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By Alvaro E. Escobar 1 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns.

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Presentation on theme: "By Alvaro E. Escobar 1 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Alvaro E. Escobar 1 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

2 by Alvaro E. Escobar 2 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

3 by Alvaro E. Escobar 3 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

4 by Alvaro E. Escobar 4 Biometrics Definition: “Automated measurement of Physiological and/or behavioral characteristics to determine or authenticate identity”

5 by Alvaro E. Escobar 5 Biometrics “Automated measurement” No human involvement. No human involvement. Comparison takes place in Real-Time. Comparison takes place in Real-Time. –DNA is not a Biometric

6 by Alvaro E. Escobar 6 Biometrics “Physiological and/or behavioral characteristics“ 1. Behavioral: –User speaks. –Types on a keyboard. –Signs name. 2. Physiological: –Fingerprint –Hand –Eyes –Face

7 by Alvaro E. Escobar 7 Biometrics “determine or authenticate identity” Identification Systems: Identification Systems: –Who am I? –Determine Identity Verification Systems: Verification Systems: –Am I who I claim to be? –Authenticate Identity

8 by Alvaro E. Escobar 8 Biometrics “determine or authenticate identity” Verification Systems (cont): Verification Systems (cont): –More accurate. –Less expensive. –Faster. –More limited in function. –Requires more effort by user.

9 by Alvaro E. Escobar 9 Biometrics Benefits: Benefits: –Security PC, Network, Web PC, Network, Web Physical access to Buildings/Rooms Physical access to Buildings/Rooms –Accountability Audit Trails Audit Trails Recordkeeping Recordkeeping –Convenience –Savings

10 by Alvaro E. Escobar 10 Biometrics Primary drivers: Primary drivers: –Size and cost decreased. –Improved FAR, FRR & FTE –Mature standards BioAPI BioAPI BAPI BAPI –Public awareness

11 by Alvaro E. Escobar 11 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

12 by Alvaro E. Escobar 12 Biometrics Identification and verification: Identification and verification: –Finger scan –Iris scan –Retina scan –Facial scan (optical and infrared) Verification only: Verification only: –Hand Geometry –Voice Print –Keystroke Behavior –Signature Other Biometric Technologies in the making. Other Biometric Technologies in the making.

13 by Alvaro E. Escobar 13 Biometrics Finger scan:Measures unique characteristics in a fingerprint (minutiae) Finger scan:Measures unique characteristics in a fingerprint (minutiae) –Crossover –Core –Bifurcations –Ridge ending –Island –Delta –Pore

14 by Alvaro E. Escobar 14 Biometrics Iris scan:Measures unique characteristics of the iris Iris scan:Measures unique characteristics of the iris –Ridges (rings) –Furrows –Straitions (freckles)

15 by Alvaro E. Escobar 15 Biometrics Retina scan:Measures unique characteristics of the retina. Retina scan:Measures unique characteristics of the retina. –Blood vessel patterns –Vein patterns

16 by Alvaro E. Escobar 16 Biometrics Facial scan: Uses off-the-shelf camera to measure the following facial features: Facial scan: Uses off-the-shelf camera to measure the following facial features: –Distance between the eyes. –Distance between the eyes and nose ridge. –Angle of a cheek. –Slope of the nose. –Facial Temperatures. Temperatures.

17 by Alvaro E. Escobar 17 Biometrics Hand scan: measures the top and side of the hand, not the Palm. Hand scan: measures the top and side of the hand, not the Palm. –Hand Geometry. –Most widely used technique for physical access. –INSpass system

18 by Alvaro E. Escobar 18 Biometrics Voice scan: Measures the sound waves of human speech. Voice scan: Measures the sound waves of human speech. –user talks to a microphone a passphrase. –Voice print is compared to a previous one to a previous one

19 by Alvaro E. Escobar 19 Biometrics Keystroke scan: Measures the time between strokes and duration of key pressed. Keystroke scan: Measures the time between strokes and duration of key pressed. –Most commonly used in systems where keyboard is already being used.

20 by Alvaro E. Escobar 20 Biometrics Signature scan: Measures speed, pressure, stroke order an image of signature. Signature scan: Measures speed, pressure, stroke order an image of signature. –Non-repudiation

21 by Alvaro E. Escobar 21 Biometrics Biometric techniques still in the drawing board Biometric techniques still in the drawing board –Vein scan : vein pattern in back of the hand. –Lip movement : camera captures images of how user lips move while user speaks a passphrase.

22 by Alvaro E. Escobar 22 Biometrics

23 23 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

24 by Alvaro E. Escobar 24 Biometrics False Acceptance Rate (FAR) False Acceptance Rate (FAR) False Rejection Rate (FRR) False Rejection Rate (FRR) Failure To Enroll Rate (FTE) Failure To Enroll Rate (FTE) Ability To Verify (AVT) Ability To Verify (AVT) –AVT = (1 - FTE)(1 - FRR)

25 by Alvaro E. Escobar 25 Biometrics Agenda I. Video II. Biometric Overview III. Biometric Technologies IV. Accuracy Metrics V. BioPrivacy Concerns

26 by Alvaro E. Escobar 26 Biometrics Informational privacy concerns: Informational privacy concerns: –Misuse –Addressed by: System Design System Design Careful Audit Careful Audit Personal privacy concerns Personal privacy concerns –cultural or religious beliefs

27 by Alvaro E. Escobar 27 Biometrics Bioprivacy Framework (25 best practices) Bioprivacy Framework (25 best practices) –Scope & Capabilities –Data Protection –User Control of Personal Data –disclosure, auditing and accountability.

28 by Alvaro E. Escobar 28 Biometrics Scope & Capabilities: Scope & Capabilities: –Limit system scope. –Limit storage of identifiable biometric data. Data Protection: Data Protection: –Security Tools: Encryption Encryption private networks private networks secure facilities secure facilities –Limited System Access

29 by Alvaro E. Escobar 29 Biometrics User Control of Personal Data : User Control of Personal Data : –Allow user un-enrollment (voluntarily) –Allow user view, correct and update data Disclosure, Auditing and Accountability: Disclosure, Auditing and Accountability: –Explain system purpose –Third party auditing

30 by Alvaro E. Escobar 30 Biometrics Q & A Q & A

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