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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Tlingit/ West Hopi/ Southwest Lakota Sioux/Plains Iroquois/

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Tlingit/ West Hopi/ Southwest Lakota Sioux/Plains Iroquois/ East Woods Which Tribe?

2 Tlingit What was the location & climate of the Tlingit?

3 Location Climate Location: North coast of the west: from Alaska to California Climate: wet with mild winters & cool summers

4 Tlingit Describe the food resources of the Tlingit.

5 -they hunted, collected berries, & mostly fished -NO farming -had salmon run: catch salmon to last all year - they respected environment

6 Tlingit Describe the homes of the Tlingit.

7 -in villages with large homes they made of wood by their skilled woodworkers -had totem poles in front

8 Tlingit What kind of technology & art did the Tlingit have?

9 -food was plentiful, so had lots of time for technology & art, such as: -dams & traps to catch salmon -large canoes -totem poles (built to honor family members & chiefs) -decorative things like baskets -able to trade their resources

10 potlatches The Tlingit held potlatches. Describe what they were.

11 -feasts held for special events (weddings, honor a chief) -could last few days -guests get gifts from hosts. -Higher rank you held, better gift you got

12 Hopi What was the location & climate of the Hopi?

13 Location: Climate: Location: Near Arizona Climate: Made up of dry land (mountains, canyons, mesas)

14 Hopi Describe the food resources of the Hopi.

15 - farmers of the desert (not what you’d expect in dry desert) -grew crops w/ dry farming since they had little water - built dams & irrigation canals -farming was sacred –respected nature

16 Hopi Describe the homes of the Hopi.

17 -apartment style homes- pueblos- villages -built of adobe clay, which protected from weather -to keep invaders out, 1 st floor had no doors! Used ladders

18 Hopi What kind of technology & art did the Hopi have?

19 Pottery that is still being made today.

20 Kachina The Hopi held Kachina ceremonies. Describe what they were.

21 -religious ceremonies -spirits visit them half the yr -believe they bring rain to help crops grow & show how to live & behave -many different kachina dancers & dolls to teach children

22 Lakota Sioux What was the location & climate of the Lakota Sioux?

23 Location: Climate: Location: Dakota & Montana area – Black Hills of South Dakota Climate: dry prairies (flat grass covered lands) -hot summers & cold winters -little rain

24 Lakota Sioux Describe the food resources of the Lakota Sioux.

25 horses -farmers until 1600s, then horses ran away from Spanish owners -by 1700s, Lakota tamed them – riding horses allowed them to travel & hunt/eat buffalo -stopped living in permanent homes & followed buffalo -1800s- women dry buffalo meat so it lasts all yr (jerky)

26 Lakota Sioux Describe the homes of the Lakota Sioux.

27 -lived in teepees-mobile homes made of buffalo skins by the women -regulates temperature -could move teepees on travois (sleds)

28 Lakota Sioux What kind of technology & art did the Lakota Sioux have?

29 -kept track of time with calendar on buffalo hide w/symbols –called winter counts

30 Lakota Sioux Describe how the Lakota Sioux treated a buffalo hunt like a sport.

31 -in 1800s- at a buffalo hunt & in battle, it was a sport for men -not meant to hurt anyone -used coup stick to touch opponents but not kill them

32 Iroquois What was the location & climate of the Iroquois?

33 Location: Climate: Location: from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River -5 grps of Iroquois in NY state -had Hodenosaunee Trail Climate: lots of lakes, rivers, forests, & has all 4 seasons

34 Iroquois Describe the food resources of the Iroquois.

35 -lots of natural resources: (fish from waters, hunting in forests & wood for building, grew rice, good soil for farming along costs) -Excellent farmers: mostly women farmed

36 Iroquois Describe the homes of the Iroquois.

37 -lived in permanent villages & could travel far in canoes -lived in longhouses (long buildings made of poles covered w/ bark) -several families per longhouse

38 Iroquois What kind of technology & art did the Iroquois have?

39 -Wampum: small drilled beads strung together as belts or necklaces -made to remember important events -lots of time to make each one -began trading them in 1600s

40 Iroquois With the Iroquois, women had most of the power. How so & what were they called?

41 -Called clan mothers -decided how land was used & who used it -led clan of families- women owned longhouses -men joined wife’s longhouse -village leaders were men but chosen by clan mother

42 What Native American group are descendants of the Anasazis? Hint: think Pueblo people

43 Hopi The Hopi of the Southwest

44 Which tribe relied on the seas & forests before the Europeans arrived? Explain how & what else these people did.

45 Tlingit got most of their food from the sea & forests. They became wealthy from trading their extra food (surplus) & because they didn’t have to worry about getting food/surviving, they were able to develop advanced technology & art.

46 What tribe are Hiawatha & Deganawida from & why is their story so important?

47 Hiawatha & Deganawida are Iroquois & their story was important because their actions led to creation of the Iroquois Confederacy & Great Laws, which made the Iroquois powerful & a united group.

48 Iroquois Confederacy How & why did the Iroquois Confederacy form?

49 -in 1300s fighting broke out in Iroquois against other tribes over hunting ground -in 1570 formed Iroquois Confederacy – joined together to live in peace -2 leaders told story to help create Confederacy (Hiawatha & Deganawida) -had Great Laws (rules) -had Grand Council w/ representatives chosen by clan mothers to make decisions by compromising

50 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Describe the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act & what group of Native Americans it was associated with.

51 Tlingit -In 1867 US bought Alaska from Russia (Russians came to Tlingit area in mid 1700s & took the land). -US forced many Tlingits away from coast; they couldn’t fish anymore -Tlingit fought to keep/get back land. -In 1971, US govt. passed Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act which gave back 44 millions of acres of land to the Tlingit

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