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Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
Migration from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting Presented by: Eng. Taha A. Usi Consultant Broadcasting Affairs TCRA

2 Agenda Background Why digital broadcasting ?
Features of Digital Terrestrial Television Strategy Implementation Issues Challenges Conclusion

3 Background International Scene
1990’s First Tests on Digital Broadcasting – Europe 2000 Adoption of Digital Broadcasting in Europe and USA 2004 ITU consultations on Digital broadcasting at international level

4 Background Cont .. (2) RRC -2004
ITU consultations on Digital broadcasting for regions 1 and part of region 3 of ITU member administrations. Draft digital plan was produced for the whole planning region Prior to takeoff of RRC – 2004 Conference; consultations and coordination were made on the individual draft national plans, among regional groupings of member administrations

5 Background Cont .. (3) RRC – 2006
ITU coordinated Conference on Digital Migration. Adoption of Digital plan. Adoption of Digital Migration Strategies and Principles. Revision of GE 89 analogue plan Two Analogue cut off dates:2015 UHF band; 2020 VHF band

6 RRC06 Planning Area for region 1
Region1: Europe, Middle East, Africa Region2: Americas Region3: Asia, Pacific Region 6

7 Background cont…(4) WRC –2007
Stressed on the need of Digital Dividend. 790 – 862 MHZ (IMT 2000) ie Channel 61 – 69 of the Broadcast band) Concretize on the plan Confirmation of cut off deadlines 2015 and 2020

8 Why Digital Broadcasting ?
Information can easily be coded ANALOJIA DIGITALI 7/26/2009

9 Why Digital Broadcasting ? Cont .. (2)
One of the benefits of Digital Broadcasting: Spectrum Efficiency Spectrum a finite national resource Digital makes far more efficient use of the available spectrum Allows for expansion and new services (see next slide)

10 Why Digital Broadcasting ? Cont ..(3)
More channels Analogue Transmitter Digital Transmitter Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 1 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 12; 16; 20 8 MHz channel; One service; New frequency per site 8 MHz channel; 6 or more services; Same Frequency re-use in SFN 7/26/2009

11 Why Digital Broadcasting? cont..(4)
Supports Multimedia services I book my holidays… I manage my bank account… I do my shopping… I choose a movie for tonight… Digital Tv 7/26/2009

Why Digital Broadcasting? Cont.. (5) High Quality and more details Aspect ratio: 4:3 Aspect ratio: 16:9 7/26/2009 07/23/09 KAMATI YA BUNGE MAENDELEO YA JAMII_KUUELEKEA DIGITALI_ 12 TCRA_KAMATI YA BUNGE_KUELEKEA DIGITALI 12

13 Features of DTT Standard DVB – T (region 1 and part of region 3)
Reception Mode Networks: MFN; SFN Multimedia nature

14 a) Network Management System
Features of DTT Cont.. (2) 1 Satellite feeds Encoder 2 Encoder Studios c) Signal feed M U X Server 3 DVB-T Other feeds DVB-T 4 Internet Service IP DVB Encoder d) Broadcasting 5 Interactive Services MHP a) Network Management System b) Multiplexing: Another feature of Digital Terrestrial TV

15 Features of DTT Cont.. (3) Possible distribution modes: Satellite
Cable- fiber Microwave for short distances (see following slide)

16 Digital Terrestrial Transmission Chain Fiber cable

17 Strategy Objectives: Increase understanding and awareness on the impact of the migration to digital broadcasting by key stakeholders in the country; Increase awareness to service providers regarding new business opportunities brought about by the introduction of digital broadcasting.

18 Strategy Cont.. (2) Formation of National Technical committee to chart roadmap for the migration process, Consultation with stakeholders in the broadcasting sector Splitting of functions: Content provision: CSV (broadcaster) Signal distribution: MUX (Multiplexer)

19 Strategy Cont..(3) Phase Implementation Double illumination
Awareness campaign Digital Dividend The use of freed spectrum Replanning of the band What new services are proposed to be introduced (Mobile services on International perspective – IMT 2000)

20 Strategy Cont.. (4) More on Regulator: Licensing MUX;
STB standardization; Put in place the necessary laws and regulations to govern the migration process and beyond; Harmonization: To minimize cross border interference between neighbors, harmonization on the spectrum use across the borders is a must.

21 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian
2004 – Tanzania made consultations with neighbors: Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Zambia, Malawi, DRC, Mozambique on Digital Plan Produced coordinated national draft plans for consultation at African Regional Broadcasting Conference and final submission to RRC 2004 (digital TV draft conference)

22 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian Cont .. (2)
2005 – Consultation with stake holders at Annual Broadcasting Conference (ABC) 1st PCD on migration from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting; July 2005 2nd PCD on migration from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting; August 2006

23 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian …(3)
2006 – Further consultations with stakeholders at ABC – Dec. 2006 Formulation of migration plan on Establishment of Multiplex Operators Recommended: Two CMUX and one PMUX Phased implementation MUX to operate under Network facility licensing category

24 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian Cont .. (4)
2007: Consultation with Stakeholders 2007: Consultation with Government 2008: Meeting of the National Technical Committee on Digital Migration 2008: Instituting guidelines to be followed in the implementation of digital broadcasting

25 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzania Cont .. (5)
2008 Licensing of MUX process started: Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal for securing MUX Service Level agreements verification By First part of 2009 to have MUX in place Public Awareness Campaign 2008/2009 financial year Cabinet Approval

26 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian Cont .. (6)
Public Awareness Campaign financial implication: Budget for 6 years, 2010 to 2015 :- Details of the budget are being worked out

27 Implementation Issues- The case of Tanzanian Cont .. (7)
Specification of Set Top Box Importation of Set Top Box Simulcast plan to start 2009 Digital (National) plan ready Simulcast cut off date 2012 Switch off Date of Analogue 2015, May Switchover to full Digital 2015 June

28 Challenges Digital Dividend
The position of communication service providers world wide is that regulators should migrate all broadcasting services from frequencies 790 – 862 MHz so that the band can be used exclusive for telecommunications services. As such There is need for re-planning of the whole broadcasting band so as to give way for the new services

29 Challenges Cont .. (2) A number of existing infrastructure is obsolete
This will result into high investment costs in the implementation of digital broadcasting. Local content is extremely low This might result into the gap being filled by unhealthy content from external sources.

30 Challenges Cont.. (4) We need to resolve the unprofessional planning of antennae masts and towers at broadcast transmission sites: The number and the way masts and towers have been constructed at Kisarawe for instance might cause screening effect among TV stations; Facility sharing under MUX should be the focus in resolving this problem.

31 Conclusion Get prepared for the big change: More contents; Surround sound audios and Wider screen experiences; Video on demand; Personal video recorders (PVR): the convenience you get of latter watching of your favorable programs.

32 Conclusion Cont.. (2) Hybrid network and services allow you to better plan your day: Internet, e-education, e-commerce, e-ticketing, e-government; mobile TV; Internet banking; Quality TV via IP based networks; The limit is the sky!

33 Content Provider – MUX operator Business Model
Market segments satellite MUX (multiplexing) Content producer Content providers DVB - T Signal feed Conditional Access provider Access Card Customer Broadcasting TV channels: -Free to air -Subscription; cable and satellite commissioned agents: Stb distribution MUX operator market segments

34 Thank you for your attention
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