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Organisms and Their Needs

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Presentation on theme: "Organisms and Their Needs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisms and Their Needs
Lesson 1 Chapter 1 Science © 2009

2 Living Things Organisms Respond Reproduce Environment Cell

3 What are living things? Organisms All living things

4 Living Things Grow What happens when you plant a seed?
What happens to a baby kitten?

5 All living things grow Over time all living things change with age.
All organisms use energy

6 Living Things Respond Respond means- react
When a plant is in the shade it responds by bending towards the light What happens when a cat sees a dog?

7 Questions What are some characteristics of living things?
Think of examples to help you….

8 Living Things Reproduce
Reproduce means to make more of one’s kinds Has anyone ever saw a litter of kittens or puppies? Or a nest of birds? An apple tree reproduces by making apple seeds

9 Questions How does a turtle reproduce? Think of other examples……

10 Questions What are some characteristics of things?

11 Answer They grow, take in energy, respond to their surroundings, and reproduce.

12 Question Is a toy a living thing? How can you tell?

13 Answer No, it does not grow, reproduce, or respond to its surroundings.

14 What do living things Need?
Food Water Space

15 Environment All living things and nonliving things that surround an organism

16 Food Energy How to plants get their food? What do animals eat?

17 Food How do we get energy? What kind of food do you eat to get energy?

18 Water Half your body is water
Your body uses water to break down food and get rid of waste. You need water to stay healthy

19 Questions??????? What are four things organisms need to stay healthy?

20 Answer Food Water Gases Space

21 Question???? Why do organisms need food?

22 Answer??????? For Energy

23 Question???? Why do organisms need water?

24 Answer To break down food and get rid of waste

25 Gases Animals need oxygen to survive Where do you find oxygen?

26 Answer Air and water

27 Question Who uses oxygen in the water?

28 Answer Clams, fish, and most sea animals

29 Plants What do plants need?

30 Answer Need oxygen and a gas called carbon dioxide
Plants use energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide and water into food

31 Space Organisms need space What is an organism?

32 Answer? All living things

33 space Plants need space to grow and to get water and sunlight
Animals need space to move and find food

34 Questions Does a whale and goldfish need the same amount of space?

35 Question How is a classroom an environment?
What are some living things in nthe classroom? What are some nonliving things in the classroom?

36 Questions What are some things that all organisms need to survive?
What might happen to an animal in a crowded environment?

37 Plants and Their Parts Lesson 2

38 What are plants? What are characteristics of plants?
Make their own food Plants do not eat living things Most plants are green Most plants do not move Most plants do not stop growing. © 2009

39 Plants What are some common structures found in most plants? Roots
Stems leaves

40 Vocabulary Structures Parts of plants Help plants get what they need

41 What three structures do plants have?
Roots Stems leaves

42 Critical thinking Most plants do not have structures for eating. What might be a reason for this? Plants do not eat food. They make their food from energy from the Sun.

43 What is a root? Plants take in water through their roots
Roots also hold a structure in place Carrots and radishes have one thick root called a taproot.

44 Roots Not all plants have one big root (taproot) others have a web design Roots take in water, hold a root in place What else do plants absorb through their roots?

45 Roots Nutrients….. Substance that help living things grow and stay healthy Nutrients are part of the soil

46 Roots Can you think of roots we can eat? Carrots Radishes
Sweet potatoes

47 Review Quiz Time How do roots help a plant meet its needs?
What is a root? Name a root we can eat.

48 Question Review What is a nutrient? Where do we find nutrients?

49 Stems Stems are structures that hold up a plant
Stems hold up leaves so that they get sunlight Stem carries water, nutrients and food throughout the plant

50 Question time What are the three functions of a stem?
Name one root we can eat. What is the function of the root.

51 Stems Not all stems are the same Stems can be soft and green
They can be hard and woody

52 Review How are plant roots different? How are roots alike?
What is a stem?

53 Leaves Many shapes and sizes Leaf is where a plant makes its food
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food

54 Photosynthesis Process in which plants make their own food
Use energy from the Sun Change carbon dioxide and water into sugars Sugars are food for plants

55 Questions What job do leaves have? What is photosynthesis?

56 Answers Make food for the plant
The process in which plants make food using energy from the sun

57 Questions What are some different types of leaves?
What is the jobs of leaves? What enters through the tiny openings in the leaf?

58 Answers Narrow and pointy like a fern Broad and flat like the maple
Shaped like a needle Make carbon dioxide Soak up the sunlight Make food

59 Leaves Chlorophyll gives leaves their color Plants give off oxygen
People and animals need oxygen to live

60 Questions Where do plants get energy to make food?
What does a plant to make food? What do plants give off during photosynthesis?

61 Animals Use senses to get information
Wolf growls when sees , gears, smells another wolf near its young. Snake may lie in the sun when it is cold

62 Animals A cat will look for food when it is hungry
Bees sting when they fear danger

63 Senses How do animals use their senses?

64 Animals Have structures
Structures are parts…. Parts helps animals get what they need Legs, fins, wings, tails

65 Animals can move Animals move to find water and food Escape danger

66 How do animals move? Feet Legs Tails wings

67 Who has strong legs? Wolves Cheetahs House cats

68 Some animals have no legs
Snails Snakes Birds

69 Questions What are some animals that move? Why do animals move?
What structures do animals have to help them move?

70 How do animals get what they need?
Water Food oxygen

71 Animals Have structures to help them get what they need!

72 Getting water and food Long tongues for water Birds have beaks
Elephants have trunks

73 Food Structures helps animals get their food
Lions scrape meat with their rough tongues Birds grab with worms with their beaks

74 Getting Oxygen Animals breathe to get oxygen Breathe with lungs
Lungs are structures that take in oxygen

75 Fish Fish live in water They take in oxygen using gills
Gills are structures that take in oxygen from the water

76 Breathing Some animals can breathe without lungs or gills. Worms
Salamanders Through their skin

77 Questions What are gills? What are lungs? How do fish Breathe?
How do humans breathe?

78 How do animals Stay Safe
By Bad weather Other Animals

79 Protecting Find a place of shelter Shelter is a safe place
Some animals have structures that help protect them

80 Protecting Some animals find shelter in the ground
Groundhogs dig holes in the soil with their paws Lizards flatten their bellies and crawl under rocks

81 Protecting Some animals use trees Birds build nests
Snail’s hard shell protects it

82 Questions Why do animals need shelter?
What are some places where animals find shelter?

83 Answers Stay safe in their environment; protect themselves from bad weather;to protect from other animals that might eat them In holes in the ground; in caves; under rocks; in nests, plants, and trees

84 Questions What is shelter?

85 Answer A place where an animal can stay safe

86 How are an animal’s needs like a plant’s need? How are they different?
Plant needs carbon dioxide, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil

87 Same Both plants and animals need food, water, space, and oxygen.

88 Different Animals must eat other organisms for energy

89 Question How might long legs help a bird that lives in a pond environment? Long legs might help a bird stand in water to look for food.

90 Question Animals use all the structures below to get oxygen except

91 Question What helps animals survive in their environments?
Animals survive in their environments by using their structures to get food, water, and oxygen.

92 Organisms Respond Reproduce Grow move

93 animals If all animals grow, reproduce, respond. How do you classify them?

94 Classify Animals Animals all look different. Think of tigers, ants, bluebirds, sharks. We can group them by their structures. Structures are………

95 Structures Structures are parts

96 Classifying One way we classify animals is by their backbone
If they have one or if they do not have one

97 Vocabulary Vertebrate….animals that have a backbone
Tigers, dogs, eagles, goldfish

98 Vocabulary Invertebrate.. Animals without a backbone. Insects Worms

99 Invertebrates Live on land and water Sponges Worms and jellies
Sea stars and urchins

100 Exoskeleton Antropods… insects..spiders..lobsters…beetles

101 Invertebrates Mollusks Clams Snails octopuses

102 Invertebrates Exoskeleton, thin, hard covering
Exoskeleton is a structure that protects their body

103 Questions What kind of invertebrates are protected by an exoskeleton?

104 Answer Insects, spiders, lobsters

105 Question What kinds of invertebrates are protected by shells?

106 Answer Snails Scallops Squids

107 Question What type of skeleton do worms have?

108 Answer No skeleton inside or out

109 Vertebrates

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