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Presentation on theme: "FOURTH ANNUAL SUPPLIER CONFERENCE AUGUST 13, 2008 HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMC and AMCOM LEE FORD Small Business Specialist."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP US ARMY MATERIAL COMMAND (AMC) AMC provides superior technology, acquisition support and logistics to ensure dominant land force capability for Soldiers, the United States and our Allies. AMC is the Army’s weapon system development and sustainment command If a Soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, eats it, or communicates with it, AMC provides it.

3 3 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND  office of small business programs  “Small businesses are vital to our Nation's economic capability and a critical enabler of our increased military capabilities. Agile and innovative, small businesses provide our Army and Nation essential support every day. From the laboratory to the foxhole, small business is there.” Gen. Benjamin S. Griffin, AMC commanding general  Welcome  Welcome to the U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Small Business Programs Web site! A strong industrial base is key to our national defense and economic security which small businesses are indeed a significant and critical component.  By working with contracting officers, customers, and industry early in the acquisition process, we strive to craft strategies that will leverage the innovation, energy, flexibility and value offered by small business enterprises.  Whether as prime contractors or subcontractors, “Small Business is Smart Business!” We invite you to explore this site, hope you find it useful, and encourage you to provide feedback to enable us to improve its utility.  Small Business calendar of events Small Business calendar of events  Mission  The mission of the Office of Small Business Programs is to serve as an advocate for small business enterprises. We ensure that a fair portion of contract awards, percentage of total U.S. business dollars, is placed with: small business, small disadvantaged business, women- owned small business, HUBZone small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, and historically black colleges, universities and minority institutions.  Guides and regulations  Army - Doing Business with the Army - 13 Steps Army - Doing Business with the Army - 13 Steps  Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement  Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement  Doing business with DoD Doing business with DoD  Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Acquisition Regulation

4 4 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND  How to do Business with AMC (Feb. 2008) How to do Business with AMC  Procedures, guidance and information Procedures, guidance and information  Small Business Program guide for government and industry (March 2008) Small Business Program guide for government and industry   Business opportunities  DoD procurement gateway DoD procurement gateway  DoD contract awards DoD contract awards  FEDBIZOPPS FEDBIZOPPS  Rebuilding Iraq Rebuilding Iraq  U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command  U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command  U.S. Army Joint Munitions & Lethality Life Cycle Management Command U.S. Army Joint Munitions & Lethality Life Cycle Management Command  U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command  U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command  U.S. Army Sustainment Command U.S. Army Sustainment Command  U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command  Contact AMC Offices of Small Business Programs  Command-wide Small Business Program contact list (Updated May 5, 2008) Command-wide Small Business Program contact list  Phone:(703) 806-9185, DSN 656  Fax:(703) 806-8062  E-mail E-mail 

5 5 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM U. S. Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command (AMCOM) Redstone Arsenal, Alabama

6 6 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP AMCOM OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS (OSBP) MISSION To ensure effective implementation of the Army’s Small Business (SB), Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) / 8(a), Women-Owned- Small Business (WOSB), Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI), AbilityOne, and Federal Prison Industries (FPI) Programs within AMCOM.

7 7 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP SMALL BUSINESS LAWS & REGULATIONS FAR 19.1 Public Law 106-50 Public Law 106-544 FAR 19.5 FAR 19.8 Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act Of 1994 ( Public Law 103-355 ) Small Business Act Of 1953 & 1958 Public Law 95-507 Public Law 99-661 Public Law 108-183 FAR 6.203, 6.204, 6.205 & 6.206 WOSBS BSA No J&As Required for SBSA 3% Goals VOSB/SDVOSB Business Size SBSA 8(a) SDVOSB SBSA Established SB Program SDB/ HBCU 5% Goal WOSB Established SB Goals

8 8 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONS  Serves As Principal Advisor To The Commander And Team Redstone Regarding Small Business Issues.  Assists All Businesses On Government Contracting Matters, Including Changes To The Procurement System.  Advises And Assists Contracting, Technical And Program Managers To Increase Use Of Small Business, SDB, SDVOSB, WOSB, HUBZone, and HBCU/MI Participants.

9 9 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONS (Cont’d) OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONS (Cont’d)  Reviews All Procurement Packages In Excess Of $10K Including Those Restricted For Exclusive Small Business Participation via DD Form 2579.  Monitors Small Business Performance (Targets).  Reports Small Business Program Awards To Higher Headquarters.

10 10 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONS (Cont’d)  Reviews Subcontracting Plans, Acquisition Plans, Etc.  Serves As An Advocate For Small Business Firms.  Maintains An Outreach Program To Locate And Develop Small Business Firms.

11 11 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONS (Cont’d)  Provides Small Business Technical Advisory Support To The Small Business Administration (SBA) Procurement Center Representative (PCR).  Serves As The Liaison With SBA and SBA-PCR.  Office of Small Business Programs Is NOT SBA

12 12 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP WHAT AMCOM BUYS Aviation and Missile Weapons Systems and the supporting equipment required to operate them. Repair, overhaul, test and modernization of the Army’s Aviation and Missile Systems. Training and education of soldiers using these weapons systems.

13 13 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP WHAT AMCOM BUYS Test, Measurement & Diagnostic Equipment Research & Development Automatic Data Processing Equipment/Computer Hardware & Software

14 14 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP WHAT AMCOM BUYS Services for system integration, engineering services, base support, technical assistance/operations support, flight services, maintenance and overhaul of helicopter subassemblies, hydraulic pumps, manifold assemblies, and others.

15 15 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 1.Identify your Product or Service. 2.Register your business. 3.Identify Your Target Market. 4.Identify Current Procurement Opportunities. 5.Familiarize yourself with DoD Contracting Procedures. 6.Investigate Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Contracts. 7.Seek additional assistance as needed.

16 16 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 1.Identify your Product or Service you are selling to the Army/AMCOM. It is essential to: Know the Federal Supply Classification (FSC) codes for your products. Know correct North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for your product or service.

17 17 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 1. Identify your Product or Service (Cont’d) NAICS officially replaced the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code system effective October 1, 2000. NAICS is a common system that is used by the U. S., Canada, and Mexico. Further information in identifying correct NAICS visit the following web site: For FSC to NAICS Manufacturing Cross Reference Listing, visit web site:

18 18 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 2.Register your business by: Obtaining a Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) Number by contacting Dun & Bradstreet at 1-800-333-0505 or go to: Obtaining a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code by contacting the Defense Logistics Services Center at: Registering in Centralized Contractor Registration (CCR) at: If a small business, register in SBA’s Dynamic Small Business Search at:

19 19 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 3.Identify Your Target Market. The Department of Defense (DoD): DoD Statistical Information Analysis Division (SIAD) produces many procurement data reports. Of interest to small businesses is the Standard Tabulation (ST) 28 report of products and services purchased each fiscal year by the DoD. The ST28 is sorted by FSC/SVC code an provides name and location of DoD contracting offices. This report is found at the bottom of the Procurement Statistics page at: istics/procstat.html istics/procstat.html

20 20 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP STP28STP28

21 21 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 3.Identify Your Target Market (Cont’d). For AMCOM : The Competition Advocates Shopping List (CASL) contains AMCOM’s Aviation and Missile Project requirements and how to become a qualified source. Website: AMCOM FSC and NAICS Supply Commodities Listing contains forecasted manufacturing requirements found in CASL. Website:

22 22 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 4.Identify Current Procurement Opportunities. For Current DoD Procurement Opportunities, check the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps). The FedBizOpps is the single government point-of-entry (GPE) for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000. Government buyers are able to publicize their business opportunities by posting information directly to FedBizOpps via the Internet. Through one portal - FedBizOpps (FBO) - commercial vendors seeking Federal markets for their products and services can search, monitor and retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire Federal contracting community. The FedBizOpps is also an excellent source for possible subcontracting leads. The URL to view/query the FedBizOpps is http://www.fedbizopps.gov

23 23 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 4.Identify Current Procurement Opportunities (Cont’d). For current Army Business Opportunities check the Army Single Face to Industry (ASFI) Acquisition Business website at: For current AMCOM Business Opportunities check website:

24 24 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 5.Familiarize yourself with DoD Contracting Procedures. Check out Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (AFARS), and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) at website:

25 25 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 6. Investigate Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Contracts. Go the General Services Administration (GSA) website or checkout a GSA seminar and pursue getting a GSA schedule contract. GSA Website: http://www.gsa.gov There is a local GSA Representative at AMCOM to assistance you. Mr. Steve Sizemore Customer Service Director Redstone Arsenal Field Office (256) 895-7437

26 26 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AMCOM 7. Seek additional assistance as needed. Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) are local resources available that can provide assistance to business firms in marketing products and service to the Federal, State, and Local Governments and give you face to face assistance. PTAC Website: http://www.aptac-us.org Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) provides small business counseling and education. SBDC Website: NorthEast Alabama Region (NEAR) SBDC 225 Church St. NW Huntsville, AL 35801 or at UAH Campus (256) 824-6422 (256) 535-2061 or at Alabama A&M (256) 372-8018 Email:

27 27 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP Pursue simplified acquisitions (under $100K). Be ready to accept Government VISA or MC card. Respond to Sources Sought. – Follow the directions--address specific information requested. –Do not submit general capability statements. Build subcontracting/teaming arrangements with existing prime contractors. HELPFUL TIPS

28 28 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP Promote your name Know your customer Know your competition Don’t make promises you cant’ keep – deliver on time Utilize your experience and imagination Exceed expectations Go the extra mile, stand behind your word! Prospect – continue relationships – new and old Network with winners – talk to successful people Hire good employees – turnover is costly Learn by your mistakes TIPS IN AN ERA OF HEIGHTENED COMPETITION

29 29 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESSEXPRESS AMCOM EXpedited PRofessional and Engineering Support Services (EXPRESS) Program is used for the acquisition of advisory and assistance services that fall within the scope of the EXPRESS Business and Analytical, Logistics, Programmatic and Technical Domains. EXPRESS provides AMCOM customers services through multiple blanket purchase agreements (BPA). The EXPRESS website lists the four broad scopes of work, the supported systems and equipment:

30 30 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP DOMAINS EXPRESS Business & Analytical Strategic Planning Communication Support Process Improvement Support Financial Management Support Logistics Maintenance Planning Supply Support Training and Training Devices Logistics Program Support Programmatic Resource Management Support Cost Estimating/Analysis Strategic Planning Analysis International Program Support Operations Research and Analysis Technical Aeromechanics Technology Systems Engineering Structures and Materials Systems Simulation and Modeling Software Engineering

31 31 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP PRIME CONTRACTORS EXPRESS Business and Analytical Domain Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) (LB) Perkins Technical Services, Inc. (WOSB) Navigator Development Group, Inc. (VO/SB) Logistics Domain AEPCO (LB) Belzon, Inc. (SDVO/SB) Metters Industries, Inc. (SDVO/SDB) Programmatic Domain CAS, Inc. (LB) Sigmatech, Inc. (SDB) Intuitive Research and Technology (8a) 3D Research Corporation (LB) Technical Domain Westar Aerospace and Defense Group, Inc. (LB) Aviation and Missile Solutions, LLC (AMS) (SB) Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) (LB) SAIC (LB) Morgan Research Corporation (LB) Madison Research Corporation (LB)

32 32 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Contractor Teaming Arrangement BPA Holder - Prime Contractor BPA Holder - Prime Contractor Team Member Subcontractor DIRECT AWARDS: Team Leader may propose that Task Orders be issued directly to a SB Team Member – AMCOM Receives SB Credit Based on Direct Awardee’s Size Prime Contractors and Team Members must hold a GSA Schedule Team Members utilize their own GSA schedule rates Team Members sign BPA Subcontractors not required to hold GSA contract. Perform to Prime’s GSA Schedule rates.

33 33 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Timeliness: 42 Working Days Socioeconomic Program Support: 48% obligated dollars Direct Awards to Small Businesses: 9% Advantages of EXPRESS

34 34 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Primary Customers CUSTOMERS 262 Task Orders Issued (As of March 31, 2008) AMRDEC PEO AVIATION PEO MISSILE & SPACE AMC LOGSAOTHERS

35 35 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP AMCOM EXPRESS SMALL BUSINESS STATISTICS (as of 30 Jun 2008) AMCOM EXPRESS SMALL BUSINESS STATISTICS (as of 30 Jun 2008) SIZE # T.O.s% T.O.s $$$ OBLG % $$$ LB 92 33% 52% SB*183 $1,077,190,35948% 67% Total: 275 100% $2,237,232,883 $1,160,042,524 FY 2008 $653M Obligated 28 Task Orders FY 2007 $801M Obligated 28 Task Orders FY 2006 $616M Obligated 71 Task Orders FY 2005 $167M Obligated 148 Task Orders

36 36 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Distribution of Task Orders & Obligated $s (As of June 30, 2008) DOMAIN % TO’S # TO’S # DIRECT OBLIGATED % $s AWARDS $ TECHNICAL 46% 126 18 $1,521.8M 68% PROGRAMMATIC 24% 67 6 $374.9M 17% LOGISTICS 20% 54 5 $252.8M 11% BUSINESS & ANALYTICAL 10% 28 2 $87.8M 4% TOTALS 100% 275 31 $ 2.237B 67% of TO’s Awarded to SB’s 48% of $’s Awarded to SB’s

37 37 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS  Determine best suited Domain and identify niche in EXPRESS  Contact Prime Contractors for each Domain to discuss possible teaming  Decide to pursue as Prime Contractor, Team Member, or Subcontractor  If pursuing Team Member status, contact GSA Customer Service Representative, Mr. Steve Sizemore, (256) 895-7437  Discuss GSA Schedule contract status  Check FedBizOpps for special announcements regarding EXPRESS Open Seasons:  To Restructure Teams  To Add Primes Pursuing EXPRESS

38 38 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Two Types Of Open Season  Possible competition to add new BPA holders (Primes)  Lack of adequate competition  Socioeconomic improvement needed  Existing primes exit program  Enhance pool of expertise for new task order efforts  Primes may restructure their team mix by adjusting team members and subcontractors  Facilitates new SB Participation  Adjustment opportunity for teaming arrangements  OK to Add, Delete, and Change Team Member/ Subcontractor Status * Open Season Notices will be posted in FEDBIZOPPS

39 39 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Open Season History ( For Adjusting TEAMS - TEAM Members and Subcontractors ) Business & Analytical Domain January 2006 Logistics Domain Technical Domain March 2006 Programmatic Domain Dec 06/Jan 07Business & Analytical Domain Logistics Domain Technical Domain March 2007Programmatic Domain July 2007All Domains Dec 07/Jan 08All Domains

40 40 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Open Season For Adding Small Business Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Holders Solicitation Number: W31P4Q-08-T-EXPRESS Posted Date: July 15, 2008  The Requests for Quotation (RFQs) will be posted on the EXPRESS website, approximately 30 days after the RFQ issue date to the following address: COMMANDER, U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-AC-OS-O/Marcia Tully, Sparkman Center, Building 5303, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898.  Respondents are caution that failure to meet the following criteria will render their submission non-responsive and they will not be considered for award: (1) Must hold one of the required GSA Schedules, as of the date of submission of quote, (2) Must meet the small business size standard for the NAICS applicable to the schedule identified as primary for the EXPRESS program, and (3) Submission of all required documentation as stated in the RFQ.

41 41 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS COL Scott Campbell, Deputy Executive Director 256-876-6066 LTC Jeff Knight, Director Operations & Support 256-842-2399 Tim Kirkpatrick, Chief, EXPRESS Division 256-876-9316 Marcia Tully, Contracting Officer 256-842-7409 ACQUISITION POINTS OF CONTACT

42 42 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP EXPRESS Prime Contractor Points of Contact

43 43 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS WEBSITE Visit Our Office of Small Business Programs website at:


45 45 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP Current Information DoD OSBP Guidebook For Facilitating Small Business Team Arrangements – September 2007 (doc) Table of SB Size Standards (pdf) AMCOM Small Business Briefing March 2008 (ppt) AMCOM EXPRESS Policy February 25, 2008 (pdf) Partnership Agreement Between the U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department Of Defense dated Feb 28, 2007 DD Form 2579 Instructions (20 Feb 08) (doc) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Sources Sought (doc) Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program – Frequently Asked Questions (doc) Suspension of the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Feb 08, 2008 (pdf) Small Business Program Guide For Government And Industry, Revised March 2008 (doc) How To Do Business With AMC February 2008 (doc) Committee Announces New Executive Director To Lead AbilityOne Program (doc) Office of Small Business Programs Current Information

46 46 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS (OSBP) Sparkman Center, Bldg 5303, Rm 3135  Chief Mr. David F. Seitz (256) 876-5441 FAX (256) 842-0085 Management Assistant – Ms. Geraldine Wherry  Small Business Specialist Ms. Mary Birdsong (Mentor/Protégé) 876-0921 Mr. Todd Couch (SDB/8(a)) 876-3567 Mr. Lee Ford (HBCU/MI) 876-5318 Mr. Phyllis Pond (AbilityOne) 842-6236 Mr. Robert Schrader (HUBZone) 842-6239 Ms. Judith Stewart (WOSB) 842-0084 Mr. Glenn West (SDVOSB/VOSB) 876-2561

47 47 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, OSBP


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