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The Role Of Blood  1. Blood delivers digested nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to all body cells.  2. Blood delivers oxygen to all body.

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2 The Role Of Blood  1. Blood delivers digested nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to all body cells.  2. Blood delivers oxygen to all body cells.

3 Blood Functions  3. Blood delivers chemical messengers to some body cells.  4. Blood delivers water, minerals and vitamins to cells

4 Pick Up Jobs Of Blood  1. Blood picks up carbon dioxide waste from cells and carries it to the lungs.  2. Blood picks up chemical waste from cells and carries it to the kidneys.  3. Blood moves excess heat into the skin.  4. Helps to fight diseases  5. Helps stop bleeding

5 Assignment  Questions 1, 2, 3 page 245

6 Parts Of The Human Blood  Plasma  Red blood cells  White blood cells  Platelets  We will discuss the roles of each of these parts in the following slides

7 PLASMA  Plasma is the nonliving, yellow part of blood  Blood plasma is 92% water  The remaining 8% is made up of blood proteins  Nutrients  Salts  Waste chemicals  Most of the pickup and delivery is carried out by the plasma

8 RED BLOOD CELLS  Red blood cells are cells in the blood that carry oxygen to the body tissues  Make up most of the blood  There are about 5 million red blood cells in a drop of blood  Red blood are the living portion of blood  Give the red color to blood  Are round, thin centers and wide edges  Life span 120 days  Made in bone marrow

9 ROLES OF RED BLOOD CELLS  Deliver oxygen to all body cells, oxygen is picked up by RBCs in the lungs, carried by the plasma to all parts of the body  RBC contain hemoglobin(protein) which makes carrying oxygen possible  Hemoglobin contains the mineral iron  Low RBC count can cause anemia which makes a person tired and weak and short of breath  Caused by too little oxygen reaching body cells

10 WHITE BLOOD CELLS  Cells in blood that destroy harmful microbes, remove dead cells and make proteins that help prevent disease  Part of the living portion of blood

11  Have a nucleus  Are larger than RBCs  Live for months, or years  Most though have a life span of 10 days  Healthy person has 8000 in a drop of blood  WBCs are made in in the spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils

12 ROLES OF WHITE BLOOD CELLS  WBCs attack and destroy bacteria at the point of infection  WBCs also destroy or “eat” dead cells  fig. 12-6  Assignment  Research the disease Leukemia, and hand in a short presentation of the disease

13 PLATELETS  Living part of the blood  Platelets are cell parts that aid in forming blood clots.  Are not complete cells  Smaller than RBCs  Drop of blood contains 250,000 platelets  Life span, about 5 days  Made in the bone marrow  Assignment  Research hemophilia and present the particulars of the disease

14 ASSIGNMENT  Page 252 questions 6, 7, 8

15 BLOOD TYPES  There are different types or kinds of blood  You will given blood usually by a person who has the same type as you  If the wrong type of blood is given serious problems, even death can occur.

16 BLOOD TYPES  There are four main blood types  A, B, AB, O  The difference is due to the proteins found on the RBC and in the plasma  Refer to the transparency master found in your handouts

17 MIXING BLOOD TYPES  Red cell and plasma proteins have different shapes  Type  AB and type B blood cannot be mixed  Proteins in the plasma of type A blood fit like puzzle pieces into the RBC protein shape of type B blood  These types will mix and form clumps that cannot move the capillaries

18 ASSIGNMENT  Page 255 questions 11, 12, 13

19 HOW THE IMMUNE SYSTEM WORKS  Prevents microbes from entering the body  Makes chemicals or cells that destroy microbes  Skin, mucus, tears in eyes  Antibodies, white blood cells

20  Antibodies are chemicals that help destroy bacteria or viruses that enter our bodies  Antigens are foreign substances, usually proteins, that invade the body and cause diseases

21  WBC make numerous antibodies, but the antibody must fit with the antigen shape in order to be killed. They must fit together like lock and key.Fig. 12-13 pg. 257  Each virus or bacteria had a different antigen on its surface. When the correct shape is found, the body makes more WBC in that shape, their job is to prevent future disease caused by the virus or bacteria  If the same disease enters your body in the future, WBC will be made to fight the disease  These antibodies will stay in your bloodstream for days to years

22 ASSIGNMENT  Choose one of the following diseases  Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Rubella, Mumps  1. Is it a virus or bacteria  2. What happens to your body when you have the disease  3. Is there a vaccine for the disease  4. Please add some statistics concerning you disease.  Page 259 questions 16, 17, 18

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