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CONICS ARTWORK! Programming Conics Artwork on the Graphing Calculator to successfully TEACH the Conic Sections!! Emily Gockerman

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Presentation on theme: "CONICS ARTWORK! Programming Conics Artwork on the Graphing Calculator to successfully TEACH the Conic Sections!! Emily Gockerman"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONICS ARTWORK! Programming Conics Artwork on the Graphing Calculator to successfully TEACH the Conic Sections!! Emily Gockerman Ursuline Academy Cincinnati, OH

2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Hand out right after beginning unit!
Students work on project throughout unit and find equations of each type of conic section as topic is learned

3 Some of the Project Requirements
Create a drawing/design on graph paper (cartoon character, sports object or mascot, design or a scene—BE CREATIVE!!). It should include (at least) the following 12 graphs (or pieces of graphs in your creation: a.     2 circles b.     2 horizontal or vertical ellipses (or 1 of each) c.      1 horizontal parabola d.     1 vertical parabola e.      1 horizontal or vertical hyperbola f.       2 lines g.     1 absolute value graph h. any 2 more conic equations of your choice

4 More Project Requirements
Create a table with four vertical columns titled as indicated and fill in the information for each numbered graph of your sketch. Then… Just WRITE THE PROGRAM!! 

5 Students Turn In: Initialed Drawing/Sketch Neat copy of the table
Colored Final-Printed out Design

6 Grading Rubric: Drawing (must be initialed) 15
Equations (must be initialed) Program Final Design (colored and glued to construction paper) Creativity and Neatness __ TOTAL

7 Some Examples of Projects!
Begin with a sketch…. Create something AMAZING!! 




11 Problems Students May Encounter
Solving Equations For “Calculator” or “y = ‘s” form can be tricky Finding equations of parabolas & hyperbolas Using Restrictions Making small errors when typing in program & finding those errors!


13 Finding the equation of a hyperbola going through
a specific point:


15 Finding the equation of a parabola going through
a specific point:

16 Sample Program


18 Printing Picture Using TI-Connect
Download TI Connect from TI website: Click on Downloads, then Computer Software, then TI Connect OR use link below: Connect students’ calculators using silver linking cord, and do a screen capture, then enlarge & print!

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