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How Performance Based Instruction and Learning is Spreading Throughout Bozeman High School 9th Grade English Algebra 1 World Languages.

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Presentation on theme: "How Performance Based Instruction and Learning is Spreading Throughout Bozeman High School 9th Grade English Algebra 1 World Languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Performance Based Instruction and Learning is Spreading Throughout Bozeman High School 9th Grade English Algebra 1 World Languages

2 Expansion to BHS In Response to Success: 100% in World Language 5 Classes of Algebra I 1 - Tier 3 Freshman English/SS Combo 3 - Tier 2 Freshman English Classes ALL COLLAB CLASSES - CBS

3 Demographics (5 sections – 94 kids) Compare to Traditional: ~95% Regular Ed *Individual classes ranged from 40-60%.

4 % of students Proficient on Priority Standards November vs. January 73% Passing86% Passing

5 Traditional: r = 0.6743

6 Competency-Based: r =0.8248

7 FINAL EXAM SCORES ModelMean ScoreMedian Score Perf. Based65.6%69% Hybrid69.1%73% Traditional69.1%72% T-Test : Not statistically significant aka Same level of achievement

8 STAR Data : Scaled Score, Growth Percentile, & Percentile Rank No statistical significance between 2 groups PB Students performed at same level as Traditional (with a 40% lower population of Reg. Ed.) “Powerful” “Shows Legitimacy of Entire Program”

9 1 Student with an IEP 12 Students with an IEP 41 Students with an IEP GETTING COLLEGE & CAREER READY

10 Students didn’t need a slower pace, they needed a different approach: 57% (54/94) would have been placed in slower pathway (Math 1,2,3) Only 9.6% (9/94) failed.

11 What the Students Are Saying I think teachers in the regular classes like traditional school better because it’s easier for them to have kids just follow them and do what they say, but that doesn’t push kids to be better. They don’t have to connect with kids and work with them individually as much. They just have to teach something once and then give homework. But here, they teach in a way that fits me better. This is awesome! In the regular high school, I was just in the middle of a big herd of people, and we were moved along like cows. In performance-based, I get to choose my own path and move that way. It’s so much more interesting and motivating, and I want to be done early so I can move on with life. And now I will be done early with a higher skill level. Instead of busy work, worksheets, and assignments, in performance-based you get to show you are capable of doing skills, and after you show that you have it down, you can move on. Then all the other things get better because you know it more. I’m doing so much better, and that just makes me try harder. I LOVE being successful at school! This is not as easy as people think. It’s actually harder, but I’m doing better in school now than I ever have. It all makes more sense to me, and I feel good when I see myself moving and getting things done. We are getting a better education here. All the other kids are getting cheated. Too bad for them!

12 “S-- (a Freshman) told me how much she loved this class because the standards are so specific and knowing what she did or did not know has always been blurry in math.” “My student asked how she could sign up for another competency-based class next year. Then she said she wanted to make sure that her little sister coming up from 8th grade could also be in a competency-based class. ” “L-- (a Sophomore) is avoiding taking Geometry because it’s not competency-based next year. Wants to take a year off from Math & do 088 College Prep Senior Year.” “I believe that the Comp Based model is a definite NEED (not a Want) in our system. Too many kids are falling through the cracks without the proper mathematical foundation because they can't keep up with the amount of material presented daily. I believe the Comp Based Model enables... Learning.” - Parent


14 English I/World Geography Combo Fall 2014 – STAR Reading Intensive (Tier 3) = 88% Strategic (Tier 2) = 0% Proficient (Tier 1) = 12% Mean SS = 493.94 Median SS = 531.5 Mean SS (SpEd) = 445.1

15 English I/World Geography Combo Winter 2015 – STAR Reading 44% n = 7

16 English I/World Geography Combo Growth: Fall 2014 to Winter 2015 STAR Reading 100% of students made progress Average gain (SS) = 214.31 Average gain (SS) for SpEd students = 247.2 Median Student Growth Percentile (SGP) = 89.5

17 English I/World Geography Combo STAR SGP SGP ≥ %0 th percentile = 81% SGP 15 th – 49 th percentile = 13% SGP < 15 percentile = 6%

18 English I/World Geography Combo Who Made Progress?


20 English I Performance-Based (All Students) Fall 2014 – STAR Reading Intensive (Tier 3) = 11% Strategic (Tier 2) = 24% Proficient (Tier 1) = 63% Advanced = 2% Mean SS = 956.91 Median SS = 937

21 English I Performance-Based (All Students) Growth: Fall 2014 to Winter 2015 STAR Reading 70% of students made progress Average gain (SS) = 67.14 Median Student Growth Percentile (SGP) = 69

22 English I Performance-Based Students Identified for Tier 2 Intervention 7 students identified for and enrolled in Tier 2 intervention Mean SS (Fall) = 634.57 Mean SS (Winter) = 756.71 Average Gain = 122.14 SpEd Identified Mean SS (Fall) = 534 SpEd Identified Mean SS (Winter) = 698.33 Average Gain (SpEd) = 164.33

23 English I Performance Based STAR SGP 100% of students made progress Median SGP = 82

24 English I (Core Curriculum) Students Identified for Intervention

25 Average STAR Scores – Tier 3 FallWinter Spring

26 Average STAR Scores – Tier 2 FALLWINTER

27 Moving Forward 2015-2016 – Bridger Program 4 Core Areas – World Language – English I – English II – Algebra I – Geometry

28 High Reliability Schools Spread Great Education to Something Transformational “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Richard Buckminster Fuller

29 The Triad CBS – Competency-Based System TL – Transformational Leadership AO – Academic Optimism SE – Student Engagement SJ – Social Justice

30 Caroline Janssen

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