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Department of Materials University of Oxford Electron microscopy in the Department of Materials The electron-microscopy group Web site:

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1 Department of Materials University of Oxford Electron microscopy in the Department of Materials The electron-microscopy group Web site:

2 Department of Materials University of Oxford Modular courses n A variety of modular courses in different aspects of electron microscopy are held throughout the year. The local-access section of the Web site gives details of forthcoming courses. Those without prior experience should start with Basic SEM or Basic TEM, as appropriate. n It is important to get the timing right. These courses involve considerable investment in effort and time. A common mistake is to take a modular too soon, before specimens are available. The basic courses are repeated twice each term, towards the beginning and end of term. Plan accordingly. Some courses are not given each term.

3 Department of Materials University of Oxford Basic SEM and TEM in Michaelmas Term 2006 n SEM: Weeks 1 (9 th /10 th Oct) and 7 (22 nd, 23 rd Nov) – next week n TEM: Weeks 2 (10 th Oct) and 8 (27 th Nov) n Sign up by contacting me as soon as possible – deadline for week 1SEM and week 2 TEM tomorrow. n Copy katherine.hartwell@materialskatherine.hartwell@materials n Only do these if you need instruction urgently. n You must commit the full time (2 days for SEM, at least 4 for TEM initially).

4 Department of Materials University of Oxford To apply for other modular courses n Discuss with your supervisor which course(s) are appropriate. You will find details on the EM group website. n Download a modular course request form from the Website. n Return completed form to Katherine Hartwell (preferably electronically):

5 Department of Materials University of Oxford Modular courses in Michaelmas Term Modular training courses in electron microscopy Provisional dates (Michaelmas Term 2006) Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy (offered twice per term) Dr M.L. Jenkins G Chapman Weeks 1 and 7 Given also in mid-September Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy (offered twice per term) Dr M.L. Jenkins (coordinator) Dr J.L. Hutchison G Chapman Weeks 2 and 8 Given also in mid-September Specimen preparation Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Analysis Dr M L Jenkins, C Salter Dr M.L. Jenkins, G Chapman Week 3 Week 4 FIBDr Y HuangWeek 5 WDS X-ray Analysis Mr C.J. SalterWeek 9 EELSDr J L Hutcison, Dr C.J.D. Hetherington Week 6 High Resolution Electron MicroscopyDr J.L. HutchisonWeek 7 Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD) Dr A J WilkinsonWeek 6

6 Department of Materials University of Oxford Access to microscopes n We have many instruments, ranging from basic to very sophisticated. n Details of the instruments and their capabilities are also given in the local access section of the Web page. n To gain access to particular instruments, you (together with your supervisor) will have to complete an access request form – which can be downloaded from our Web site. n You will be required to describe your project and what you hope to achieve. This helps us to ensure that you get the right advice and training. For example, if you will need to use the sophisticated JEOL 3000F FEGTEM you will first need to become an approved user of a more basic instrument, then you will need to attend appropriate advanced training modules, combined with one-on-one training.

7 Department of Materials University of Oxford Certificate of Competence in Electron Microscopy n The Certificate of Competence in Electron Microscopy is awarded to researchers (including DPhil students, and post-doctoral researchers) who successfully complete an approved set of graduate lectures and modular training courses on a selection of electron microscopy (EM) techniques. n The course includes a specified number of hours of practical work, and in some cases the use of advanced techniques. n The certificate is not a formal requirement for those undertaking training in electron microscopy techniques, but is an additional qualification for researchers to gain during their time at Oxford, if they wish to do so. n The time required to complete the certificate is flexible, it may be completed within a year, but equally can be spread over the course of a whole DPhil project or period of postdoctoral research.

8 Department of Materials University of Oxford The Course Structure (1) n The exact title of your specialty will vary depending on the area of specialisation you have chosen. In order to successfully pass the Certificate, you must achieve the following standards: ä pass at least two practical training modules, and one relevant lecture course in the area or areas of specialisation ä become an approved user of at least one microscope in the area of specialisation, with at least 100 hours of independent use. If you choose more than one area of specialisation) you will need to log an additional 50 hours for each additional specialisation ä submit a portfolio of your work to the Director of EM Facilities or his nominee, such work to be adjudged competent.

9 Department of Materials University of Oxford The Course Structure (2) n It is possible to obtain a certificate in more than one area of specialisation – there are currently three areas: SEM, TEM and analytical microscopy. n In such cases, you complete further complementary training modules and lectures, or undergo individual training in advanced techniques and the certificate will state in which area or areas you have been deemed competent. n The certificate will also detail modules and lecture courses attended, and advanced training given.

10 Department of Materials University of Oxford Required training modules and lecture courses Area of specialisation Practical training modulesRelevant lecture courses Microscopes for approved user status Scanning Electron Microscopy Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy IT for electron microscopy Focussed ion-beam thinning Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD) Scanning Electron Microscopy Any SEM

11 Department of Materials University of Oxford Required training modules and lecture courses Area of specialisation Practical training modules Relevant lecture courses Microscopes for approved user status Transmission Electron Microscopy Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy Focussed ion-beam thinning IT for electron microscopy Specimen preparation techniques Dislocation analysis Weak-beam electron microscopy TEM Image Interpretation Any TEM

12 Department of Materials University of Oxford Required training modules and lecture courses Area of specialisation Practical training modules Relevant lecture courses Microscopes for approved user status Analytical Electron Microscopy Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Analysis WDS and Quantitative X- ray Analysis Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Imaging Analysis of Electron Energy Loss Spectra Advanced analysis module STEM and Microanalysis Advanced microscopy and microanalysis JXA 8800 JEOL 3000F JEOL 2200FS VG HB501

13 Department of Materials University of Oxford Support Structure n On registering for the course, you will be assigned a mentor, who provides detailed input at an early point into the level of practical skills expected in order to pass your chosen Certificate. n Your mentor will be one of the senior members of the Electron Microscopy Group (see Section 3). Their job is to assess your progress on a continuing basis. It is your responsibility to make an appointment to see your mentor at the start of your course and then at regular stages (after every 25h of microscopy time) throughout your certificate. n At these meetings, your mentor and you must fill in the Mentor’s Assessment Form together and return it to Dr M L Jenkins, c/o Katherine Hartwell. The form is designed to record any problems you have, and any aims for the future and should be used as a guide to your training. n Aside from the meetings with your mentor, the Course Directors are happy to discuss any queries / problems

14 Department of Materials University of Oxford General Course Requirements (1) n In order to be awarded a Certificate you must pass the required number of modules, lecture courses, practical training elements and submit a portfolio of work. Each element of the course is assessed separately, as outlined below. n Graduate lectures: the course lecturer sets a question sheet, which researchers must complete satisfactorily. The course lecturer marks the sheets. n Modular courses: typically a practical test aimed at establishing that the stated outcomes of the module have been met. The practical test is assessed by the course teacher(s).

15 Department of Materials University of Oxford General Course Requirements (2) n Practical training: researchers become “approved users” of particular instruments either by successfully completing a training module and practical assessment, or by one-on- one training. All such training must be recorded. n Researchers are responsible for logging time on instruments into their own log books, which may be checked against the instrument log books. n Portfolio: the final assessment will be made by one of the Directors of the Course, plus one other senior member of the EM group (the researcher’s mentor is not permitted to be part of the assessment team). Normally the portfolio will contain material relevant to the student’s own research work, and will form part of his/her thesis / research project.

16 Department of Materials University of Oxford Registering for the Certificate n All researchers wishing to undertake the Certificate must register with Mrs Katherine Hartwell by returning to her the registration form found on the EM-group website : ( n Researchers who register part the way through their EM training will not necessarily qualify for the Certificate.

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