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Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine

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Presentation on theme: "Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine

2 Midterm March 24 Covers everything including Tuesday-Wednesday class You can bring in a sheet of paper with anything written on it You can bring in your hand-written mineral sheets

3 Review Session Wednesday evening at 4:30 pm in Hemenway 229

4 A 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on March 11 th Where?



7 Aftershock is a smaller earthquake that occurs after a previous large earthquake, in the same area of the main shock Formed as the crust around the displaced fault plane adjusts to the effects of the main shock.

8 Richter Scale Magnitude Logarithmic logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs each whole number increase corresponds to an increase of about 31.6 times the amount of energy released

9 How to imagine changes in Richter Scale Magnitude?

10 How did the Japanese seismic warning system give residents an 80 second warning that an earthquake would hit Japan?



13 The boundary between Okhotsk Plate and Pacific Plate is a subduction zone The Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Okhotsk Plate Pacific Plate is the largest tectonic plate


15 3/japan-earthquake-makes-waves.html 3/japan-earthquake-makes-waves.html

16 The quake moved portions of northeast Japan by as much as 2.4 meters closer to North America A 400-kilometer stretch of coastline dropped vertically by 0.6 m





21 Tsunami Series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water

22 12769741 12769741 12778552 12778552

23 apan-tsunami-earthquake-fukushima-noaa-dart- videos-photos-graphics.htm apan-tsunami-earthquake-fukushima-noaa-dart- videos-photos-graphics.htm

24 What is a Supermoon?

25 Full or new moon that coincides with a close approach by the Moon to the Earth

26 Did Supermoon cause Japanese earthquake?

27 Supermoon occurred March 19 th Earthquake occurred March 11 th 1.html?tag=mncol;txt 1.html?tag=mncol;txt

28 Tides are strongest at full and new moons


30 The earthquake and tsunami knocked out the regular and backup cooling systems at the six- reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

31 Radioactivity – decay of an atomic nucleus All elements with an atomic number greater than 82 (lead) are radioactive

32 Half-Life – time it takes for half of an amount of radioactive material to decay

33 Any Questions?

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