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Dr. Poornima Narayana Head, Information Center for Aerospace S&T (ICAST) National Aerospace Laboratories Bangalore, India Specialists Meeting on “Advances.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Poornima Narayana Head, Information Center for Aerospace S&T (ICAST) National Aerospace Laboratories Bangalore, India Specialists Meeting on “Advances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Poornima Narayana Head, Information Center for Aerospace S&T (ICAST) National Aerospace Laboratories Bangalore, India Specialists Meeting on “Advances in Scientific Databases in India” 10 th -11 th August, IGCAR, Kalpakkam

2  India is one of the major producer of scientific data  Partners for international cooperative research  Has the responsibility of pooling to World’s knowledge base  Number of attempts have been to create scientific databases of specialized nature both at national and international levels.  Distribution in different scientific institutions / agencies.  Internet an effective media for providing access to these databases  Not many attempts to provide a common platform for providing a single point access to these databases

3  Lack of willingness of the database creators to share the information  Identification of scientific databases already compiled or forthcoming  Commercial attitude of the creators of the database  So-called sensitive nature of the data  Absence of mandated national policy especially for sharing the data among the institutes concerned  Inadequate digital archiving and access policies  Lack of international cooperation

4  Lack of standards especially metadata to handle scientific data  Need for open source software to archive, organize and retrieve the data both at the Individual database level and harvesting level  Absence of Metadata standards to facilitate interoperability among similar databases  Absence of national policy in this matter  Multidimensional nature of the scientific databases created in various disciplines  Lack of awareness about the sources to be consulted for creating specialized databases

5 Need to compile the list of information resources of different kinds facilitating compilation of specialized databases, be in bibliographic form or access to full text.

6 INFORMATION SOURCES  Institutional (National/ International)  Scholarly Publications  Internet Search engines (Google, Google Scholar)  Databases (General, Multidisciplinary, Specialized)  Institutional Repositories (Individual, Cross Archives, Meta harvesters)

7  NIST ( ( NIST Data provides easy access to many (currently over 80) of the NIST S&T databases  CODATA( m An Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU), which works to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of data of importance to all fields of S & T

8  The Academy of Science for Developing World (TWAS)  (Board on Intl Scientific Organizations (BISO)  Intl. Council for S&T Information (ICSTI)  Intl. Network for Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)  Global Alliance for Promoting Access to & use of Scientific Data in developing countries (GAPASD)  National Academics Press  Office of S&T Policy (OSTP)  Science Commons  Materials Research Society








16  Bibliographic J-Gate (  e-journal Gateway, million articles, >20,000 journals  Web of Science: >8,500 journals of high quality  SCOPUS: > 15,000 journals  SCIRUS : (Web sources for Scientific Literature)  -contd….

17 Biomaterials Ceramics Coatings and Films Composites Corrosion Extractive Metallurgy General and Others Melting, Coating, Powder Metallurgy Metals, Minerals, Ores & Alloys 169 121 103 214 49 38 250 53 182 Nanomaterials Packaging Materials & Technology Physical Metallurgy Rubber Technology Super Conductors Textile materials Treatment & Finishing Wood, Paper & Cellulosics Working, Forming, Machining & Joining 137 44 32 22 46 21 61 29 56

18  Peer-reviewed Journals-518  Free Journals- 79  Peer-reviewed+Free Journals- 54

19  ScienceDirect:M/S Elsevier About 1800 titles  Springerlink  SAGE  Royal Society of Chemistry  Nature Materials  IEEE  Wiley  MultiScience……Many More

20  Inspec  Engineering Index  Aerospace  Fluidex  NTIS  Energy S&T  JICST- ePLUS  Derwent (Patent)  Delphion (Patent)…..

21  Metadex  Chemical Abstracts  Aluminum Industry Abstracts  Corrosion Abstracts  Ceramic Abstracts  AESIS  Derwent Chemistry Resources contd…

22 Specialized Databases  PIRA  PaperChem  Packaging S&T Abstracts  Plastic Properties Database  Materials safety blue sheets  RAPRA  Registry of Toxic effects of chemical substances  World Scientific Abstracts  SciSearch  World surface coatings abstracts

23  A digital collection of an institution’s scholarly/creative output  World: >1500  India: >50  Academic/R&D/Corporate/PSU …  IISc, IITD, NAL, NCL,RR I, DU…

24  Harvests all OAI-PMH compliant IRs of Institutions facilitating searching through unified search interface  International: OAISTER, ARC,UIUC, NASA…  National (India): CSIR Knowledge Harvester, IISc Cross Archive…



27  Aero Polymers (  Developed by Dr. Kalyani Vijayan  Ex scientist, Materials Division, NAL  Polysearch  Polyselect






33  While in this presentation, an attempt has been made to identify different sources of information for creating Scientific database in Material Science, not enough justification has been made for exhaustiveness because of time paucity and readily available data  Efforts could be for other disciplines of S&T at National/International Levels

34  Dr. A R Upadhya Director NAL  Dr. Baldev Raj Director IGCAR  Dr. R K Dayal Convener SAMSD  Logistics Committee SAMSD

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