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Published byJessie Barker Modified over 9 years ago
Coming Up… Monday 9th – Death of a Salesman – finish viewing (take notes through Critical Lenses for next Summative, written analysis) Tuesday 10th – Take Quizzes 3 & 4 Critical Lens Model Essay Historical/Biographical Lens (American Dream) - Archetypes Which two lenses will you use for your analysis? HMWK: Historical/Biographical Lens Wednesday 11th – PLC Day Historical/Biographical Lens Psychoanalytical Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Marxist Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Feminist Lens (Critical Encounters Activity & AP) - Archetypes HMWK: Write analysis Thursday 12th – Friday 13th – PPLD Book Talks (library)
Coming Up Next Week… Monday 16th – Check out choice novel - Read
Proofread, finalize analysis HMWK: Write analysis Tuesday 17th – Read choice novel Final day to turn in analysis Wednesday 18th – PLC Day The Great Gatsby Thursday 19th – Friday 20th – Extension Activity
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday
Have out your copy of Death of a Salesman and your lens notes on the play. WHAT TWO LENSES WILL YOU USE IN YOUR ANALYSIS? Structure of the Play • The play is divided into three main parts, Act One, Act Two, and the Requiem. • Each section takes place on a different day in the “present-day” (Spring 1949). • Act I: night-time • Act II: various times the next day • Requiem: several days later • Much of the family’s history, and the events that have led to the current situation and family relationships are revealed through flashbacks. These flashbacks also provide a somewhat objective glimpse of the past to contrast with the family members’ memories of those same events.
Past, Present, Future Monday
If you missed the summative fishbowl about “The Lottery” you must make it up by THIS Friday by either planning a time to come in (4th, lunch, 5th, after school) with 2-3 other absent students to have a 15 minute discussion in front of me OR preparing a 5 minute presentation to give at the beginning of class this week Finish - View & Read Death of a Salesman Take notes for Summative #2 Re-read Death of a Salesman Quizzes 3 &4 on Critical Lenses Historical/Biographical Research Write analysis through various lenses
Drama Through a Critical Lens Monday
Standards 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to analyze the drama Death of a Salesman through the 5 critical lenses we’ve studied: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical.. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Develop & Apply We - You Do Monday
Purpose: to analyze the drama Death of a Salesman through the 5 critical lenses we’ve studied: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Tasks: View the drama Death of a Salesman Take notes about the plot, characters, and theme based on the 5 critical lenses Use the written copy of the play to follow along and take additional note on you own time Spend the last 10 minutes of each class period discussing your observations and analysis of plot, characters, and theme based on the 5 critical lenses Outcome: Understanding of the drama in order to write an analysis of the play through at least two of the five lenses; this will be done this week
Drama Through a Critical Lens Monday
Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller through a written analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday
Take a few minutes to review the types of questions a critic would ask using each lens. You will have a 15 questions quiz shortly. I will be calling your name for you to come up and pick up your answer sheet (and a pencil if you need to borrow one) Homework: Complete the Historical/Biographical Research
Past, Present, Future Tuesday
Finish - View & Read Death of a Salesman Take notes for Summative #2 Take Quiz 3 Critical Lens Model Essay Historical/Biographical Lens (American Dream) - Archetypes Which two lenses will you use for your analysis? HMWK: Historical/Biographical Lens Take Quiz 4 Historical/Biographical Lens Psychoanalytical Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Marxist Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Feminist Lens (Critical Encounters Activity & AP) - Archetypes HMWK: Write analysis Write analysis through various lenses
Drama Through a Critical Lens Tuesday
Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller through a written analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Develop & Apply You Do Tuesday
Purpose: to show what you know about the 5 critical lenses Tasks: Take the 15 question matching quiz Outcome/Tasks: turn in both the answer sheet & question sheet (and pencil) take a copy of model literary analysis essay read through the essay Have out your copy of Death of a Salesman
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do Tuesday
Purpose: to identify the parts of a literary analysis essay Tasks: Identify and Discuss Introductory Paragraph Hook/Lead-in: Often writers use a well-known quote, an interesting statement or fact, an anecdote, or a universal truth to hook their readers. Narrow Focus: provide background information on subject including author background, summary of play, and/or definitions of lenses Thesis Statement: subject (title, author, text type), assertion about main idea/theme of the work (use an action verb), any key terms related to the prompt (the two lenses) Outcome: Understanding of the parts of an introductory paragraph in a multi-paragraph literary analysis essay
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do Tuesday
Purpose: to identify the parts of body paragraphs in a literary analysis essay Tasks: Identify and Discuss Body Paragraphs Topic sentence (identify subject, assertion, & craft) Transition into first example (quoted piece of text or paraphrase) Explanation of how the example should be understood through the particular lens – what does it reveal or show in response to essential questions asked by this lens Elaboration that connects example to theme/main idea Transition to next example (quoted piece of text or paraphrase) Concluding sentence (link the two text examples together, connect to theme/main idea) Outcome: Understanding of the parts of a body paragraphs in a multi-paragraph a literary analysis essay
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do Tuesday
Purpose: to identify the parts of a concluding paragraph in a literary analysis essay Tasks: Identify and discuss Concluding Paragraph Consider returning to opening ideas and thesis to help give the essay a sense of cohesion Go from a more narrow idea to a broader idea Ask: What is the overall point to leave with the reader? How does viewing this play through these different lenses create a common effect or an opposing effect? What do we see or pay attention to? How does this influence us as an audience? Outcome: Understanding the parts of a concluding paragraph in a multi-paragraph a literary analysis essay
Summative Prompt English 8 Summative Prompt & Rubric for Drama Through a Critical Lens How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How is literature a voice of social commentary? Summative Purpose: to demonstrate your understanding of 2 of the 5 critical lenses we’ve studied in class by writing a multi-paragraph essay that analyzes Arthur Miller’s drama Death of a Salesman through 2 critical lenses. Summative Tasks: Make sure to… Identify and explain the chosen lenses Give specific examples from the short story to show your understanding of the short story Explain how reading this story through this lens reveals a particular theme Include a broad to narrow introductory paragraph ending in a specific thesis statement related to the prompt Write 2 (-4) body paragraphs Include a narrow to broad concluding paragraph Include a word count of words
Important to Keep in Mind…
Summative assessments must be completed to earn credit for the course. Summative assessments are due on the due date for full credit. Summative skills build on one-another; therefore, you must complete one summative before the next. If a summative is turned in later than the specified due date, 10% of the total possible score will be deducted for each day it is late, up to 5 days. We will adhere to district make-up work policies regarding excused absences, as outlined in your student handbook. Please make note of an absence in the top margin of your work if this is the reason you turn it in after the due date. Keep in mind that if I have graded and entered an assignment before you have turned your make-up assignment in, it will show as “zero” in the grade book, regardless of circumstances, until it you turn it in, and I have had a chance to grade it. If you know you are going to be gone (e.g. on a field trip, out of town, have an appointment, etc.), on the day an assignment is due, you must turn it in prior to leaving. If you are absent during a project, you still must turn the project in on time. Please talk to me ahead of time if you know you have situations looming or things coming up. Academic Honesty Refer to your Student Handbook for details. In general, academic dishonesty includes copying or allowing copying, using unauthorized aides or tools, giving or receiving knowledge of an assessment, plagiarizing, allowing another to do your work, falsifying data, borrowing words or ideas without appropriate citations. A student receives a “zero” or “no credit” for any assignment attempted or completed through cheating. I may require the student to complete the assignment or the student may be referred for other disciplinary action. This is not a research paper. Your essay about Death of a Salesman must be an original analysis (your own ideas in your own words). If you do include any other person’s analysis, words, or ideas, they must be properly quoted and documented following MLA works cited guidelines, and any borrowed ideas should be a small percentage (-5%) of the analysis. If you do not properly cite outside sources (or if you turn in a paper that is primarily other source’s ideas), it is considered plagiarism (or a research paper), and the paper will receive a zero. Due Date: Tuesday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) Turn in a copy to Turn in a hard copy to me!
The Historical and Biographical Lenses
When did this person live? What events were occurring at the time that they may have been influenced by? Was there a purpose to their work at the time? What was this person’s role in the political, social or cultural happenings of their time? Were any biases prevalent at the time that may have influenced their thinking? How was this person raised? Did they suffer through any kind of tragedy or struggle? What were their personal beliefs? What age/stage of life were they in when they wrote the work?
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do – You Do Tuesday
Purpose: to identify information about the author and time period that may influence your understanding of the play Death of a Salesman Tasks: Use the resources (linked on SharePoint) to learn about Arthur Miller and the time period of Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller Biography National Endowment of the Humanities - Awards & Honors: 2001 Jefferson Lecturer - Arthur Miller Biography IMBd - Arthur Miller - Biography PBS: American Masters - Arthur Miller: None Without Sin Arthur Miller, Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica PAL: Perspectives in American Literature, Chapter 8: American Drama Lincoln Public School - Literary Time Periods-American Literature The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Period Introduction Overview, Since 1945 Shmoop - Arthur Miller Timeline Literary – Links to Biographies and Criticisms Essay by Miller: “Tragedy of the Common Man” Outcome: What information might you be able to use in your essay? Even if you are not analyzing from this lens, you may want to include some of it for introductory ideas (just make sure to site/document this)
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday
While you wait… Take a few minutes to review the types of lenses we’ve studied. You will have your last quiz shortly. I will be calling your name for you to come up and pick up your answer sheet (and a pencil if you need to borrow one) What two lenses are you analyzing the play through? Write your name twice on the paper on the board (once in each of two columns)
Past, Present, Future Wednesday
Take Quiz 3 Critical Lens Model Essay Historical/Biographical Lens (American Dream) - Archetypes Which two lenses will you use for your analysis? HMWK: Historical/Biographical Lens Take Quiz 4 Historical/Biographical Lens Psychoanalytical Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Marxist Lens (Prestwick Activity) - Archetypes Feminist Lens (Critical Encounters Activity & AP) - Archetypes HMWK: Write analysis Write analysis through various lenses(due no later than next Tuesday) Book Talks – Choice Novel
Drama Through a Critical Lens Wednesday
Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller through a written analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Develop & Apply You Do Wednesday
Purpose: to show what you know about the 5 critical lenses Tasks: Take the 10 question multiple choice quiz Turn in both the answer sheet & question sheet (and pencil) Based on the lenses you plan to use, borrow ONE copy of ONE of the lenses you plan to use read through the sheet Have out your copy of Death of a Salesman
Activity: Develop & Apply We - You Do Wednesday
Purpose: to formulate ideas for your written analysis of the drama Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Tasks: Based on the names on the front board/the sheet you have borrowed, meet with a small group of peers who are using the same lens as you Discuss the ideas presented on the corresponding lens sheet, taking notes in your comp notebook If time allows, we will do the same for a second lens Outcome: Ideas for written analysis
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Thursday
On the front table, take a copy of the… Summative Prompt & Rubric sheet Short Stories Through Critical Lens sheet Begin to read through each (front & back) These are yours to keep & write on I will take questions about them later in class
Past, Present, Future Thursday
Take Quiz 4 Which two lenses will you use for your analysis? Talk to your peers HMWK: Begin to write analysis Prompt, rubric, important reminders (hard copies) Model Components of a Literary Analysis HMKW: Write analysis through various lenses; working draft (intro/body or two bodies) by Monday PPLD Book Talk & Check Out Choice Reading Novel (fiction) – Have a choice novel book in your possession, in class on Monday! Computer/Writing Time – ASK QUESTIONS, RECEIVE FEEDBACK Final due no later than next Tuesday
Drama Through a Critical Lens Thursday
Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller through a written analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Computers Per 3 Per 6 Per 7 Thurs Green Hornet Cart (14) Fri
None- Book Talk by PPLD Mon Daedalus Yellow Lab Cart (14) Tues 257 (Tech Building, 2nd )
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do Thursday
Purpose: to further identify expectations and components of the summative Re-read through the prompt, rubric and important information – questions? Re-read the sheet showing the components to writing a Literary Analysis - questions? Definition of Theme/Definition of Universal Theme The theme of a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. In order to figure out theme, a reader must ask what view of life a work supports or what insight into life in the real world it reveals. Frequently, a work of fiction implies a few ideas about the nature of all men and women or about the relationship of human beings to each other or to the universe. These are called universal themes.
Activity: Develop & Apply You Do Thursday
Purpose: to gather notes and begin drafting your essay Tasks: Borrow a lens sheet from yesterday and work through the prompts to develop ideas & take notes for your essay…and/or… Read through the lens model paragraphs for “Young Goodman Brown” (feminist, Marxist, psychoanalytical)…and/or… Gather specific evidence (quotes) from your hard copy of the play and begin drafting body paragraphs for your essay. Outcome: Working draft (intro/body or two bodies) by Monday
Getting Started on the Draft
Write your thesis statement Applying the archetypal and feminist lenses to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown” reveals mankind's age old struggle with temptation. When analyzing the short story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, through a psychoanalytical lens and then through a Marxist lens, the reader can see how behaviors are often influenced by societal structures. Use this to guide your body paragraphs. Consider… What is the effect on the reader? On the theme/message of the play?
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday
Have out your copy of Death of a Salesman. Structure of the Play • The play is divided into three main parts, Act One, Act Two, and the Requiem. • Each section takes place on a different day in the “present-day” (Spring 1949). • Act I: night-time • Act II: various times the next day • Requiem: several days later • Much of the family’s history, and the events that have led to the current situation and family relationships are revealed through flashbacks. These flashbacks also provide a somewhat objective glimpse of the past to contrast with the family members’ memories of those same events.
Past, Present, Future Friday
Prompt, rubric, important reminders (hard copies) Model Components of a Literary Analysis HMKW: Write analysis through various lenses; working draft (intro/body or two bodies) by Monday PPLD Book Talk & Check Out Choice Reading Novel (fiction) – Have a choice novel book in your possession, in class on Monday! Computer/Writing Time – ASK QUESTIONS, RECEIVE FEEDBACK Final due no later than next Tuesday
Drama Through a Critical Lens Friday
Standards 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to analyze the drama Death of a Salesman through the 5 critical lenses we’ve studied: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical.. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Develop & Apply We - You Do Friday
Purpose: Tasks: Outcome:
Coming Soon….
Coming Soon…. Monday 9 – Read Choice Novel -
Sample Lens Analysis Essay (highlight) & how to write handout Tuesday– Read Choice Novel - Summative packet w/prompt - Model essay (intro) Wednesday– Read Choice Novel - Model essay (body – topic sentences, transitions, examples, explanations, concluding sentences) Thursday – Read Choice Novel - Model essay (body – embedding quotes, concluding sentences) Friday 13– Read Choice Novel - Model essay (concluding paragraph)
Coming Soon…. Week 1 – Begin 4th Qt Spring Break
Monday March 16 - Read Choice Novel - Last Day to turn in essay (peer edit) - Return play to library Tuesday - Read Choice Novel - The Great Gatsby Wednesday- Read Choice Novel - The Great Gatsby Thursday - Read Choice Novel - The Great Gatsby Friday 20 – Read Choice Novel - The Great Gatsby
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do - You Do day
Purpose: to practice our large group discussion skills and analysis. Tasks: Form into a fishbowl discussion group – sit where you can see and hear your partner (typically across the bowl from him/her) Make sure you have appropriate materials out (short story, writing utensil, other notes, Observation Form) Observer – use the Observation Form to document how often your partner is on or off task with the discussion and record reflection notes (Plus, Check, Minus) Speaker – participate in the conversation by posing and responding (with supporting evidence) to questions that analyze the components of the story (characters, setting, point of view, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and theme) - REFER TO THE TEXT WHEN RESPONDING Switch! Turn in the completed Observation Form at the end of the discussions Outcome: a better understanding of the story and of the expectations for large group discussions
Academic Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies 2. Interpreting and evaluating complex informational texts require the understanding of rhetoric, critical reading, and analysis skills 3. Writing and Composition 1. Style, detail, expressive language, and genre create a well-crafted statement directed at an intended audience and purpose 2. Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for particular audiences and specific purposes 3. Standard English conventions effectively communicate to targeted audiences and purposes 4. Research and Reasoning 1. Independent research designs articulate and defend information, conclusions, and solutions that address specific contexts and purposes 2. Logical arguments distinguish facts from opinions; and evidence defines reasoned judgment
Future Readings “Girl” – feminist theory, Marxist theory
“On the Subway” – feminist theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytical Extension activity – academic reading about psychoanalytical theory – “The Fish” with essay (
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