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Fostering contribution of the SME sector to the FASRB implementation.

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1 Fostering contribution of the SME sector to the FASRB implementation

2  Participating countries: Parties to the FASRB ( Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia )  Network between SMEs  Sustainable economic growth  Creating Regional SME Cluster based on bottom-up approach  Priority areas: transport, tourism, environment protection, water management  Identifying other potential competitive sectors


4 Table - Entrepreneurial activity in 2009 of the countries of the Sava Region Nascent Entrepreneur ial activity 0-3 m New business ownership rate 3-42 m Early-stage Entrepreneurial activity (TEA) 0-42 m Established business ownership rate 42+ m Business Discontinuati on rate Necessity driven motivators (% of TEA) Improvement driven Motivators (% of TEA) BiH3. Croatia3. Slovenia3. Serbia2.22.84.910.11.94146

5 Project participants are expected to complete the following activities prior to the beginning of the project:  The evaluation of the SME sector’s role in particular countries  Comparative analysis of the attained level of development of the SME sector in the region

6 Phase 1. Specific contribution of the SME sector to the FASRB implementation (duration – 12 months) 1.1 Contribution of the SME sector to regional and socioeconomic development 1.2 Identifying the possibilities and prerequisites for strengthening of the SME sector in the function of economic development of the Sava region 1.3 Analysis of possible forms of a framework for regional cooperation of the SMEs in the Sava river basin 1.4 Evaluation of the involvement of the SME sector in the inland waterway transport 1.5 Role of the SME sector in development of the river tourism 1.6 Branding of the Sava river basin as an attractive destination for the river tourism 1.7 Evaluation of the involvement of the SME sector in the development activities related to other water uses (e.g. small hydro-power plants, fish farming)

7 Phase 2. Active involvement of the SME sector in the FASRB implementation in the function of economic development of the Sava river basin (duration - 36 months) 2.1 Establishment of the framework for regional cooperation in accordance with the findings of the analysis undertaken under the Activity 1.3 2.2 Promoting the existing infrastructure of the SME sector for increasing competitiveness through development of entrepreneurship 2.3 Education and human resources development and more dynamic contribution of the SME sector to the overall employment growth 2.4 Drafting the life-long learning strategy in the field of entrepreneurship, fostering entrepreneurial skills and a culture of entrepreneurship 2.5 Providing necessary financial consulting services to SMEs 2.6 Providing assistance to SMEs regarding their access to financial resources 2.7 SMEs involvement in supply chains of the large business systems in the region

8  SME sector  Policy-makers  Professional community  Scientific community  Society  Financial institutions

9  Institute of economic sciences Belgrade  ICPE Ljubljana  Economic Institute Zagreb  Economic Institute Sarajevo  International Sava River Basin Commission

10  Phase 1: 400,000 EUR (rough estimate)  Phase 2: …… (to be discussed) Project budget


12  USAID  World Bank  Western Balkans Investment Framework  EU funds Potential sources of funding

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