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Kia Ora Welcome to Unitec Unitec Institute of Technology- “Unitec” Department of Management and Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Kia Ora Welcome to Unitec Unitec Institute of Technology- “Unitec” Department of Management and Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kia Ora Welcome to Unitec Unitec Institute of Technology- “Unitec” Department of Management and Marketing

2 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Plan for today General welcome and suggestions Moodle – where is everything? You, lecturer, iPad info Assessment One and Two Meeting the class iPads and four courses: Welcome to BSNS5600 iBook >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

3 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS especially to our International Students. Introduction – your course lecturers Mary Lim (Profile on Moodle soon) or 815 4321 x 7378 Alastair EmersonProfile already on Moodle) or 815 4321 x 7033 Ken Newlands (Profile already on Moodle) or 8154321 x7061 >>DEPARTMENT of MANAGEMENT and MARKETING Kia Ora - Welcome

4 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Lecturer Contact at end of each class and email for an appointment Office Hours vary for example 10.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Thursday but teaching 3- 4 courses. Don’t be surprised or disappointed if you “drop in” and cannot be attended to... Suggest you make appointment by email Evacuations? Check details on wall Accidents? Advise lecturer >> DEPARTMENT of MANAGEMENT and MARKETING Contacting lecturer and emergencies

5 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Subject heading Course BSNS5600 Class 599x Polite business like language Topic, numbered questions Suggested solution e.g. meeting on Friday after class Your family name in CAPITALS + Unitec ID e.g. Ken NEWLANDS(ID 1234567) BSNS5600 class 5995 Assignment 1 I was sick for the lab test, Can I sit the test in class in week 4? Ken Protocol for emailing your lecturer >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

6 DoMM Student Support Tertiary study is not a solo activity. Successful students use the help available. BBus student handbook, USU diary additional services International Students: Your International student advisor Maori Students: - Ngaire Molyneux Pasifica Students: -Malama Saifoloi >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

7 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Te Puna Ako (Learning Support) Bldg 180 in the Hub 815 4321 x8611 Pacific Centre for Learning, Teaching & Research (Pasifika) Bldg 180 / 815 4321 x 7349 Maia Maori Development Centre Bldg 182/1001b / 8154321 x8695 Student Issues Advocate USU Offices Bldg 111 / 815 4321 x7386 Unitec Student Support >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

8 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Study Toolbox at Library refresher/ briefing session at lunchtimes Lecturers expect you to use references Reading, developing English and knowledge Website from Moodle or other Unitec web sites DoMM information Services contact Anne Fowke Use staff on Information desk Also live help! Library >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

9 Course information Course Assessments Text books / Other readings Class Room protocol Late arrivals – Please do not be late – it is a courtesy to other students and your lecturers Mobiles must be turned to silent – and may not be used in class except where specifically directed by the lecturer. Laptops, iPads, etc – Welcome to use them for class relevant purposes only. – Please do not get caught using them for: – Trademe – Facebook – Emails – Trading shares… etc >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

10 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Moodle contains everything you will need apart for text book and other references. We will normally teach from Moodle site If you can’t access by next week email lecturer for a copy of PowerPoint's, assignments one and two… On iPad internet Browser such as Safari - Unitec Moodle login Unitec home page Sign in and look for your course e.g. BSNS5600 Participant information – please add photo and update Assignment one has a task related to this Moodle site: Our information platform >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

11 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS All the very best for your 15 Credit course 150 hours of study should ensure you pass Remember to get involved in class and use the support services of class mates and Unitec. Mary Lim Lecturer Alastair Emerson Lecturer Ken Newlands Lecturer All the very best >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

12 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Introduce yourself to a couple of the people around you- Who are they? where from…/ What programme are you doing e.g. BBus? Is this their second, third semester at Unitec? Do they live nearby? What part of an assignment do they think they like best/ researching, writing, editing, proofing? Checking against marking guide to maximise marks, technical things like adding graphics? Have preferred name - Remember to sign Roll and update preferred name at end of class… Exercise one >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETING

13 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS An Introduction to Professional Practice What do you think we mean by professional practices? Is it just to help you here at Unitec, or also at work? What are examples of Professional Practices in study and work? In your group make a list of professional practices Exercise two- Groups of three or four >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

14 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Book commences with discussion of Professional Practices Focus on soft skills including communication- email protocols we discussed earlier Writing, presentation, selling, understanding cultures, working both as an individual with goals as well as in teams Critical thinking and Ethical behaviour Reliability Communication face to face but also with use of technology What can you add from your group discussion? First iBook >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

15 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS 1.Welcome to BSNS5600 2.Goal Setting 3.Communication Concepts 4.Cultures and People 5.Maori Business 6.Ethical Frameworks &Theories. 7.Aotearoa New Zealand: a bicultural nation iBooks >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

16 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS ASSESSMENTTitleWEIGHTINGLearning Outcomes ONEPersonal practices and ethics 25% 2,3,4,7 TWOBusiness communication and culture: Report Presentation and team 35% 1,3,4,5,6,8 THREECritical learning Experiences and Reflections 40% 7 Assessment plan- don’t panic we take this gently >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

17 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS 1.Moodle log on. From Unitec home page 2. You need to visit the page for BSNS5600 semester two, 2014. You do not need to do anything else, but you can have a look at the site layout while you are there. If you are able to do this it confirms your enrolment, and that you can access the site. (We can confirm your visit through site administration ) You may like to add a photo or image ! Assessment 0ne part 1 -Moodle >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

18 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS 4.1Please email your lecturer from the email address you would like to use for communication. 4.2In the subject line put ‘BSNS5600 (Class) name + your ID number>’ (Name = FAMILY NAME, First name) Lecturer will advise class number e.g. Ken class 5226 BSNS5600(5226) CHEN Virginia 1234567 4.3In the text please write a short email confirming 4.3.1that you are doing the BSNS5600 course 4.3.2your contact details (email and mobile phone please) 4.3.3that you have read and understood the attendance requirement on the Moodle page. Assessment 1.4 Email your lecturer >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

19 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS We will invite you to join Wordpress once class lists finalised Turnitin details will be on the Cover sheet of the assignment with a separate set of codes for each lecturer Go to Look for “Create Account” join with your email and memorable password, choose Student user and login (see next slide) Turnitin and Wordpress NEXT WEEK >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER


21 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Once logged into with email and password Then you can join BSNS5600 classes e.g. BSNS5600 Intro Prof Practice part 1 Evening class 5226 Ken’s class ID 10280163 Enrollment password BSNS5600eve (Case sensitive) Your lecturer will advise when you can submit an assignment Now join a class >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

22 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS 5.2Choose a written news story (online or hard copy) and make a copy that you can submit with your own work. 5.3Read the news story and 5.3.1Paraphrase to include summary of the main points, but in your words, shorter than original 5.3.2state any important discussion (facts and opinions) in the story, and 5.3.3give your own opinion on the story. 5.3.4support your opinion with evidence from the story, or other sources. 5 News Story Paraphrase and written response >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

23 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Go to “How to write an assignment” then under box called USE go to “How do I paraphrase” Alternatively go to Massey summarising.php Other Summary versus paraphrase >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

24 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Find a written article in the news e.g New Zealand Herald Obtain real newspaper or Google New Zealand Herald news =1 Copy for assignment, Go to the study toolbox at for examples of paraphrasing Summarise or paraphrase the article in 100 words and give reference Homework – work >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

25 >>FACULTY OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS Make arrangements to obtain an iPad – see advertisements on Moodle Visit Moodle and ideally add photo EMAIL Lecturer in prescribed manner Sign up for and join this class Read the introductory iBook again Read iBook 2 when it is loaded onto Moodle Homework continued >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

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