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Nature-GIS: a project outline GISIG Nature-GIS partnership kick-off meeting Dublin, July 2 nd.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature-GIS: a project outline GISIG Nature-GIS partnership kick-off meeting Dublin, July 2 nd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature-GIS: a project outline GISIG Nature-GIS partnership kick-off meeting Dublin, July 2 nd

2 Nature-GIS : a European thematic network for Protected Areas/Nature Preservation and Geographical Information Thematic network IST Programme, code IST-2001-34641 Start April 2002 Duration 36 months

3 Participants: GISIG JRC /IES Aberdeen University IONIC software University Evora Cemagref Regione Piemonte Tarnium University of Grenoble Joseph Fourier Euronatur Girona University, GIS Center Lulea University of Technology Ursit Ltd University of Cyprus VUGTK - Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Estonian Environment Information Centre University of West Hungary Jagiellonian University University of Zilina


5 Main objectives and output: Objectives Improving reporting related to the implementation of the EU Nature Protection and Biodiversity Policy area To support public access to data and information in the EU and in the new accession countries To raise awareness regarding the use of GI-GIS in this field Output Technical guidelines for GI data for protected areas Definition and demostration of a Web access to GI data The thematic network NATURE-GIS

6 Expected outcome: use of the Guidelines to implement GIS in protected areas demonstration of how is applicable web access to information in the field European awareness for a supra-national approach in GI management in protected areas establishment of a pan-European Nature- GIS group


8 Network and outcome

9 Project WPs 1(Network management) 2User needs assessment 3Data requirements and policy 4Functional requirements 5Access to information and GI technology 6Technical guidelines for data infrastructures for protected areas 7Assessment and evaluation 8Dissemination 9Nature-GIS towards a pan-European network for protected areas

10 WP structure

11 Partnership Contractors –GISIG - Geographical Information Systems International Group (I) –JRC-IES –University of Aberdeen (UK) –Ionic Software (B) –Universidade de Evora (P) –Cemagref - Centre National du machinisme agricole, du genie rural, des eaux et des forets (F) –Regione Piemonte (I)

12 Network members >Tarnium (F) > Stiftung Europaisches Naturerbe (D) > Lulea University of Technology (S) > University of Cyprus (CY) > VUGTK - Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography (CZ) > Estonian Environment Information Centre (EE) > University of West Hungary (H) > University of Zilina (SK) > University of Grenoble Joseph Fourier (F) > University of Girona (E) > Ursit (BG) > Jagellonian University (PL) (Subcontractors are also foreseen) Partnership

13 First project phase: Assessment of: user needs data requirements functional requirements

14 EURIPIDES-GI: EURopean Integrated Project to Improve DEcision-making in protected areaS National and European level Concept of multifunctional protected areas Sustainability. European Directives Geo Infrastructure for protected areas

15 EURIPIDES-GI: EURopean Integrated Project to Improve DEcision-making in protected areaS Thematic Research Exploitation and linkage with other EU initiatives and Target Groups GI Infrastructure Leverage Activities Thematic Research Natural and Ecological aspects. GI and … (bio-diversity protection, Land use/land cover changes, Planning and impact of ecological corridors, Marine protected areas, Global change and protection of wetlands) Human impact and integration in protected areas. GI and … (global change and dynamic evaluation, urban development, European transport networks impact and related hazard, tourism, human heritage)

16 EURIPIDES-GI: EURopean Integrated Project to Improve DEcision-making in protected areaS ICI – National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, RO Institute of Environmental Protection, EE IGP-Instituto Geografico Portugues, PT Romanian Space Agency, RO Tecnopolis CSATA, I UNEP/GRID Warsaw, PL University of Antwerp VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland- Technical University of Vienna, Geoinformation Dpt.


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