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Unit 1 lifestyles ---topic-centered reading -- 陈振煌 For what do we read? 1. Read to learn ways of reading 方法 2. Read to retrieve/get information 信息 3. Read.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 lifestyles ---topic-centered reading -- 陈振煌 For what do we read? 1. Read to learn ways of reading 方法 2. Read to retrieve/get information 信息 3. Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 lifestyles ---topic-centered reading -- 陈振煌 For what do we read? 1. Read to learn ways of reading 方法 2. Read to retrieve/get information 信息 3. Read to think in English 思考 4. Read to communicate with the authors and others 交流

2 pre-read : key words explain in simple English 1.Sports programme: sports program 2.The news 3.TV Series: something like “the three kingdoms”, the journey to the western”, “huanzhu gege”. 4.Cartoons: a kind of drawings like “cat and mouse” 5.Game shows: 6.Films: something like “Kong Fu” 7.Talk shows 8.Music program 9.Couch potato: be at home without anything to do, lazy 10.Workaholic: One who has a compulsive 强迫 need to work. 11.Bookworm : One who spends much time reading or studying. 12.Alcoholic: 含酒精的

3 pre-read : key words 1.Office: a place where people work 2.Farm: a place where peasant/farmer work 3.Underground : train below the earth, the “tube”, subway 4.Walk: have a walk 5.Crowded: be crowded with 6.Space 7.Quiet: no or little 8.Noisy: with much noise 9.Accountant: 会计 One that keeps and inspects the financial 财务 records 记录

4 reading skills : skim, scan 1.skim: move from place to place get an overall (总体的) idea of a passage including the main idea on points. 2. scan: read quickly to to find particular (具体) information or detail (细节) 3. extensive reading 泛读 : to get a basic impression( 印象) 4. intensive reading 精读: focus on 集中 important information and knowledge points 5. critical reading 批判性阅读 / 评读: when reading, make inferences 推断 and evaluations 评价 and make a personal judgment on the article.  Help: particular 具体, overall: 总体, impression: 印象, basic: 基本的, focus on: 关注, inference :推断, evaluation: 评价, judgment: 判断, critical: 批判的

5 Skim : the main idea 1.the title 2.The introduction 3.Heading and sub-heading 4.Pictures, charts or graphs 5.The first sentences of each paragraph 6.Glance at the remaining of the paragraph 7.Summary of the last paragraph Help: title 题目, heading/sub-heading: 标题 / 副, chart and graph: 图表, glance at: 扫视, summary: 概要, paragraph: 段

6 Have a try: skimming (page 8-9 & page 14-15) titles A couch potato— I/Brian A Workaholic —I/Bob city life- Debbie city life- Debbie country life- Paul introduction Forty- three- year.. Thirty-six- year-old Debbie is an… Paul lives in a… pictures TV viewer typist Office worker shepherd First sentences Page8 Page 9 page14 Page 15 Summary of last Sen. Ditto 同上 dittodittoditto

7 Scan: to find particular detail 细节 — a fact, a date, a name, a statistic etc.  1. the structure: how the material is organized  2. your purpose 目的: what are you looking for  3. clue 线索 words: distance, time, place, reason, person etc.  4. possible/likely places: where can you possibly find what you need. Help: structure 结构, purpose: 目的, distance : 距离, likely: 可能的, organize :组织

8 Have a try: scan page 8-9 & page 14-15 Turn to page 8—step 3 and step 4  Underline the TV programs that Brian usually watches.  Underline the kinds of work Bob does every day.  Is Brian lazy? Give two examples.  “You’ve got the world at your feet” means:  How does Bob spend his morning and evening?  Why does  Bob’s family complain because: 8.Bob works hard because: Help: complain 抱怨, underline: 下划线

9 Have a try: scan page 8-9 & page 14-15 Turn to page 14—step 4 lifestyles City: Debbie Country: Paul You Live in A big city A small village Wake-up time 7 am 4am Job An accountant A farmer Student Working hours 8 All day Work in Center of London North of England Evening activities Dance classes, gym, French classes Play with children, study by distance learning Special activities Cinema, drive, go walking To London for a weekend break

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