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20 April 2017
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life!
We are “Life is like a combination lock. If you know the combination to the lock…. It doesn’t matter who you are, the lock has to open” - Orrin Hudson 20 April 2017
is to sell products or services through a network of people”
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life! We are “Network Marketing is to sell products or services through a network of people” 20 April 2017
7 Basic Skills Finding prospects Inviting people
Presenting to prospects Following up with prospects Close Help them getting started Promoting events 20 April 2017
The Promise If you use these principles and strategies, you can easily find yourself ..... Doubling your results Doubling your amount of free time Have more balance and fun at work and at home 20 April 2017
3 Key Differences ... That separate super high achievers from everyday people: They have unusual clarity about their purpose, mission, vision and goals They have developed powerful success habits – disciplines of success They take 100 % responsibility for their results and they are action oriented 20 April 2017
Become a Professional Networker
Now I’m prepared – and decision is made to build a world class direct sales business - so what do I do and how do I do it – to have people buy into my idea and join my opportunity ? Step by step – an educational way of selling! 20 April 2017
You`ll need to learn some new skills!
Realize that you are the only variable: E+R=O Earn while you learn It’s truly an equal opportunity business It’s uncomplicated and one of the best paid skill sets in the world You may receive great advice and support from people that are financially motivated to help you There are only 7 fairly basic skills to learn 20 April 2017
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life!
We are “I was mobbed in my childhood because I was struggling with severe learning difficulties. Today I think “it was a gift” – which made me “furiously angry and motivated”. - Anthony Hopkins 20 April 2017
Realize that anyone can learn this! Through 4 stages of learning:
Unconscious incompetent Conscious incompetent Conscious competent Unconscious competent 20 April 2017
Skill # 1: Finding prospects
Who do I know? Who do they know? Add two people per day to the list – a Pro never runs out of people Network on purpose – seek organisations and places where you meet people 20 April 2017
Skill # 2: Inviting people
The most critical skill to learn No reputation or influence needed Build relationships – be a farmer, not a hunter Act as a coach/consultant solving problems with common sense solutions Educate the prospect vs just “recruit/sell/push” Invite people to attend an event or to review a tool 20 April 2017
DMO - Daily Method of Operation
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life! We are DMO - Daily Method of Operation Formula for financial independence in Network Marketing/Direct Sales: “Your ability to get a large group of people to consistently do a few simple things over an extended period of time” 20 April 2017
The emotions of inviting
Emotionally detach yourself from the outcome Be yourself Bring some passion/enthusiasm Posture! – be bold, confident, strong. 20 April 2017
8 step invitation formula
Be in a hurry Compliment the prospect Make the invitation If I.....would you? Confirmation #1 – get the time commitment: When do you think you can watch the video? Confirmation #2 – So if I call you Wednesday morning, you’ll have seen it for sure, right? Confirmation #3 – schedule next call: what’s the best number and time for me to call? Get off the phone! 20 April 2017
Remember: Our goal is education and understanding
We are going to let the third party tool do most of the work Resources for tools – among others: Example: Mike DiMuccio’s “Hangouts” – interviews with Royal Diamonds (example: Oddmund Berger with Jack Canfield or with Bo Tanas in Scottsdale AZ) 20 April 2017
Skill # 3: Presenting to prospects
Making yourself the big expert that knows everything makes your people dependent on you There is no way to create an organisation that will duplicate with this approach, and without duplication Network Marketing is just a job! The Pros never make themselves the issue and they never present themselves as an expert The Pro act as a consultant – connect the prospect to tools – or to other distributors (ABC) to help them become educated. 20 April 2017
Becoming a Presenter Learn to tell your story
Learn the standard opportunity presentation Learn the different training presentations 20 April 2017
Remember: 1. “In Network Marketing, it doesn’t matter
what works. It only matters what duplicates” 2. “You are the messenger – not the message” 3. Learn to tell your story so that your prospects become curious to hear more 4. When it comes to presenting in front of groups, preparation is the key 20 April 2017
Skill # 4: Following up with prospects
Following up is doing what you said you would do You have an exposure to set up the next exposure Prospect takes an average of 4-6 exposures to join You build a stronger relationship in the process Condense the exposures for better results 20 April 2017
Questions & Objections
Welcome them as a sign of interest They will help you understand where the prospect needs more education How you respond is extremely important Two categories: Limiting beliefs in their own abilities – and/or limiting belief in network mkt. Feel – Felt – Found Tell your story and stories of other people 20 April 2017
Examples Limiting beliefs in themselves: I don’t have the money
I don’t have the time It’s not my thing I`m not a sales person I don’t know anyone I`m too old, too young, have no experience, haven’t earned any money yet, have no credibility....etc 20 April 2017
Examples 2. Limiting beliefs in Network Marketing:
Is this Network Marketing? Is this one of those things? Is it a pyramid scheme? I`m not interested in MLM I don’t want to bother my friends How much are you making? 20 April 2017
Skill # 5: Close A natural bi-product of following up
Educate from exposure to exposure and guide them to decision Have good posture, ask good questions – and come across as bold, strong, confident and be perceived as one who believes in the concept. You will have a sub-conscious impact on them Be prepared, ask questions, listen, be interested 20 April 2017
Professionals – top performers
Are emotionally detached from the outcome Are “go-givers” – education and understanding Expect the person to join Promote themselves: “you get ME” Are always prepared to start you up on the spot Ask question after question and are great listeners 20 April 2017
Good questions: What did you like best?
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 meaning no interest and 10 meaning you are ready to start right now – where are you? 20 April 2017
Four question closing technique:
How much would you need to earn per month in order to make this worth your time? How many hours could you commit each week to develop that kind of income? How many months would you work those kinds of hours? If I could show you how to earn..(1)...working ..(2) ..hours per week over the course of....(3)..weeks, would you be ready to get started right now? When? 20 April 2017
And then – when positive…….
Pull out your compensation plan and sketch a reasonable game plan to achieve their goals Set expectations right if they are unrealistically high/fast. If response on 4 questions was negative – just schedule next exposure and repeat the process 20 April 2017
Skill # 6: Help them getting started
– Game plan interview Validate their decision Set their expectations: 1) You succeed/fail, 2) My job is to help you become independent 3) How would you like me to handle your “downs” Go through getting started list: product order, tools, get connected/calendar, comp plan understanding, how to invite properly Challenge them to go Silver quickly Give specific assignments – exposure to exposure 20 April 2017
Skill # 7: Promoting events
In network marketing meetings make money Oslo August Refocus, recommit, validate decision, inspiration, positive peer pressure, recognition Learn how to effectively promote Make it a priority The more people you bring, the bigger the check Never buy someone’s excuse Make a commitment to be there Decide how many you will have with you Start promote and duplicate 20 April 2017
The 1/3/5/7 Formula One year to become competent and profitable
Three years of consistent part-time to go full time Five years of consistent effort to beacome a six-figure earner or above (> 100K USD per year) Seven years of consistent effort to become expert 20 April 2017
A Telling Statistic 44% of all salespeople quit trying after the 1st call 24% quit after the second call 14% quit after the third call 12% quit trying after the fourth call That means 94 % quit after the 4th call. But 60% of all sales are made after the 4th call! In direct sales teambuilding, we see people need 4-6 exposures in order to make a decision! 20 April 2017
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life!
We are “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” - Michelangelo 20 April 2017
Practice the Rule of 6 “Success is the sum of small
TOP 6 PRIORITY ACTIONS 1……. 2……. 3…….. 4…….. 5…….. 6…….. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out”. - Robert Collier Author The Secret of the Ages On the path to what you want it is very easy to get overwhelmed with information, others who are already on the path and appear way ahead of you, the different methods, peoples advice. When I get overwhelmed I go back to basics and do baby steps – 5 steps each day towards what I want to focus on. For Jack Canfield with the goal setting for Chicken Soup for the Soul his first best seller, it meant appearing on 5 radio interviews, five review copies to editors, calling five network marketing companies and asking them to buy the book as a motivational tool for the sales people or giving a seminar to ast least 5 people and selling the book in the back of the room. They wrote press releases, they would send to jurors on the OJ Simpson trial. It was a lot of effort but the book went on to sell over 8 million copies in 39 languages. Time magazine caled the book “the publishing phenomenon of the decade”. It was thousands of individual activites that added up to one large success EXERCISE: Add 5 action steps to one of your goals sheets
Affirmation! A positive statement which affirms your being in the state of having already accomplished the goal. 20 April 2017
“I’m so happy and grateful now that
Money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis” - Bob Proctor. 20 April 2017
A Numbers Game: 12 – 30 Nov 1990 274 names 226 contacted
101 said yes to take a look – 125 said no! 27 more said no! 54 retail customers 20 wellness consultants, who attracted... 80 more downline USD volume (OV) USD Check Gold 30 in Nov – 3 more frontline and Platinum in Dec: 23 frontline and 280 downline. USD Check (USD bonus/car) 20 April 2017
To A Daily Program Of Self Improvement
? A Lifetime Commitment To A Daily Program Of Self Improvement SELL back of the room CDs for the auto university... The Success series x CDs... 20 April 2017
the learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves
“In times of change the learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” - Eric Hoffer 20 April 2017
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life!
We are “There’s only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is you “ - Jack Canfield 20 April 2017
Discover your Purpose and make Nikken a vehicle to fulfill it!
2. Take 100% Responsibility for your Life! We are Discover your Purpose and make Nikken a vehicle to fulfill it! “I enjoy myself so much that I tap dance to work every day“ - Warren Buffet 20 April 2017
20 April 2017
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