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The Church 1000 - 1300 CE. Mission: Develop a civilization based on Christian ideas.

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1 The Church 1000 - 1300 CE

2 Mission: Develop a civilization based on Christian ideas

3 I. Influences A. Government 1. Religious ceremonies: King, Knight, vassal 2. Owned large tracks of land 3. Advisors to Kings & nobles

4 B. Law 1. Holidays - honor saints / religious events 2. Peace of God: can’t attack churches or church goers 3. Truce of God: Ban on fighting from early Saturday until Monday

5 4. Canon Law: Church courts & Law 5. Excommunication: thrown out of church 6. Interdict: region’s churches closed, no sacraments performed

6 C. Art 1. Paintings of Biblical scenes 2. Sculptures of holy figures

7 D. Community 1. Kept records: birth, marriage, death 2. Run schools & Churches 3. Care for sick & Poor 4. Forbade divorce

8 E. Economy 1. Opposed gaining wealth by exploiting people 2. Monks develop techniques for making alcoholic beverages 3. Monasteries: centers for trade

9 II. Church Hierarchy A. Secular Clergy 1. Priest a Head of local church (parish) b Supervised moral & religious instruction c Administered sacraments

10 1) Baptism 2) Communion 3) Confirmation* 4) Penance (confession) 5) Taking of holy orders* 6) Matrimony 7) Extreme unction (last rights)

11 2. Bishop a Oversees diocese (group of parishes) b. Cathedral: official church in major city c. Selection controlled by king/noble 1) Political power 2) Family connections

12 3. Archbishops a. Managed archdiocese b. Powers of Bishop

13 4. Cardinals a. Pope’s curia: advisors b. (1059) Elect Pope

14 5. Pope a. Oversees entire church

15 B. Monastic Clergy 1. Monks & Nuns 2. Withdraw from temptation 3. Prayer, fasting, self-denial 4. Benedictine Rule: vow of poverty

16 5. Intellectual need fulfillment a. Scholars of the time b. Libraries preserved literature 1) Illuminated texts 2) Copied books by hand

17 C. Missionaries: teach & spread Christianity 1. Ireland (432): Patrick a. Monastic schools provide culture b. Center & preservers of ancient & Christian culture in w. Europe

18 2. England (597): Augustine a. Sent by Pope Gregory I b. Christianity established in England c. Archbishop of Canterbury

19 III. Corruption A. Lay investiture 1. Nobles reward friends/relatives by appointed bishop or abbot 2. Grant bishop or abbot fief making him a vassal 3. Church objected

20 B. Worldly clergy 1. Living wealthy 2. More interested in $ than holy living

21 C. Simony 1. Paying for high position in church 2. Expected to make $ a. Church income b. Fees for religious ceremonies

22 D. Heresy 1. Denying truth of basic principles 2. preaching unauthorized doctrine 3. Unpardonable sin: eternal damnation

23 IV. Reforms A. Friars (/Ln/ frater: brother) 1. Franciscans (St. Francis of Assisi in 1209) 2. Dominicans (St. Dominic in 1216) 3. Lived & preached among people

24 B. Inquisition: court system of church 1. Goal: eliminate heresy 2. Guilty until proven innocent 3. Accused: Confession= allowed to return Heretic = tortured, burned at stake

25 C. Monks of Cluny (e. France) 1. Devout, deeply religious nobles 2. Only recognized rule of Pope 3. Only church should choose church leaders

26 5. Daily life Matins: (Midnight) 1/2 hr service in church Prime: (6am) 1/2 hr service followed by wash, breakfast, work Mass (9am) service followed by chapter meeting High Mass: (11am) public service midday dinner, rest, reading Nones: (2pm) 1/2 hr service followed by work Vespers: (4pm) 1/2 hr service followed by work, light supper Compline: (7pm) evening prayer

27 D. Pope Gregory VII 1. Pope had courts of justice & gov’t officials 2. Ruled Rome w/ College of Cardinals

28 3. Goals: a. Rid church of control by kings b. Incr. Pope’s power over Church officials 1) Positions no longer bought or sold 2) Bishops & Priests forbidden to marry

29 E. 1075 - Popes declared above Kings 1. Only Pope chooses bishops & church officials 2. Gov’t officials not obeying removed

30 V. Education A. Cathedral schools 1. Headed by bishop 2. Prepare sons of nobles for church, gov’t, lawyers, teachers 3. 7 subjects: grammar, logic, rhetoric, geometry, astronomy, music

31 4. Costly fee 5. Dark, cold rooms 6. Memorized explanations

32 B. University 1. Unions - people join together for a common cause a. Students & teachers devoted to learning

33 b. Chancellor - church official heading university, granted permission to teach 2. Classes & teachers a. Specific subjects: Latin grammar & rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, natural science according to Aristotle b. 21 y.o. & studying for 6 yrs

34 3. Students a. Lived in boarding houses b. Strict rules 1) Must attend mass 2) Must not disturb peace 3) No sword play

35 C. Thomas Aquinas 1. Scholar: faith & reason are gifts of God 2. Wrote: Summa Theologica - A Summary of Religious Thought a. Presented different opinions on religious questions b. Offered answers C. Adopted by the church

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