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1 Respirocytes

2 The artificial red blood cell
Robotic blood cells Consist of about 18 billion atoms-most of which are carbon Diamond structure assembled one atom at a time Can carry 236x more oxygen than natural red blood cells

3 Molecular sorting rotors
Key to successful respirocyte function is an active means of conveying gas molecules in and out of pressurized vessels Proposed solution: molecular sorting rotors Each rotor has a binding site “pockets” along the rim exposed alternatively to the blood plasma and interior chamber by the rotation of the disk Each pocket selectively binds a specific molecule when exposed to the plasma. Once the binding site rotates to expose it to the interior chamber, the bound molecules are forcibly ejected by rods thrust outward by the cam surface.

4 Sensors Various sensors needed to acquire external data-regulate gas loading and unloading operations, tank volume management, etc Fluid sample is drawn from environment into a fixed-volume reservoir with 10^4 refills/sec using two paddlewheel pumps Also includes internal pressure sensors to monitor O2 and CO2 gas tank loading, container fullness sensors for ballast and glucose fuel tanks, and internal/external temperature sensors to help monitor and regulate total system energy output.

5 Transfusions and Perfusions
Respirocytes can be used as the active oxygen-carrying component of a universally transfusable blood substitute Free of disease vectors like hepatitis, venereal disease, malarial parasites or AIDS Storable indefinitely and readily available with no need for cross- matching. May permit treatment of devout Jehovah’s Witness patients and others ho refuse transfusion of natural blood products on religious backgrounds Respirocytes could be used as a long-duration perfusant to preserve living tissue

6 Treatment of Anemia and fetal and child-related disorders
Oxygenated respirocytes offer complete or partial symptomatic treatment for virtually all forms of anemia. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the leading cause of neonatal death between 1 week and 1 year of age, and respiratory distress syndrome involve recurrent oxygen deprivation of abnormalities in the automatic control of breathing, both of which could be delethalized using a therapeutic dose of red cell devices. Respirocytes can also aid in the treatment of whooping cough, cystic fibrosis, rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever, and congenital heart disorder

7 Respiratory diseases Device could provide an effective long-term drug-free symptomatic treatment for asthma Treat conditions of low oxygen availability to nerve tissue Birth traumas leading to cerebral palsy, and low blood- flow conditions seen in most organs of people as they age Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, laryngitis, snoring, hay fever, and colds

8 Underwater breathing Could serve as an in vivo SCUBA device.
Diver holds breath for hours, resurfaces for minutes to recharge, then dives again Similar application in space exploration scenarios Can relieve decompression sickness

9 Other applications Allow new sports records to be achieved because the device can deliver oxygen to muscle tissue faster Sprint Olympic speeds for 15 minutes at a time Battlefield applications demanding blood replacement or personal performance enhancement In pill form, respirocytes can be an effective, though temporary, cure for flatulence

10 Device testing In order for the FDA to approve or license any blood substitute, both efficacy and safety must be established to FDA’s satisfaction Currently extremely difficult to obtain an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for clinical applications of new devices FDA has policy for devices deemed medically significant, but each different proposed use must have separate field and clinical trials No physician can use any experimental device unless he or she is certain of its effectiveness and safety.

11 Conclusion Nanomedical device that functions as an artificial erythrocyte Duplicates the O2 and CO2 transport functions of red cells while eliminating need to manage carbonic acidity Respirocyte is a currently developing device for numerous biological applications First nanofactory projected to be up and running in

12 Thank you

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