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Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Function of the Circulatory System Parts of the Circulatory System Function of the Respiratory System Parts of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Function of the Circulatory System Parts of the Circulatory System Function of the Respiratory System Parts of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Function of the Circulatory System Parts of the Circulatory System Function of the Respiratory System Parts of the Respiratory System.

2 I: Circulatory System Function A: The primary function of the circulatory system is transportation of… Nutrients Cells need oxygen, and food molecules to make NRG Wastes Making energy also produces waste in the cell that must be removed Other stuff Heat: Homeostasis Hormones: Cell communications Specialized cells: Fight infections Enzymes: Speed up chem rxns

3 B: Types of circulatory Systems Open Circulatory system: –“ Blood ” is pumped into open spaces (Sinuses) and nutrients, wastes, and other stuff are absorbed by the tissue that surrounds the open space. –Common in Arthropods (grass hoppers) Mollusks (clams) and other lower order animals Sinus

4 Continued… Closed Circulatory system: –Blood travels in a system of tubes around the body and nutrients, waste and other stuff are absorbed by near by tissue. –Common in Vertebrates (you) and other higher order animals

5 II: Parts of the circulatory system The Pathway through the heart Vena cava Right Atrium Right AtrioVentricular (AV)valve Right ventricle Pulmonary artery Lungs (for oxygen) Pulmonary vein Left atrium Left AV valve Left ventricle Aorta To the capillaries in body tissue and back for re-oxygenation Animation: flow through the heart

6 A: Blood A: 4 parts of Blood –Solids: Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets –Liquid: Plasma: Nutrients and waste dissolved in water

7 B: Red Blood Cells Also Called Erythrocytes (RBC = Red Blood Cell) –Produced in Bone marrow –1 drop of blood = 5 million RBC No Nucleus, Full of a protein = hemoglobin, 250 million molecules of hemoglobin in each RBC –Hemoglobin: Binds to oxygen molecules and delivers oxygen to body cells –Oxygen used for respiration: C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  NRG Ave life span of a RBC = 110 days Sickle cellNormal RBC

8 C: White Blood Cells Also Called Leukocytes (WBC) Responsible for fighting infection –1 drop of blood = 4000- 11,000 WBC –Numbers increase when fighting infection –Different types of WBC have different jobs when fighting infection White Blood cell hunting bacteria

9 D: Platelets Made in the bone marrow 1 Drop of blood =350,000 platelets Cell Fragments responsible for blood clotting Platelets release “ fibers ” that trap RBC ’ s and stop bleeding RBCWBC Platelet

10 E: Plasma Anything that is not one of the solid parts of blood gets transported in the plasma. Hormones: for communication Dissolved Nutrients: for cell energy Waste: produced by cells

11 F: Blood Vessels Blood vessels are named for the direction of blood flow related to the heart. Arteries take blood Away from the heart, Veins take blood to the heart There are some structure differences ArteryVein

12 Continued…Structure differences Artery walls are thicker then the walls of veins. –Blood in arteries is under higher pressure. Veins have more valves. –Prevents blood from flowing backwards when working against gravity.

13 Cardiovascular disease Athleriosclerosis = plaque build up restricts blood flow Arteriosclerosis = plaque build up hardens and vessels loose flexibility Heart attack/Stroke = blood clot in vessels that supply blood to heart or brain (stroke)

14 G: Capillaries Small blood vessels that make diffusion of nutrients, waste, and other stuff much easier. Animation http://www.innerbody. com/anim/blood.html Burst capillary leaking RBC

15 Respiratory system 2 Functions –Bring Oxygen into the body –Remove Carbon Dioxide from the body

16 The Pathway Nose: Bring Oxygen into the body and remove Carbon dioxide Trachea: Ridged tube leading to lungs Bronchioles: Branchings of the trachea Lungs: Homes of Alveoli (Sight of gas exchange)

17 I: In the lungs 1: You breath in and fill Alveoli with Oxygen. 2: Oxygen diffuses into blood from alveoli, CO 2 diffuses out of blood into Alveoli. 3: Oxygen rich blood returns to heart, you breath out CO 2 *Your lungs never fill with blood* Animation: Transport in the lungs

18 Thursday ’ s Homework Concept map the following list of terms BloodRespiratory systemplasmaRBC VilliLungs AlveoliHeart NutrientsCirculatory systemWasteTrachea CapillaryDigestive systemPlateletsSmall Intestine DiffusionCarbon DioxideOxygenEnzymes

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