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Cross Platform Mobile Backend with Mobile Services James

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Presentation on theme: "Cross Platform Mobile Backend with Mobile Services James"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross Platform Mobile Backend with Mobile Services James Quick @jamesqquick

2 Windows Azure Mobile Services Intro to Azure and the Cloud What is Mobile Services? Creating a Mobile Service Authentication – choice of providers Push Notifications – Toast & Tiles Native Applications Agenda

3 Azure and the Cloud

4 Microsoft Azure Comprehensive set of services that enable you to quickly build, deploy and manage applications across a global network of Microsoft- managed datacenters

5 Azure – The Big Picture:

6 On Premises Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime You manage Infrastructure (as a Service) Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime Managed by Microsoft You manage Platform (as a Service) Managed by Microsoft You manage Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data

7 Azure Compute Choices: Degree of Customization Speed of Development & Ease of Use Web Sites Cloud Services (PAAS) Virtual Machines (IAAS) Mobile Services

8 Compute: What are our Options? Virtualization O/S Hardware Native Code Custom Software Network Data Applications Firewall Applications Data Native Code Startup Tasks Applications Firewall Rules Data Virtual Network Native Code Custom Software Virtual Network Data Applications Firewall Rules O/S Applications Data Auth Notifications

9 Azure footprint 16 regions worldwide in 2014 Data Centers Regional Partners

10 Fortune 500 using Azure >57 % > 300 k Active websites More than 1,000,00 0 SQL Databases in Azure >30 TRILLION storage objects >300 MILLION AAD users >13 BILLION authentication/wk >3>3 MILLION requests/sec > 1.6 5 MILLION Developers registered with Visual Studio Online

11 Azure is open across the stack Ecosystem Supported Languages CMS Devices Databases Operating systems Microsoft 1st Party Support

12 Windows Azure Storage Storage in the Cloud Scalable, durable, and available Anywhere at anytime access Only pay for what the service uses Exposed via RESTful Web Services Use from Windows Azure Compute Use from anywhere on the internet

13 Azure TABLE Storage: Storage Account: All access to Azure Storage is done through a storage account. Table: A table is a collection of entities. Tables don't enforce a schema on entities, which means a single table can contain entities that have different sets of properties. The number of tables that a storage account can contain is limited only by the storage account capacity limit. Entity: An entity is a set of properties, similar to a database row. An entity can be up to 1MB in size. Properties: A property is a name-value pair. Each entity can include up to 252 properties to store data. Each entity also has 3 system properties that specify a partition key, a row key, and a timestamp. Entities with the same partition key can be queried more quickly, and inserted/updated in atomic operations. An entity's row key is its unique identifier within a partition.

14 Azure Mobile Services?

15 What is Windows Azure Mobile Services?

16 Node.js Express.NET Web API SQL Table Storage Blob Storage WNS & MPNS APNS GCM Mongo DB Notification Hubs Source Control Facebook Twitter Microsoft Google Azure Active Directory Windows Store iOS Android Xamarin Phonegap Windows Phone iOS Android HTML 5/JS SDKs REST API Hybrid Connections

17 Key Scenarios Windows Azure Mobile Services are ideal for: Modern mobile apps Windows Store Apps, Windows Phone, Windows 10, iOS, Android Common Scenarios Reduces the friction associated with repeating common tasks such as user authentication, push notifications and structured storage Rapid Development Time is money. Get your app up and running sooner when you use Mobile Services to configure a straightforward and secure backend in less than five minutes.

18 Create Azure Mobile Service

19 Getting Started a backend for your mobile app in minutes Demo

20 Where Do We Store Stuff?

21 How Do We Add Stuff?

22 Server-Side Logic

23 Windows Azure Web Sites powerful web sites in seconds start simple start free, scale up and out as you go, friction-free and without the headaches code smart with classic asp,, php or node.js, develop on Windows, OSX or Linux go live deploy live in seconds, easily monitor performance, rapidly diagnose and fix issues

24 Supported Publishing Methods

25 Native Apps??

26 Server Logic adding server logic on CRUD operations

27 *Authentication*

28 Authentication Providers:

29 Push Notifications Demo

30 Push Notification Lifecycle Overview Windows 8 (1) (2) (3)

31 Push Notifications

32 Connect Our Users 32

33 Summary

34 start now.

35 Resources: 35 Mobile Services Mobile Services Documentation | Azure Azure Mobile Services Team Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs Get started with Mobile Services get-started/ Azure Readiness / DevCamp

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