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Road to Development.

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1 Road to Development

2 Balanced Growth through Self-Sufficiency
A country should spread investment as equally as possible across all sectors of its economy and in all regions. Incomes in rural areas keep pace with urban incomes Businesses remain independent of foreign corporations Limit imports through tariffs and quotas

3 Different Routes to Success

4 India followed this policy
Made imports difficult Discouraged Indian businesses from exporting Could not convert Indian money into other currencies Encouraged production of consumer goods for Indian citizens Provided subsidies for struggling companies

5 Problems Inefficiency: without true competition, companies have little incentive to improve techniques, technology, products, etc Large Bureaucracy: needed to administer the controls – complex and corrupt

6 Rostow’s Development (Modernization)Model
through International trade A country can develop economically by concentrating scarce resources on expansion of its distinctive local resources Developed by W.W. Rostow (1950s)

7 Rostow - Stages of Growth
Traditional Society Characterised by subsistence economy – output not traded or recorded high levels of agriculture and labor intensive agriculture Wealth allocated to nonproductive activities (religious, military Village in Lesotho. 86% of the resident workforce in Lesotho is engaged in subsistence agriculture. Copyright: Tracy Wade,

8 Rostow - Stages of Growth
2. Pre-conditions: An elite group initiates development Investments in technology and infrastructure Commercialization of agriculture The use of some capital equipment can help increase productivity and generate small surpluses which can be traded. Copyright: Tim & Annette,

9 Rostow - Stages of Growth
3. Take off: Increasing industrialization in limited areas (food or textiles) Foreign investment increases Infrastructure improvements Some regional growth Economy still dominated by traditional practices At this stage, industrial growth may be linked to primary industries. The level of technology required will be low. Copyright: Ramon Venne,

10 Rostow - Stages of Growth
4. Drive to Maturity: Develops broad manufacturing and commercial base Industry more diversified Increase in levels of technology utilized As the economy matures, technology plays an increasing role in developing high value added products. Copyright: Joao de Freitas,

11 Rostow - Stages of Growth
5. High mass consumption High output levels Mass consumption of consumer durables High proportion of employment in service sector Service industry dominates the economy – banking, insurance, finance, marketing, entertainment, leisure and so on. Copyright: Elliott Tompkins,

12 USA Path to Development
Stage 5: early 20th century Stage 4: late 19th century Stage 3: middle of 19th century Stage 2: first half of 19th century Stage 1: prior to independence


14 Criticisms Assumes LDCs will achieve each level of development before advancing Uneven resource distribution (Zambia’s one commodity market of copper developed trouble when world copper price fell) Market Stagnation – MDCs market are saturated, need to increase sales in LDCs Increased dependence on MDCs – when concentrating resources in a “takeoff” industry, then buy necessities from MDCs

15 Criticisms Does not account for
Global politics Colonialism Physical geography War Culture Ethnic conflict Deindustrialization Cannot compare Nepal (stage 1) to Denmark (stage 5) to Saudi Arabia Development does not necessarily lead to high consumption, can mean social welfare

16 Possible 6th stage – Postindustrial
Service replaces industry Information replaces energy as key resource

17 International Trade Approach
Some countries have switched from self-sufficiency approach to international trade according to the World Bank – international trade countries have seen 4% growth, self-sufficiency countries 1% LDCs are exporting more manufactured goods rather than agriculture or mining goods

18 International Trade Approach
World Trade Organization (1995) works to reduce barriers to international trade by Negotiate reductions in trade restrictions, such as quotas & tariffs Enforces trade agreements WTO has been criticized for being undemocratic (favor large corps over poor nations) and for threatening sovereignty

19 International Trade Approach
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – investment made by a foreign company in the economy of another country Only 1/3 went from a MDC to a LDC (only 10% went to African nations) Transnational Corporations are major sources of FDI

20 Models of Development Liberal Models by definition Rostow’s Model
All countries are capable of development All countries follow the same model of development For countries that have developed in modern times – only China has followed THE model of development Economic disparities are a result of short term inefficiencies in local or regional market forces

21 Models of Development Structuralist Models Dependency Theory
Regional disparities are a structural feature of the global economy Neo-Colonialism Things have come to be organized or structured in a certain way and cannot be changed easily Old method of industrializing is no longer possible because other factors have changed

22 Dependency Theory Structuralist alternative to Rostow’s model
Political and economic relationships between countries and regions control and limit the economic development of less affluent regions Dependency helps sustain the prosperity of the dominant regions and the poverty of the lesser regions

23 Dependency Theory Little hope for economic prosperity in regions and countries that have traditionally been dominated by external power (colonialism) Based on generalizations that pay little attention to regional differences in culture, politics, and society

24 World-Systems Theory Immanuel Wallerstein Divide world into Core
Semi-periphery Periphery

25 Three Tier Structure Core Periphery Semi-periphery
Processes that incorporate higher levels of education, higher salaries, and more technology * Generate more wealth in the world economy Periphery Processes that incorporate lower levels of education, lower salaries, and less technology * Generate less wealth in the world economy Semi-periphery Places where core and periphery processes are both occurring. Places that are exploited by the core but then exploit the periphery. * Serves as a buffer between core and periphery

26 Core Periphery Model Core Regions
High levels of socioeconomic prosperity Dominant players in global economic game Anglo America HDI .94 Japan and the South Pacific HDI .93 Western Europe HDI .92

27 Core Periphery Model Periphery Poor regions Dependent on the core
Do not have much control over their own affairs


29 Periphery Regions Latin America HDI .78 East Asia HDI .72
Southeast Asia HDI .71 Middle East HDI .66 South Asia HDI .58 Sub Saharan Africa HDI .47

30 Core Periphery Model Semi Periphery
Regions that exert more power than periphery regions but are Dominated to some degree by the core

31 Development Indicators
Economic: GNP, PPP, per capita energy consumption Noneconomic: HDI, gender equity, calorie intake

32 Four Dragons Aka Four Tigers or Gang of Four
S. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Lacked natural resources Strongly influenced by Japan’s success Concentrated on handful of manufactured goods Low labor costs Sell to MDCs

33 Millennium Development Goals
Adopted by world leaders in the year 2000 and set to be achieved by 2015, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) provide concrete, numerical benchmarks for tackling extreme poverty in its many dimensions. The MDGs also provide a framework for the entire international community to work together towards a common end – making sure that human development reaches everyone, everywhere. If these goals are achieved, world poverty will be cut by half, tens of millions of lives will be saved, and billions more people will have the opportunity to benefit from the global economy.

34 Millennium Development Goals
The eight MDGs break down into 21 quantifiable targets that are measured by 60 indicators. Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

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