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THOMSON SCIENTIFIC Web of Science 7.0 via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform Access to the World’s Most Important Published Research.

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Presentation on theme: "THOMSON SCIENTIFIC Web of Science 7.0 via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform Access to the World’s Most Important Published Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 THOMSON SCIENTIFIC Web of Science 7.0 via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform Access to the World’s Most Important Published Research

2 Premium Content – Thomson Scientific (ISI & Derwent) core content complemented by carefully selected partner content Integration & Navigation – A dynamic, Web-based platform integrating data from a variety of sources to allow the user to follow natural pathways of research -- driving discovery. Ease-of-use – Discovery made easy through flexible, powerful search options, including tools to organize and manage the research process. The Web of Knowledge is: Web of Knowledge Platform Web of Knowledge Platform

3 Web of Science - Premium Content Quality: Evaluated, Selected Content –Every Web of Science journal is individually selected for influence within its respective discipline. –Our selection criteria is unbiased, impartial, time-tested.  We are “Publisher-Neutral”, evaluating research – Commercial, Society, Open Access publications, etc. Diversity: Truly Multidisciplinary –All fields of research are included –8,600+ journals total  Over 6,100 titles in the hard sciences alone.  Social sciences – 1790 titles  Arts & humanities – 1125 titles Web of Science Value to Your Institution

4 Web of Science - Premium Content Depth! –Coverage back to 1945 in the Sciences, to 1956 in the Social Sciences, to 1975 in the Arts & Humanities. –1900-1944 Backfiles in Development! ** Current information is of course critical. However, access to an archive of influential research is absolutely important. ** Impact of previous findings, even decades old, may be very significant. One must retain the resources necessary to make these assessments. Data: unique capabilities –Capture of Author Cited References over 55 years provides for methods of discovery that are simply not possible elsewhere. Navigate “Cited References” and “Times Cited” backward and forward in time across decades of research.

5 Web of Knowledge 3.0 Home Page

6 Web of Science 7.0 “Quick Search” Easy To Search! General, Cited Reference, Chemical Structure, and Advanced Search options Databases and Depth-of-File

7 Web of Science 7.0. Easy To Search!  Topic  Author  Group Author  Source Title (Journal Title)  Address The General Search is designed to be simplistic enough for virtually anyone to begin to use with little-to-no training.

8 The Web of Science 7.0 Full Record contains a wealth of information Go to Current Co

9 The Web of Science Full Record also provides pathways to related articles. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports Cited References – The author’s sources. Times Cited – Papers that have cited this paper. Related Records – Link to papers that reference the same sources as this particular paper. They are Related through co-citation.

10 Go to Current Contents Connect Go to BIOSIS Previews Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports

11 Go to Current Contents Connect Go to BIOSIS Previews Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports For Related Records, Web of Science 7.0 presents the number of references shared by related papers – a proven method for gauging relevance.

12 Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports Should a record seem especially relevant, Web of Science 7.0 allows the user to quickly and Easily create a Citation Alert – receive an e-mail alert containing information on published papers that reference a particular paper you’ve selected. Citation Alert! Take advantage of the vast collection of Influential Papers within the Web of Science.

13 Link to the Full Record for this paper in other subscribed Web of Knowledge databases. Integration & Navigation, take advantage of these features. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports

14 Link to the full-text within e-journals to which your institution subscribes. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports

15 For Subscribers to Index Chemicus and Current Chemical Reactions files, options to search via - Chemical Structure Compound Data Reaction Data

16 For Index Chemicus or Current Chemical Reactions subscribers, articles with chemical structure data are noted with a “structure symbol”.

17 For Index Chemicus or Current Chemical Reactions subscribers, the full record also includes a graphical summary of chemical structures, Reaction and/or Compound summaries and details. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports

18 Cited Reference Search To be truly comprehensive in your search efforts, the Cited Reference Search is essential in that it can retrieve information often missed through use of Key-words alone. Identify an Author or Paper that is very relevant to your search topic.

19 As little information as an author name is sufficient to initiate a Cited Reference Search. Works for Cited Authors are identified. The “Finish Search” option will retrieve papers that have referenced the work or works we have selected. The Cited Reference Search – Easy to Perform, and Extremely Valuable for Comprehensive Searching.

20 Advanced Search option is available for those comfortable with “command line” style search queries. Search History presents a simple “Combine Sets” option for fine-tuning results.

21 Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports Search History maintains a list of queries and results for the session, as well as Save History and Open Saved History options. Saving your Search and saving it as an alert is extremely simple. Enter a History name and select desired options.

22 At the end of the search session, there are a number of options presented for handling of Marked Records.

23 Scan results and Mark those of relevance individually on the Summary list, or through a convenient “Mark” feature.

24 There are a number of options presented for handling Marked Records.

25 Web of Science 7.0 Results Analysis Tool Recognize trends and access subsets of Authors, Institutions, Timeframes, etc., associated with important research.

26 2004 Cited References 2000 1998 2001 1993 2003 Times Cited Related Records 2003 2004 1999 2002 1994 2004  Citing  From just a single record within the Web of Science, expand your search by simply following the links designed to drive discovery. … moving Backward in time via Cited References, Forward in time via Times Cited, and through Related Records.

27 THOMSON SCIENTIFIC Web of Science 7.0 via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform Access to the World’s Most Important Published Research

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