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September 12, 2014 Lora M. McCalister-Cruel BDS District Data Coach Bay District Schools Data Analysis Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "September 12, 2014 Lora M. McCalister-Cruel BDS District Data Coach Bay District Schools Data Analysis Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 12, 2014 Lora M. McCalister-Cruel BDS District Data Coach Bay District Schools Data Analysis Framework

2 OBJECTIVES Discover a Framework for Data Use Apply Data Literacy Facilitate Data-Driven Dialogue Apply Principles of Effective Data Use “Continual analysis of the gaps between goals for student learning and student performance defines the actions of effective schools.” - Leading Data by Ellen Goldring and Mark Berends

3 AGENDA Connecting Data to Results The Data Pyramid Data-Driven Dialogue Simulation


5 ASSUMPTION Collaborative inquiry- teacher teams constructing meaning of student learning problems and testing out solutions together through rigorous use of data and reflective dialogue- unleashes the resourcefulness of educators to continuously improve student learning.

6 Leadership & Capacity: The Data Coach Role Use Data Literacy Facilitate Lead for Sustainability Are specially trained teachers, administrators, staff developers, or instructional coaches (school, district, or agency-based) Guide Data Teams (PLCs, Grade Levels, Depts.) through collaborative inquiry Influence the culture of schools to be one in which data are used continuously, collaboratively, and effectively to improve teaching and learning.

7 Core Competencies for High-Capacity Data Use Data Literacy and Collaborative Inquiry Knowledge & Skills Content Knowledge, Generic Pedagogical Knowledge, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge Cultural Proficiency Leadership and Facilitation Skills

8 Structure Collaboration: The Using Data Process

9 What We’re “Used to” Summative Other

10 Data Pyramid Annually 2-4 times a year Quarterly or end of the unit 1-4 times a month Daily-Weekly TIME FRAME Data about people, practices & perceptions Benchmark Common Assessments Formative Common Assessments Formative Classroom Assessments Summative District & State Assessments DATA SOURCES

11 Summative district & state assessments (aggregated, disaggregated; strand, item, and student work) Data about people, practices & perceptions (e.g., demographic, enrollment, survey, interview, observation data, curriculum maps, lesson plans) Benchmark Common Assessments (e.g., end-of-unit, common grade-level tests reported at item level) Formative Common Assessments (e.g., math problems of the week, writing samples, multiple choice, science journals, other student work) Formative Classroom Assessments (e.g. student self-assessments, descriptive feedback, selected response, written response, personal communications, performance assessments) Annually 2-4 times a year Quarterly or end of the unit 1-4 times a month Daily-Weekly Data Pyramid

12 Reflection: Data Pyramid What Does Your Data Pyramid Look Like (school-wide, grade level, depts., etc)? Reflect on your school or district’s allocation of time for teachers to analyze each of these sources. What would you like to spend more time on and less time on this year?

13 A Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry © 2008 by Corwin Press. All rights reserved. Data-Driven Dialogue: Detail

14 STEMS I assume_____ because ____. My expectations are ____ due to ____. I predict ____. I wonder if ____. Some possibilities for learning that this data may present_____.

15 A Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry © 2008 by Corwin Press. All rights reserved.

16 Just the facts! If you catch yourself using the following words, then stop. Because… Therefore… It seems… However… STEMS I observe ___ Some patterns/trends that I notice… I can count ____ of____... I’m surprised to see… I don’t see ____.

17 STEMS It seems … I believe … Based on ___, I think... I want to know more about... We may need to focus on… The student learning problem is…Why ____.*** Curriculum Equity Teacher Preparation Critical Supports InstructionAssessment ROOT CAUSES

18 DATA-DRIVEN DIALOGUE: AGGREGATE DATA Explain the data source the team will be analyzing Generate Solutions

19 2014 FCAT 2.0 Math Comparison- % Ach Level 3 and Above – 3 rd GRADE 2014 FCAT 2.0 Math Reporting Categories – 3 rd Grade

20 Just the facts! If you catch yourself using the following words, then stop. Because… Therefore… It seems… However…

21 2014 FCAT 2.0 Math Comparison- % Ach Level 3 and Above

22 2014 FCAT 2.0 Math - Reporting Categories -Grade 3

23 STEMS It seems … I believe … Based on ___, I think... I want to know more about... We may need to focus on… The student learning problem is… Why ____.***

24 Reporting Category 2 Number: Fractions MA.3.A.2.1 Representing fractions; Representing mixed Numbers 3 MA.3.A.2.3 Comparing fractions; Ordering fractions; Ordering mixed numbers 4 MA.3.A.2.4Equivalent Fractions3 Reporting Category Point Total10 2014 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Grade 3 CONTENT FOCUS REPORT

25 DATA-DRIVEN DIALOGUE: Student Work TASK DECONSTRUCTION Generate Solutions Reteaching/ Enrichment

26 Student Work Inquiry What evidence are we seeing of student mastery of knowledge and skills required by the task? What errors are students making? What knowledge and skills seem to be missing? What additional insights into student thinking are we gaining?

27 Why Did So Many Students Miss This? 34. A comet passed by Earth in the year 1835. It passes by Earth every 60 years. Based on this information, in which of the following years can the comet be expected to pass by Earth? A.2035 – 21% B.2060 – 16% C.2075 – 44% D.2080 – 12%

28 Task Deconstruction Procedure Step 1: Do the task and share solutions or strategies Step 2: Brainstorm: What do students need to know and be able to do to be successful at this task? Write each piece of knowledge and each skill on a large post-it, one item per post it Focus on the 3 to 6 key ideas/skills in the content area being assessed (relevant to re-teaching & enrichment) Consider relevant standards and rubrics associated with the task Draw on your own experience doing the task Step 3: Refine what you have generated to make sure they meet the above criteria

29 Step 1 in Task Deconstruction: Do with a Partner and Share solutions in Group 34. A comet passed by Earth in the year 1835. It passes by Earth every 60 years. Based on this information, in which of the following years can the comet be expected to pass by Earth? A.2035 B.2060 C.2075 D.2080

30 Step 2: Examining Student Work StudentKnow/Do Errors/ Misconceptions Student A Student B Student C Student D Student E Student F Student G

31 Step 2: Examining Student Work

32 Step 2: GO VISUAL Student Compute Accurately Recognize Patterns Choose Appropriate Operation Read & Identify Key Details Errors/ Misconceptions Student A Student B Student C Student D Student E Student F Student G

33 DATA-DRIVEN DIALOGUE: Student Work TASK DECONSTRUCTION Generate Solutions Reteaching/ Enrichment

34 Data-Driven Dialogue Facilitator and Dialogue Monitor Use No Because Sign Include Everyone Time Keeper Recorder Record team members’ words and create the chart Materials Manager

35 Step 2: GO VISUAL (Think Time) & Step 3: Observations Student Compute Accurately Recognize Patterns Choose Appropriate Operation Read & Identify Key Details Errors/ Misconceptions Student A Student B 0 Principle in Multiplying Student C Student D Student E Student F Adding vs Multiplying (Simplest Strategy Student G

36 STEMS It seems … I believe … Based on ___, I think... I want to know more about... We may need to focus on… The student learning problem is… Why ____.***

37 OBJECTIVES Discover a Framework for Data Use Apply Data Literacy Facilitate Data-Driven Dialogue Apply Principles of Effective Data Use “Continual analysis of the gaps between goals for student learning and student performance defines the actions of effective schools.” - Leading Data by Ellen Goldring and Mark Berends

38 EXIT SLIP What was your biggest “Aha” today? What is your biggest “Challenge” for building capacity? How can we help each other build the bridge between data and results at your site?

39 Contact Info Lora M. McCalister-Cruel District Data Coach @mccalistercruel 767-5319

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