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Cardivascular Causes of Sudden Infant Death

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1 Cardivascular Causes of Sudden Infant Death
Alpay Çeliker M.D. Hacettepe University Pediatric Cardiology Department Ankara, Türkiye

2 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Unexplained, unexpected death within the first year of life.There is no obvious cause of death on postmortem examination. Postulated Hypotheses: Abnormal brain stem respiratory control of arousal, dysautonomia, malignant cardiac arrhythmias Risk Factors: Prematurity, siblings of SIDS victim, maternal drug use, prone sleeping position, multiple gestations Laboratory Tests: EEG, Pulse oximetry, ECG, Holter, sleep studies, apnea monitorization

3 Causes of Cardiovascular Sudden Death
Children With Known Heart Disease Aortic Stenosis Congenital Heart Block Cardiomyopathy & Myocarditis Children With Unknown Heart Disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Long QT Syndrome Wollf-Parkinson-White Syndrome Primary Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation

4 Sudden Cardiac Death VT & VF


6 Polymorphic VT

7 Polimorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
Congenital Long QT Syndrome Acquired Long QT Syndrome Cathecolaminergic Polimorphic VT Idiopatic VT & VF Brugada Syndrome Normal ECG (Belhassen)

8 Long QT Syndrome: Prevalence &History
On the basis of molecular genetics the prevalence of LQTS estimated to be one per births. Description: 1957 (Jervell-Lange-Nielsen) and (Romano-Ward) “Registry”: 1979 (Moss&Schwartz) Genetic Analysis: 1991 (Keating)

9 Clinical Findings Syncope Family history ECG Findings Genetics
QT Interval Prolongation Abnormal T Morphology Prolonged QT Dispertion T wave Alternans Low Heart Rate AV Blocks Genetics ECHO Findings

10 Syncope Attacks Syncope occurs due to “torsade de pointes” or ventricular fibrillation. Syncope develops during excitement or crying. Especially during fear or excitement Physical activity (swimming) Syncope may occur during rest periods in LQTS3 type.

11 “Torsade de Pointes” Polimorphic, twisted axis VT

12 Causes of Syncope

13 QT Interval Corrected QT interval (QTc) can be measured by Bazzet formula.It should be measured from DII. It is abnormal if prolonged >440 msec. It is more pronounced in sick girls. There are some cases with normal QT interval (abnormal genotype, normal fenotype).

14 Measurement of QTc Interval
Bazzet Formula QTc= QT interval RR QTc= 0.52 second 1.21second 0.48 second or 480 milsec

15 Age and Sex & QTc (sec) 1-15 year Men Women Normal <0.44 <0.43
<0.45 Borderline Prolonged >0.47 >0.46 >0.48

16 T Morpholgy There are changes in T wave morphology beside long QT interval. T wave may be biphasic or humped. These findings are generally seen in V2-V5 leads, and prominent in V3 and V4. This finding may be exaggrated after exercise test. Humps are generated by early after depolarization (EAD), and It is more common in symptomatic cases.

17 T Wave Changes LQT3 LQT2 LQT1

18 Heart Rate Abnormalities
There is bradycardia. This feature is more apparent in children. Exercise test may also show inappropriately low heart rate increase. There may be >1.2 second pause without marked sinus arrhythmia and this may provoke TdP. After pauses some may see humps at T wave.

19 Molecular Genetics *: sensoryneural deafness Type Gen
Inheritance Gen Gen & Ion Channel Triggered causes T Wave LQT1 OD 11p5.5 KVLQT1, Iks Stress, swimming Wide T LQT2 7q35-36 HERG, Ikr Stress, fear Twave with hump and low volume LQT3 3p21-24 SCN5A, Na Channel Sleeping Normal, Late T LQT4 4q25-27 ? Sinusoidal T-U, AF LQT5 21q22 KCNE1 (minK), Iks LQT6 KCNE2 (MiRP1), Ikr JLN* 1-2 OR KCNE1, Ikr *: sensoryneural deafness

20 Molecular Abnormalities in LQTS

21 Genetics I Molecular analysis should be done in patients and their families. Molecular analysis is very helpful in asymptomatic carriers. Genetic analysis can reveal molecular diagnosis in percent of patients, since many of the genes responsible for LQTS have not been known nowadays. Molecular diagnosis may take several months.

22 Genetics II Gene-specific treatment can be used after genetic analysis. In LQTS3, mexiletine (Na channel blocking agent) may lessen QT interval and attacks. Incomplete penetration is very common.Ventricular arrhtyhmia can be seen in some conditions in these patients. Some drugs may cause prolonged QT interval in these cases. QT interval would be normal if this drug will be stopped.

23 Incomplete Penetration

24 Diagnostic Criteria ECG FİNDİNGS: Points History Family History
QTc: >480 ms ms 450 ms Torsade de Pointes 2 T wave alternans 1 Humps at three ECG Leads 1 Low heart rate History Stress induced syncope 2 Syncope without stress 1 Congenital deafness Family History LQTS family cases 1 <30 year unexpected sudden death 0.5 <1 point: Low probability, 2-3 point: moderate probability LQTS, >4 point: high probability LQTS

25 Treatment Permanent pacemaker implantation
 blockage Permanent pacemaker implantation Left Cardiac Sympatethic Denervation ICD (Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator) Gene specific treatment Avoid of drugs that prolongs QT interval

26 Long QT ve Second Degree Type II AV Block

27 Drugs Should be Avoided !!!
Drugs causes QT Interval Prolongation: Fenotiasins: Haldol, klorpromazin vs Tricyclic Antidepressants: İmipramin, lityum Makrolide Antibiotics: Erithromisin, azitromisin, cetocanazole Nonsedative Antihystamins: Terfenadine, astemizol Class I AA Drugs: Quinidin, procainamide, dysopyramide Class III AA Drugs: Sotalol, amiodarone Gastric Motility Agents: Cisapride Stimulants  stimulants, metylksantins, metilphenidate Drug Abuse and Addicts Nicotine, cocaine, amphetamine, marihuana, LSD, fensyklydine

28 Pentamidine Procainamide Hypokalemia


30 SIDS and Long QT Syndrome
Schwartz et al. demonstrated a correlation between QT prolongation and SIDS.!!! In the first 48 hours there is a transient QT prolongation (fewer than two to three per 1000), secondary to fetal-maternal eletrolyte fluxes and transient alterations in autonomic control. ECG screening should be done after a few days of life. The efficacy of therapeutic interventions in infants with prolonged QT interval is impossible to predict. Since many of these prolongations are due to transient autonomic instability.

31 Schwartz PJ. Et al. Prolonged QT And SIDS. New Eng. J Med. 330; 709, 1998.

32 Schwartz PJ. Et al.Prolonged QT And SIDS.
Long QT and SIDS healthy newborn enrolled and could be followed for one year. 12 lead ECG’s were obtained at the third or fourth day of life, and RR, QT and QTc intervals were measured from lead II. 1408 children were lost to follow-up when their families moved. Schwartz PJ. Et al.Prolonged QT And SIDS.

33 There was no difference between SIDS and others regarding sex.
During one year of follow-up there were 34 deaths; 24 due to SIDS and 10 due to other causes. The incidence of SIDS was 0.7 per Most deaths due to SIDS occurred in the second and third month of life. There was no difference between SIDS and others regarding sex. No victim of SIDS had a family history of LQTS. Schwartz PJ. Et al.Prolonged QT And SIDS

34 ECG Findings Heart rate were not different between groups. QTc
SIDS: 43545 msec NonSIDS Deaths: 39324 msec (p<0.05 ) Survivors: 40020 msec (p<0.05) 12 of 24 infants who died of SIDS (50 percent) had a QTc greater than 440 msec. Schwartz PJ. Et al.Prolonged QT And SIDS

35 Schwartz PJ. Et al.Prolonged QT And SIDS

36 Schwartz et al. N Eng. J Med. 1999.
They showed SCN5A mutation in this resusiated sudden death case.

37 Prevention of SIDS Assessment of family history
ECG recordings at 2-3 weeks after birth. If QTc> 470 msec after second ECG,  blockers may be used. Schwartz PJ.

38 !!!!???

39 Long QT Syndrome & SIDS Major Drawbacks
International studies have failed to demonstrate any excess of SIDS in families with known LQTS. The incidence of SIDS is rare in some countries. The incidence of sudden death decreased by changing of sleep position, cessation of parental smoking. There is no proven relationship between the prolonged QT and molecular diagnosis. Problems of screening methods. There is no consensus on diagnosis and treatment.

40 Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
The incidence in children is 0.1 %. If there is a rapidly conducting accessory pathway, atrial fibrillation may cause to VF. Some proarrhythmic (new arrhythmia caused by antiarrhythmic drugs) antiarrhythmic drugs may also cause this complication.


42 * SVE

43 WPW Syndrome and VF Atrial fibrillation is more common in patients with this syndrome. If accessorry pathway refractory period is less than 220 msec, there is a risk of ventricular fibrillation during atrial fibrillation. Some drugs, that prolongs AV conduction may provoke VF during AF due to rapid conduction via AP.

44 AF Manifest WPW VF

45 Congenital Heart Block I
These babies have been diagnosed due to low heart rates. But most of them do not need pacemaker implantation. Close follow-up is mandatory to avoid the sudden cardiac death. Pacemaker Indications (Class I): No CHD, awake heart rate <65 bpm CHD, awake heart rate <55 bpm Heart failure Prolonged QT Interval

46 Congenital Heart Block II
Mothers of babies with congeniatl AV block should be evaluated for antinuclear antibodies. QT interval measurement is very important, since Long QT Syndrome may be the cause of AV block. Prolonged repolarisation results with AV block.

47 Complete Heart Block QRS QRS QRS *: P waves * * * * *

48 Permanent Pacemaker

49 Dilated Cardiomyopathy & Myocarditis
The etiology of DCM is idiopathic. Only 2-15 % of the children with DCM has biopsy proven myocarditis. There are familial DCM cases. Histologic features classically include myocyte hypertrophy, degeneration and varying degrees of interstitial fibrosis. There is ventricular dilation and decreased left ventricular systolic function.

50 Dilated Cardiomyopathy

51 Dilated Cardiomyopathy & Myocarditis
Fibrosis of ventricular myocardium may occur, resulting in an irritable focus that causes ventricular arrhythmias. In Holter monitoring 46 % of patients had arrhythmias. Ventricular arrhytmias are more common than atrial arrhythmias. If there is a serious ventricular arrhythmia, amiodarone should be the drug of choice to prevent sudden death.

52 Myocarditis Acute or myocarditis have been reported as pathologic findings in up to 42 % of patients with SCD. Some patients may have subtle findings such as tachycardia and low-grade ventricular ectopy. Occasionally AV block may develop during myocarditis.


54 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
It is the most common hereditary cardiac disease. Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and diastolic dysfunction are the main pathophysiologic abnormalities. The histologic features consistent with with HCM include myocyte hypertrophy with great variation in size and shape, cardiac muscle cell disarray, fibrosis and abnormalities of small intramural coronary arteries.


56 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

57 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Muscle cell disarray may be a reason for ventricular arrhythmias. Any kind of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias may occur in patients with HCM. HCM is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults. The prognosis of infants who present before one year of age continues to be dismal. Amiodarone has been suggested as an effective medication for the treatment of rhythm problems. Sometimes ICD implantation is required to prevent sudden death due to VF.

58 Aortic Stenosis The incidence of sudden death is 5.4 % in patients with AS. The development of myocardial ischemia is thought to be the initiating factor for terminal ventricular arrhythmias in patients with severe AS. Syncope, chest pain, dyspnea, left ventricular strain on ECG, severe LVOT obstruction were identified as risk factors for SCD.

59 Coronary Artery Anomalies
These anomalies may be diagnosed during postmortem examination. Types of anomalies: Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) Left main coronary artery from the right sinus Valsalva Acute angle takeoff of a coronary artery Intramural coronary artery Single right coronary artery ALCAPA is the mostcommon type that presents symptoms during infancy.


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