solid beef manure is applied per acre. Answer Book Values for 300

18 What is 60 pounds per acre? Back to the Game Board Book Values for 300

19 Extra nitrogen available when indoor swine manure is incorporated. Answer Book Values for 400

20 What is eight pounds per 1000 gallons? Back to the Game Board Agitation for 400

21 Amount of time to incorporate manure to take credit of additional nitrogen. Answer Book Values for 500

22 What is 72 hours? Back to the Game Board Book Values for 500

23 Generally, if there is enough land to produce this, there should be enough land to apply manure. Answer Manure Considerations for 100

24 What are feedstuffs? Back to the Game Board Manure Considerations for 100

25 These four factors should be considered to determine the manure application rate. Answer Manure Considerations for 200

26 What are soil type, soil tests, nutrient needs of the crop, and nutrient content of the manure (manure tests) ? Back to the Game Board Manure Considerations for 200

27 All manure application equipment should have this completed prior to application. Answer Manure Considerations for 300

28 What is calibration? Back to the Game Board Manure Considerations for 300

29 This should be used to calibrate a dragline or hose type application system. Answer Manure Considerations for 400

30 What is a flow meter? Back to the Game Board Manure Considerations for 400

31 These two things need to be known to calibrate liquid manure tanker. Answer Manure Considerations for 500

32 What are the size of the tanker and the size of the application area? Back to the Game Board Manure Considerations for 500

33 A nutrient of concern if soil test levels are already high. Answer Managing Manure Nutrients for 100

34 What is phosphorous? Back to the Game Board Managing Manure Nutrients for 100

35 Condition that reduces dissolved oxygen in the water, increasing plant growth and limiting animal life. Answer Managing Manure Nutrients for 200

36 What is eutrophication? Back to the Game Board Managing Manure Nutrients for 200

37 In some states, application of phosphorous is not allowed if soil test phosphorous levels are above this level. Answer Managing Manure Nutrients for 300

38 What is a 100 ppm? Back to the Game Board Managing Manure Nutrients for 300

39 Manure applied at this time of year, especially on sandy soils, can lead to nitrogen leaching. Answer Managing Manure Nutrients for 400

40 When is the early fall? Back to the Game Board Managing Manure Nutrients for 400

41 Due to this, application of manure to meet the crop needs of one nutrient can often lead to the over application of another nutrient. Answer Managing Manure Nutrients for 500

42 What is variability (of manure nutrients)? Back to the Game Board Managing Manure Nutrients for 500

43 Answer Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 100 Areas that should never receive manure applications.

44 Back to the Gameboard Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 100 What are prohibited areas?

45 Distance in feet from a well where manure should never be applied. Answer Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 200

46 What is 50? Back to the Game Board Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 200

47 Distance in feet from a lake or pond where manure can not be applied on frozen or snow covered soil. Answer Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 300

48 What is 1000? Back to the Game Board Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 300

49 Highest percent slope allowed to have manure applied when soils are frozen or snow covered (needs to be contoured) Answer Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 400

50 What is 12? Back to the Gameboard Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 400

51 Distance in feet from a stream or river where manure can not be applied to frozen or snow covered soils. Answer Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 500

52 What is 300? Back to the Game Board Prohibited and Restricted Areas for 500


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