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Solar thermal systems Information from factsheet: Technology basics – page 1 Different types of solar thermal panels – page 1 Renewable Heat Incentive.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar thermal systems Information from factsheet: Technology basics – page 1 Different types of solar thermal panels – page 1 Renewable Heat Incentive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar thermal systems Information from factsheet: Technology basics – page 1 Different types of solar thermal panels – page 1 Renewable Heat Incentive information – page 1 Benefits for your community – page 2 Myth busting facts – page 2 Checklist: is solar thermal the right technology for my community? – page 3 Subregional information and contacts – page 4 Case studies Video: introduction to solar power

2 Solar thermal– the basics An introduction to solar power power-an-introduction.html How do solar thermal systems work? Different types of solar thermal systems Solar thermal systems collect heat from daylight onto a collector (generally a solar panel) and generate heat which is transferred to water to generate hot water. Evacuated tubesFlat plateUnglazed solar collector

3 Solar thermal – Renewable Heat Incentive Generating a source of income for your community from solar thermal systems What is the Renewable Heat Incentive Government incentive to encourage the generation of renewable heat Owners of solar thermal systems can make money from the heat generated by the system Guaranteed for 20 years Retail price index linked Does not include unglazed solar collectors New incentive – visit the Government website for further information and updates nergy_mix/renewable/policy/incentive/incentive.aspx

4 Solar thermal – Benefits and Myths What benefits could solar thermal systems generate for your community Protection against rising fuel prices Make money for your community More local jobs Low maintenance technology Reduce your carbon emissions Improve community well-being What are the common myths surrounding solar thermal panels solar thermal panels don’t work in colder climates solar thermal panels can only provide a small proportion of my community’s hot water needs solar thermal panels will reduce the value of my community building

5 Solar thermal panels – Checklist Is solar thermal suitable for your community? Site suitability – south facing? Site suitability – heating system Land/Building owner permission Community hot water needs Bulk purchase Planning permission

6 Solar thermal panels – Case studies North West Case Study – Sustainable Blacon UK Case Study – Solar hot water at a swimming pool in Bovey Tracey

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