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The Impact of Tutoring/Writing Centers on Adult Learning Emily Fogg Matthew Infantino Errold Nabong Lisa Spooner EDUC 513 June 1st, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of Tutoring/Writing Centers on Adult Learning Emily Fogg Matthew Infantino Errold Nabong Lisa Spooner EDUC 513 June 1st, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of Tutoring/Writing Centers on Adult Learning Emily Fogg Matthew Infantino Errold Nabong Lisa Spooner EDUC 513 June 1st, 2011

2 Presentation Overview Interviews Key Findings & Theories Implications

3 Interviewers & Interviewees Emily: Assistant Director of Writing Center at Seattle University Matt: Tutoring Coordinator at Seattle Central Community College Errold: Director of Academic Success Center at Bellevue College Lisa: Writing Desk Consultant at Grays Harbor College

4 Theme #1: Differing Expectations Students Think the tutoring/writing center is simply an “editing service” Believe you must be a "struggling" student to use the services Want writing center consultants and tutors to "hold their hand" and do the work for them Tutoring/Writing Centers Seek to teach skills that reinforce "lifelong learning” Develop good study habits that allow for future success Understand that each student is there for a unique reason

5 Baxter Magolda (1992 & 2001) Baxter Magolda's (1992) Epistemological Reflection Model Originally created to demonstrate the reasoning of college students Baxter Magolda's (2001) Theory of Self-Authorship A set of questions including: “How do I know?” Focused on the evolution of assumptions about the nature, limits, and certainty of knowledge Seeks to understand how people make meaning and develop the ability to articulate their needs to others

6 Theme #2: Barriers Students Time Technology Past experiences as learners Writing Center/Tutors Time and Financial Resources o Impacts quality of assessment Inexperience of tutors/lack in tutor training

7 Knowles (1975) "Self-Directed Learning as a process of learning, in which people take the primary initiative for planning, carrying out, and evaluating their own learning experiences..." (Merriam et al., p. 110) Six major steps: 1. Climate setting 2. Diagnosing learning needs 3. Formulating learning goals 4. Identifying human and material resources for learning 5. Choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies 6. Evaluating learning outcomes

8 Theme #3: Looking to the Future Students Students will share in a more integral part of learning through the collaboration and the social context of the writing center More resources will become available for student development Students will become better lifelong learners Tutoring/Writing Centers Tutoring demands will increase as populations increase Develop tutor training courses Collaboration with faculty across many disciplines on- and off-campus Financial support

9 Mezirow (2000) Transformational learning Originally introduced in 1978 and since then has been critiqued and changed (p. 132) "The process by which we transform our taken-for-granted frames of reference... so that they may generate beliefs and opinions that will prove more true or justified to guide action" (Merriam et al., p. 133) Occurs when there is a transformation in our beliefs/attitudes (meaning scheme) or entire perspective (habit of mind) (Merriam et al., p. 133)

10 Unexpected Responses/Contradictions Institution impacts the resources available to adult learners o Example: Bellevue College has math, reading, and writing labs; a science study center; and individual and group sessions for students whereas Seattle Central Community College has tutoring for ESL and ABE students and a GED website resource Assessment of these programs is done by both the consultants/tutors and the students o Is this an accurate way to measure success? Training of staff at tutoring/writing centers varies o Some receive little to no training while others are required to take a class before even starting

11 References Baxter Magolda, M. (1992). Epistemological Reflection Model. In Merriam, S.B., Caffarella. R.S., & Baumgartner, L.M. (3rd ed). Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 338-340). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Baxter Magolda, M. (2001). Baxter Magolda's Theory of Self-Authorship. In Evans, N.J., Forney, D.S., Guido, F.M., Patton, L.D., & Renn, K.A. (2nd ed). Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice, (pp. 183- 193). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Knowles, M. (1975). Linear Models.In Merriam, S.B., Caffarella. R.S., & Baumgartner, L.M. (3rd ed). Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 110-111). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Mezirow, J. (2000). Mezirow's Psychocritical Approach. In Merriam, S.B., Caffarella. R.S., & Baumgartner, L.M. (3rd ed). Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 132-137). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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