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Why do we call it ‘Building on the Rock’? Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we call it ‘Building on the Rock’? Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do we call it ‘Building on the Rock’? Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. (Jesus – Matthew 7:24) What are we trying to do? This course is about discipleship – following the Lord Jesus Christ We are looking at three areas: Basic Bible truths (doctrines) – laying strong foundations Living the Christian life in the real world Serving Christ (ministry)

3 How will the course work? So you know what to expect…! We plan 16 sessions and each week will have a different theme There will be teaching ‘from the front’ led by Steve, Andy, Mark or Tayo We will spend time in smaller groups which will be the same all through the year Apart from tonight, we start at 7.45 and finish by 9.15 – with drinks at the start

4 The planned programme (1) 21 st OctAbout God – exploring what the Bible says about God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit 4 th NovAbout the Bible – what it is, where it comes from and what it can do! 18 th NovReading the Bible, part 1 – how do we get into the world’s greatest book? 2 nd DecThe human race – who we are, how great we are and how we got into such a mess ------ Christmas break ------

5 The planned programme (2) 6 th JanAbout salvation – what has Jesus Christ done for us and what does it mean to be saved? 20 th JanAbout angels, Satan and demons – the spirit world. How does it impact on us? 3 rd FebPrayer and spiritual warfare – what is prayer all about and is it just asking for a list of stuff? 17 th FebAbout the worldwide Church – what is it, is it important and who belongs to it? 3 rd MarBeing part of the church family – why should we tie ourselves in to a particular church? 17 th MarAbout the last days – what will happen at the end of the world and how do we know? 7 th AprReading the Bible, part 2 – learning to get the most out of it ------ Easter break ------

6 The planned programme (3) 5 th MayAbout God’s world – how did it get here, what is it for and where is it going? 19 th MayMission and evangelism – getting involved in sharing the good news about Jesus with the whole world 2 nd JuneWork, money and lifestyle – how do we live out our Christian beliefs in the real world of our homes, the workplace and our free time? 16 th JuneUnderstanding the times – recognising what is good and bad about the culture we live in – and what to do about it! 30 th JuneMentoring and discipling others – helping others to grow in their Christian faith and life

7 We are looking forward to seeing you at all these evenings! If you finish the course, we hope you’ll have three things: a certificate, a sense of achievement, and – most important – a deeper knowledge of God! If you have any questions please get in touch with one of us. All these sessions are on Thursdays and we will start at 7.45 pm, meeting here in the lower hall. See you here in two weeks’ time!

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