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Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Alternative Formats - the VI Issues Nicola Crews MBE Manager: Education and Children's Services April 2008.

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1 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Alternative Formats - the VI Issues Nicola Crews MBE Manager: Education and Children's Services April 2008

2 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227

3 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 KS4 resources available in large print, braille or audio England, Wales and Northern Ireland 12% Maths textbooks 8% Science textbooks 6% English Language textbooks No commonly used dictionaries or atlases

4 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Difficulties experienced in obtaining textbooks from external providers 92% respondents “frequently” or “quite often” experienced difficulties in obtaining large print textbooks 85% “frequently” or “quite often”experienced difficulties in obtaining braille textbooks

5 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Time spent by VI services and schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in providing accessible textbooks % Under 10% 26 10% to 49% 38 50% to 74% 18 75% plus 18

6 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Effect on pupils 54% respondents said pupils frequently or quite often experienced delays in obtaining materials from external sources, 20% for in house production 53% felt delays had a large effect on social inclusion, 39% some effect 38% felt delays had a large effect on educational progress, 54% some effect

7 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Welsh quotes … “Accessing large print textbooks is one of the most difficult areas of our work and children are missing out…” “Pupils are less independent, affecting self-esteem, having to play continual ‘catch-up’ with classmates…” “…Having accessible materials benefits self esteem, social inclusion and independence!”

8 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Calls to action - UK wide Government to take responsibility for national plan to modernise production and availability of accessible textbooks –set up pilot project –promote development of portal for sale and licensing of electronic textbooks –foster agreement on single file format –follow example of USA and other countries

9 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Specialist Teachers in Wales say … “My job would be SO much easier if publishers could produce large print versions of text books.” “Time is wasted hunting for materials.” “[Obtaining large print texts] Almost impossible. The government is negligent in not considering the needs of VI kids when promoting new initiatives.”

10 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 “It is a nightmare getting hold of books and finding out who has them.” “Text books are impossible to find, unless other services have adapted them.” “New publications are particularly difficult to source.” “Commonly used schools texts are RARELY available.” "A Wales-wide transcription centre?... Bring it on!!!"

11 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Wales Developments RNIB Cymru has a contract with DCELLS to produce a limited number of Welsh textbooks per year. There is a real commitment from Welsh Assembly Government to look at textbook provision - contracts with commissioned books.

12 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Wales developments contd… RNIB Cymru is working with specialist teachers and the Welsh Assembly Government to further assess the level of provision of curriculum materials. RNIB Cymru has been given a verbal commitment from the two largest Welsh language publishers in Wales to provide electronic texts.

13 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Welsh developments contd… The first Welsh-English, English-Welsh Braille Dictionary was launched at Pencoed Comprehensive School last month.

14 Rhif elusen gof. 226227 Reg charity no. 226227 Still a LONG way to go… Next steps? Hopefully less talk And a lot more action!

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