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Educational and Research Centre in Transport Mgr. Lenka Čermáková.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational and Research Centre in Transport Mgr. Lenka Čermáková."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational and Research Centre in Transport Mgr. Lenka Čermáková

2 Educational and Research Centre in Transport Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations Project reg. number: CZ.1.05/4.1.00/04.0137

3 Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice established in 1993 bears the name of Jan Perner – an outstanding 19th century railway engineer related to number of students, it is the second biggest faculty at university 7 departments DFJP Profile: o strong technical character - focuses on transport engineering and telecommunications o connection of education and research which has direct impact on increase to quality of human resources in Pardubice‘s region and the whole CR o The multidisciplinary character of Jan Perner Transport Faculty reflects the complexity of problems occurring in transport and telecommunications

4 History- reasons to build ERCT 1)to strengthen and improve education of doctoral study programmes in the field of transport means and transport infrastructure 2)to change existing heavy laboratories to laboratories with light operation or to new standard classrooms 3)to ensure the higher connectivity between education and experimental research

5 Preparation period 1/2009 – 1/2011 spring of 2009 project team was established for preparation stage searching a place to build Plans of a building - “How big and what to include“ Preparation of project application - Final resolution on allocation of dotation to ERCT project was given by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in January 2011. Technical documentation, necessary permits were given (April 2010) Preparation of tender for building contractor

6 History- previous heavy laboratories Jan Perner Transport Faculty Heavy laboratories

7 History- finding a place to build Location: University technology area in Doubravice city part

8 Technical documentation and contract After receiving necessary permits- works on technical documentation had started After that tender documentation was prepared Draft contract for construction company - what was specified (total cost of the building, penalties, working schedule, communications, definition of building site, definition of technical documentation, bill of quantities, technical specifications of structure details and so on) Prepared by professional commercial company

9 Building of ERCT Important data: Settled area:2 321.92 m 2 Length:87.05 m Useful area:3 417.55 m 2 Width:24.6 m Enclosure size: 24 133.50 m 3 High:9.25 m

10 REALISATION 2/2011 – 04/2014 main construction contractor tender signature of contract setting project team for ralisation period tenders for all technologies, furniture, moving of previous laboratory equipment monitoring reports each 3 months publicity originally project end was 12/2013

11 Construction Contract and plan spring and summer 2011 tender on main constructing contractor proceeded 12 competitors applied such as Metrostav, Syner, Unistav, IMOS, Gemo, Hochtief. The winner was Zlínstav Inc. and contract was signed on 29 th August 2011. The total cost of the building (without technology) is 97,9 mil CZK. Building works started the 1 st September 2011 “milestones” of construction: 01.09.2011handover/takeover of building site (building commencement) 13.04.2012completion of concrete structures under - 0,200 15.07.2012completion of framework 15.08.2012completion of cladding 15.10.2012roof completion 15.01.2013building preparedness for technology installation 09.07.2013building acceptation 20.09.2013final handover/takeover of building

12 Pictures of ERCT construction

13 Pictures of ERCT construction- Opening ceremony

14 ERCT in operation

15 Budget 85% 15% the EU CZ State Budget Previous budget- total costs estimated: CZK 266, 7 mil Changed budget- total costs estimated: CZK 198, 1 mil

16 Project team 19 team members during realization phase 4 persons in the core realization team (sharing documents, regular and irregular meetings, in contact list for communication with the Ministry), others were heads of departments and their assistants only 2 personal changes during realization phase in reality more time spent working on project than official work load of project team was cooperation with different departments of the institution Importance of information sharing

17 Project team scheme Administrative and Economic Manager Project leader Heads of sections and their Assistants Administrative manager Financial manager Economical department Department of tenders Office of the Rector

18 Monitoring monitoring period each 3 months monitoring reports prepared in electronic system called „Benefit“ with many supplements and copies of all documents in paper and also electronic form on CD have to be delivered personally to the Ministry in Prague financial manager and project manager from the Ministry are assigned to check the project remarks and inquiries must be answered within deadline given by the Ministry final report has to be delivered until the end of June 2014

19 Monitoring- comments in big project with many invoices 3 months monitoring period can be an advantage thousands of printed papers- hopefully- future change to electronic delivery only and electronic signing only in 3 years of project realization - 6 personal changes in project and financial managers of the Ministry- continuous explaining of history late approval of previous report from the Ministry- e.g. minimum time to prepare new report in the „Benefit“ system online dozens of trips to Prague

20 Project publicity regulations and rules given by the Ministry for project´s publicity website- construction progress and basic project information a few press releases opening ceremony 10/2013- TV report in a news information brochure Facebook- started after opening of the Centre Planned: conferences, cooperation on international projects, video animation about purpose of laboratories, Researchers' night for public

21 Stickers to mark objects acquired from the project.

22 Changes in the project A few informative, non important changes 4 official applications to the Ministry for substantial changes 1.Change of the budget (cause of very low price for building after tender), using part of saved money for technologies - APPROVED 2.Decrease in number of monitoring indicators- students (constant decreasing number of students at Universities within whole Czech republic)- APPROVED 3.Project prolongation and usage of saved money for new technologies- Denied REFUSED 4.Project prolongation until 04/2014 (to finish running tenders) APPROVED

23 Challenges and changes “Foresee unforeseeable, expect unexpected“ Challenges during project realization we experienced Change of The Act Public Procurement Act (since 4/2012 rules have tightened up) Significant change in Euro exchange rate in 04/2014- 1€=27,45CZK in 02/2011- 1 €= 24,1 CZK Change of VAT (since 1/2013 VAT has raised from 20% to 21%) Company providing construction supervision turned into being wounded up, they went bankrupt

24 Lessons to be learnt from the ERCT project Think positively Choose a hard working and long lasting project team Inform people in rest of the organization Start tenders as early as you can Learn from mistakes and success of other projects Good building surveyor is necessary while constructing Do not place memorial plaque on the building before official end of the project Always think about your target

25 …from an idea to reality in 5 years…

26 Thank you for your attention! Contact details: Mgr. Lenka Čermáková +420 466 038 506

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