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A Time of Social Change 1963–1975. Women at Work 19 th Amendment By 1963 1/3 of workers in US were women Earning 60% of what a man earned Service jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "A Time of Social Change 1963–1975. Women at Work 19 th Amendment By 1963 1/3 of workers in US were women Earning 60% of what a man earned Service jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Time of Social Change 1963–1975

2 Women at Work 19 th Amendment By 1963 1/3 of workers in US were women Earning 60% of what a man earned Service jobs – sales clerk, secretary, and domestic servants

3 Women at Home Marry young – about 20 years old Have a couple of kids Betty Freidan The Feminine Mystique Many women felt trapped by domestic life, were unhappy just being homemakers and wives.

4 nstpg nstpg

5 Feminism on the Move AKA women’s liberation movement/ Equal Rights Movement Women and men should be equal socially, politically, and economically Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned gender discrimination in employment

6 National Organization for Women 1966 NOW Worked to end discrimination in the workplace, schools, and justice system. Worked to end violence against women Worked to gain abortion rights Through rallies, marches, protests, lawsuits, lobbied government

7 Equal Rights Amendment Threat to traditional family life? Fears of women being drafted into the military FAILED to become a law by 3 states (needed 38 states by 1982 to ratify law)

8 Roe v Wade 1973

9 Native Americans High unemployment rates Average income less than half of a white American man Poor health, alcoholism, tuberculosis high Life expectancy lower and babies more likely to die in infancy

10 Termination policy Eisenhower decided to stop services to reservation and relocate Native Americans to the cities. Assimilate them into “Mainstream” society Between 1952-1967, 200,000 Native Americans were resettled Government did not allocate resources for them to help them adjust to urban life

11 MrlSE MrlSE

12 Declaration of Indian Purpose 1961 700 Native American from 64 Nations met in Chicago Wanted to end the Termination policy and take control of their own lives RED POWER MOVEMENT National Council on Indian Opportunity to get Indians more involved in setting policies - Johnson

13 Alcatraz occupation 1969 tried to reclaim the abandoned federal prison in San Francisco. Lasted 18 months Said they had a right to be there because of the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868 gave them the right to use any surplus federal territory.

14 Result NM returned 48,000 acres of the Second Blue Lake lands to the Taos Indians in 1970

15 American Indian Movement 1968 Renewal of culture Economic independence Better education for Indian children.

16 Other organizations Native American Rights Fund – legal services National Indian Education Association – improve access to education for Native Americans Council on Energy Resource Tribes – gain and control their natural resources and choose to protect or develop them

17 Native Americans Today Unemployment at 40% and on some reservation up to 90% High school drop out rate among highest in the nation Red Power instilled greater pride and wide spread appreciation for Native American culture.

18 Latinos 1960 – 900,000 in US Immigration Act of 1965 – gave preference to immigrants with relatives already in US 1/3 lived below poverty line High unemployment – 80% in low paying, unskilled jobs (factory work, construction work, farm labor, and household service)

19 Education 75% dropped out before finishing high school Few of their teachers were Latino or able to speak Spanish. Shabbier facilities, fewer resources, less qualified teacher

20 wpT2k wpT2k

21 Cesar Chavez Agricultural workers in California went on strike Don’t buy grapes Success – he then organized lettuce workers in California and migrant fruit pickers in Florida’s citrus groves

22 Chicanos/ La Raza Unida Party Ethnic pride and commitment to political activism Wanted bilingual education, improved public services, education for children of migrant workers, and end to job discrimination.

23 DU3M DU3M

24 Brown Berets Protested against police brutality in East Los Angeles Protested high death rate of Chicano soldiers in Vietnam Boricua = Puerto Ricans

25 Cubans Castro gains control over Cuba in 1959 78,000 Cubans flee to American Castro bans further emigration another 50,000 escape Flee for political reasons

26 Scarface nqBa2E nqBa2E

27 Counterculture Rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American society Blamed parents for generation for the problems the nation faced – threat of nuclear war, Vietnam War, racial discrimination and segregation and environment pollution

28 Hippies Abandoned schools, jobs, and traditional home life Wanted freewheeling existence, rejected materialism and work ethic of older generations Wanted to live simply and “Do their own thing”

29 Hippies Haight-Ashbury center for counterculture Communes – live in harmony with nature Peace and love New religions (Buddhism) Astrology Illegal drugs – marijuana, LSD (acid) “Tune in, turn on, and drop out”

30 Hippies Long hair and breads Lack of rules led to conflict

31 Summer of Love 1967 Drug addiction – overdoses

32 Entertainment Andy Warhol – pop art Films rated from G to X Woodstock 1969 – 400,000 attended

33 All in the Family kFHm8o kFHm8o

34 Writing assignment (1 paragraph) Could you have lived in the 1960s and early 1970s? Explain your answer as it pertains to: Civil Rights The Vietnam War Space/arms race Equal rights for women, Native Americans, and Latinos

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