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A Satellite View Africa holds approximately 30% of the earth’s minerals and oil production Africa is the Earth’s oldest, second largest (after Asia)

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2 A Satellite View

3 Africa holds approximately 30% of the earth’s minerals and oil production Africa is the Earth’s oldest, second largest (after Asia) and second most populous (after Asia) continent Africa has the world’s longest river (the Nile), biggest desert (the Sahara), oldest desert (the Namib) and shortest coastline Africa’s Facts and Figures

4 Africa’s Size # Second largest continent  11,700,000 sq. mi. # 10% of the world’s population. # 2 ½ times the size of the U. S. 5000MILES5000MILES 4 6 0 0 M I L E S

5 Africa’s Geography The Land Water Resources Climate Zones The Plants and Animals People

6 Africa’s Geography: Climate Zones Africa is the world’s second driest continent (after Australia) Africa is the world’s hottest continent Africa emits only 4% of total global CO 2 emissions

7 Africa’s Geography: Land 32% of Africa’s pasture lands and 19% of its forests and woodlands are classified as degraded Africa's deserts account for about 5% of Africa's land area Arid lands cover approximately 60% of Africa 10% of farm soils are prime agricultural land and more than 25% of the land has moderate to low potential for sustainable agriculture Forests account for over 20% of Africa’s 30 million km 2 of land area

8 Bodies Of Water Nile River Congo River Zambezi River Niger River Orange River Limpopo River Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea L. Victoria L. Albert--> L. Chad--> L. Tanganyika-> <--Gulf of Aden

9 Africa’s Geography: Water Resources It is estimated that over 300 million people in Africa face water scarcity Per capita water consumption in Africa is 31m 3 per year About 75% of the African population relies on groundwater as its major source of drinking water Renewable water resources for the whole of Africa amount to about 3 930 km 3

10 The Mighty Nile River: “Longest River in the World”

11 The Congo River Basin # Covers 12% of the continent. # Extends over 9 countries. # 2,720 miles long. # 99% of the country of Zaire is in the Congo River basin.

12 The Niger River Basin # Covers 7.5% of the continent. # Extends over 10 countries. # 2,600 miles long.

13 Hydroelectric Power

14 Drajensburg Mts. Ruwenzori Mts. Δ Mt. Kenya Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro Mountains & Peaks Atlas Mts.

15 Mt. Kilimanjaro: Highest free-standing mountain in the world In northern Tanzania 19, 341 feet

16 The African Plateau

17 Deserts Sahara Desert Sahel Kalahari Desert Namib Desert Libyan Desert

18 The Sahara Desert

19 Desertification

20 The Sahel Zone of transition between desert and savanna

21 Valleys & Plains Great Rift Valley

22 3,700 miles long

23 Africa: The “Tropical” Continent Tropic of Cancer 20° N Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Equator 0°

24 West Africa: Home of our Hurricanes

25 The African Savanna: 13 million sq. mi.

26 African Rain Forest # Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft. # Rapid decomposition (very humid). # Covers 37 countries. # 15% of the land surface of Africa.

27 Africa’s Geography: People In Africa is home to more than 965 million people More than 60% of Africa’s population is still living in rural areas Africa now has the fastest urban growth rate in the world 2.7% of Africa’s population lives within 100 km of the coast 56.6% of African labour force is engaged in agriculture

28 Africa’s Geography: The Plants and Animals  Africa is home to world’s largest bird – the ostrich (Struthio camelus) and largest living land mammal – the African elephant  98% of Madagascar's land mammals, 92% of its reptiles, 68% of its plants and 41% of its breeding bird species exist nowhere else on Earth  Africa’s Congo Basin constitutes the second-largest area of dense tropical rain forest in the world (after the Amazonian forests of South America)

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