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INTRO & SEARCH TIPS GOOGLE SCHOLAR Please view on full screen. Press F5 on your keyboard.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO & SEARCH TIPS GOOGLE SCHOLAR Please view on full screen. Press F5 on your keyboard."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRO & SEARCH TIPS GOOGLE SCHOLAR Please view on full screen. Press F5 on your keyboard.

2 What’s a Google Scholar? No www ! http:// Google Search vs. Google Scholar Search Google Scholar searches for academic literature across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. 2

3 Getting Started – Auto Settings 3 First time? Use the library link to confirm your UWest status. Then full text articles from library databases will show up automatically. You can also set this up without going through the library. See slide #6.

4 Getting Started – Optional Settings Go to settings. 4

5 Getting Started – Optional Settings Personal preference: Easier to keep track of searches. Make it easier to download bibliographic data. Using Zotero ? Select EndNote here. 5 Remember to save!

6 Getting Started – Manual Settings (2) Type uwest (1) Select library links. (3) Check this option. This will cross check your search results to see if our library has the full text. 6 Skip this slide if you came through the library link (slide 3)

7 The Search Type in your keywords “four noble truths" meditation Put phrases in “” quotation marks when you want to find the words in that exact order because it has a special meaning when used together. “social learning theory” adults 7

8 The Search - Advanced Click on the down arrow to go to advanced search 8

9 The Search - Advanced Same as using the “” quotation marks. When you choose in the title of the article, you will get a smaller number of results, but most likely very relevant because it uses the words in the title. 9

10 Filtering options Get an email when a new article about your search topic appears. If our library has the full text article, this link will show. 10 These main links will most likely take you to a preview or ‘pay to access’ website. Any free & library affiliated links will be on the right side.

11 11 This item is a book. The website that contains the bibliographic information for this item. Author: first/middle name initials and full last name Published Year This item was mentioned in 81 other items. Click on this link to see those 81. Articles with similar topics, but maybe not with the search words you used. Other websites that list information about this item. Click here to download the bibliographic information into Reference Managers such as EndNote and Zotero. Some additional features, see next slide.

12 Get ‘More’ 12 Since this item is a book, the ‘full text’ article link does not apply. But under ‘More’ you can see if we have it as a ebook or printed book. It will search to see if our library has an ebook first If not, search for library for printed copies. We have 2 copies.

13 Get ‘More’ (2) 13 Library search will direct you to Worldcat, where you can find the nearest library that has this book. Cite will help you with the citation of this item in APA, MLA, Chicago style. Be careful, sometimes they have inconsistent capitalization of titles.

14 Okay, that’s not too much info or anything... anything else? It’s always good to know what you are looking at before you decide to read or search for the item. So let’s see how you can easily tell what’s what in Google Scholar. 14

15 Identifying the Item 15 Book Citation for ????? ????? For BOOKS, it will say [Book] at the front of the link. What about the ????

16 Identifying the Item 16 inside When there is text between the author and the year, that is the Journal or Book Title. The item itself is inside that journal or book. What page? Click on ‘more’ then ‘cite’, and you will find the page number. This is item “Gendered Religious Organizations...” is an article inside the journal: Gender & Society. This item “Buddhism, Women, and Caste: the Case of the Newar Buddhists of the Kathmandu Valley” is a chapter inside a book titled: Buddhist women and social justice.

17 What’s That? A Book! 17 Book Title Author Nothing Nothing between Author and Year, so this item is most likely a book. Year Book Title Publisher

18 What’s That? A Journal Article/Book Chapter! 18 Article Title Chapter Title Journal Title Book Title How do I know which is a book and which is a journal? Journal titles are shorter and/or more generic.

19 Also: Explore Our Databases Google Scholar may provide many relevant results, but our databases (ATLA, ProQuest Central) have features not available on Google Scholar: Get Full Text Only results. Limit search to Peer-Reviewed materials or specific journals. Browsing different issues of a journal. Filter by subject, language, journal, and much more. 19

20 We are a Work in Progress Contact us if you need help, or setup a one-on-one appointment: Suggestions & comments? 20

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