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Fighting against illegal and harmful content on the internet - cooperation, activities, results Marek Dudek Dyż Polish Hotline.

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Presentation on theme: "Fighting against illegal and harmful content on the internet - cooperation, activities, results Marek Dudek Dyż Polish Hotline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fighting against illegal and harmful content on the internet - cooperation, activities, results Marek Dudek Dyż Polish Hotline

2 Hotline Overview Dyż was established in October 2004. Hotline started the operational work on the 1st of January 2005. Dyż is run by the public organization NASK (Research and Academic Computer Network) Funding Dyż is financed in 40% by NASK and in 60% by European Commission (Safer Internet Programme)

3 Polish Safer Internet Center 2 INHOPE Common clasifications Common Procedures, Exchanging Reports Exchanging Reports Sharing Best Pracices Dyż Awareness Nobody’s Children Fundation NASK European Commission Advisory Board

4 of Dyż The Mission of Dyż ż The mission of Dyż is to strive to remove child abuse content produced with children’s participation or directed against children’s safety as well as xenophobic and racist materials. Our activities are based on Polish regulations and international cooperation within the framework of the INHOPE assiociation.

5 INHOPE HOTLINE S Dyż Other National Police POLICE INTERPOL INTERNET Complains Administrators ICP/ISP Dyż – cooperation

6 Advisory Board The Advisory Board under the name of „Consultation Committee” was established in 2006. Members represent various areas of activity and thus provide a variety perspectives. Central Teacher’s Training Centre National Police Headquartes Warsaw Police Headquarters Ministry of National Education Ministry of Science and Information Technology Ministry of Justice Ministry of Interior and Administration Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications Office of the Children’s Ombudsman Polish Committee for UNESCO Office of Competition and Protection Association of Audio-Video Producers Foundation ORANGE Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities

7 DUTIES OF -Analysing content -Classification of content -Forwarding to the Police or other competitive bodies INCIDENT HANDLING OTHERS - cooperation with media - educational activities - workshops in Secondary and Primary Schools - providing feedback to reporters - promoting idea of online safety COOPERATION -Safer -INHOPE - Police - ISP - Governmental institutions -Non-govermental organisations

8 About INHOPE INHOPE represents and coordinates the global network of 36 Internet Hotlines, supporting them in their fight against illegal content to make the Internet safer. INHOPE was founded in 1999 under the European Commission’s Safer Internet Action Plan

9 Cooperation Created 28.05.2008 Created 2007

10 We are dealing with Child pornography According to the Polish Penal Code illegal is to present and distribute pornographic materials with minors under 18 as well as to possess pornographic materials with minors under 15 years old. Racism and xenophobia Illegal is to promote in public fascist and other totalitarian systems or propagating hate based on country or ethnic origin, race and religion as well as to public content insulting a group of people or individuals based on country or ethnic origin etc. Extreme adult content According to the Polish Penal Code illegal is to present public and distribute zoophila's materials as well as pornographic materials with using violence Other content Content except above categories like promoting sects, anorexia, bulimia, self-mutilation, suicides, various kinds of stimulats and vulgar language

11 Polish Penalty Code (about child pornography content) Article 202 reads as follows § 1. Whoever publicly presents pornographic material in such a manner that it is imposed upon a person who may not wish so shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to one year. § 2. Whoever presents pornographic material to a minor under 15 years of age or makes available to him/her items of this nature, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 2 years. § 3. Whoever produces, for the purpose of dissemination or imports or propagates pornographic material in which minors under the age of 15 participate, or pornographic material associated with the use of violence or the use of an animal shall be subject to the penalty of the deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. § 4 Every person who makes, imports, stores or possesses pornography with participation of a child under 15 is liable to imprisonment for a term of 3 months to 5 years. The participation of the child has to include an involvement in certain sexual activities. Criminal responsibility for consolidating includes a person who directly consolidates pornographic contents (camera operator, photographer) as well as producer and author of a screenplay. 4 b. Who makes, disseminates, propagates, stores or possesses pornographic material presenting images (produced or processed) of a minor participating in sexual intercourse shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to two years. § 5 The Court may order tools or any other objects used or designed for committing offences defined in sections 1–4b to be forfeited, even if such tools or objects are not owned by the offender.

12 What we have to do… Cooperate with the INHOPE Sign agreement with Law Enforcement Agencies Establish public procedures Discuss our procedures and problems in the Advisory Board meeting Send the report to the European Commission Help team in their activities

13 What can we do … Receive complaints 24/7 Conduct simple technical analysis Provide feedback to reporters Report to the administrator Forward reports to the police Do workshop for policemen, prosecutors Give presentation for teachers, parents Teach pupils, children, students

14 We must not … Look for personnal data of internet users Remove content from the internet

15 Social campaign of Dyż 2007 and other activities

16 Other activities Report regarding filtering programmes „ Filtering solutions. Harmful content in the Interent” Workshops for children from secondary school „What do you know about the Web ”

17 Progress of incidents 2005-2009

18 15 Statistics – type of incidents

19 Localisation of servers

20 Further actions

21 Contact Details Website: Hotline – NASK 18 Wawozowa str. 02-796 Warsaw

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