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EARLY AMERICAN CIVILIZATIONS AND CULTURES THE CULTURE OF THE INCAS, AZTECS, AND IROQUOIS The Iroquois lived in present-day New York State. Incas and Aztecs lived in Central and South America. 1
-Corn (maize), pumpkins, peppers, beans, squash, cotton, and tobacco.
*Around 9,500 years ago, some groups of Native Americans in Central and South America learned how to farm. This is the beginning of civilizations in the Americas. -Corn (maize), pumpkins, peppers, beans, squash, cotton, and tobacco. -People could now settle down in one area and not live as nomads. People needed to stay in one area in order to plant seeds, tend crops, and harvest crops. Human civilizations begin to develop in the Americas. Farming: Corn Corn Squash Beans Aztec priests conducting religious sacrifice. Aztec city. NOMAD: Person who moves from place to place in search of food. CIVILIZATION: Advanced culture with a religion, cities, government, written language, and social classes. Aztec government under the Emperor.
3 Early American Civilizations:
*All 3 early American civilizations existed in Central and South America and are considered empires. Aztec Empire (1200 AD – 1535 AD) Mayan Empire (200 AD – 900’s AD) Inca Empire (1200 AD – 1535 AD) *These civilizations and other groups of Native Americans developed different and unique cultures. EMPIRE: a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor or empress. Usually a territory of great size. Examples: Roman Empire, British Empire, etc.. CULTURE: The way of life for a group of people. -Cultures were different mainly due to the geography or environment and the resources they had. -Culture includes a people’s language, customs, religion, government, economy, traditions, etc.
2. Inca Civilization: 1200 AD – 1535 AD
-South America along Pacific Ocean. -Government run by emperor. -Built vast network of roads and bridges Built terraces on hills for farming. Hieroglyphics - A form of writing in which pictures are used to represent words and phrases Macchu Picchu: Inca Palace. Built vast network of roads. Much of Empire in Andes Mountains.
Incas had gold: They used gold for jewelry and artwork
Incan government ruled by emperor Incan decorated pot Emperor being carried; llamas used as pack animals Statue of Llama: Gold Incas had many gods
3. Aztec Empire: 1200 AD – 1535 AD -Located in Central and Southern Mexico. -Built capital city of Tenochtitlan (IN A LAKE). -Created a strict legal code. -Created 365 day calendar. -Created writing system using hieroglyphics. -Built irrigation systems for crops. -Religion was polytheistic: Believed in many gods. -Used human sacrifices to satisfy gods. -Conquered and ruled many other tribes -Social Classes: Ruler, priests and nobles, warriors, merchants and artisans, farmers, and slaves.
Tenochtitlan: (Mexico City)
Lake Texcoco -Over time, they conquered the area around the lake and eventually created large empire in Central Mexico. -Warfare was important because they needed a constant supply of human sacrifices.
Tenochtitlan: The only way to get to the city was by boat or over causeways.
Aztec Social Structure: -Aztec Empire was ruled by an emperor.
-Under the emperor were the priests and nobles who helped run the government. -Next were the warriors who defended the empire and captured prisoners for religious sacrifices. Emperor Moctezuma Warrior in armor
-Sacrifices used to keep gods happy. -Used prisoners captured in battle; Constant warfare. Prisoners or slaves were held down and their chest was cut open and their heart pulled out. This was done while they were still alive. Religious knife used to cut out hearts of human sacrifices.
Aztecs developed calendar in order to keep track of religious ceremonies.
Aztec god Quetzacoatyl. Aztec god Huitzilopochtl: sun god.
Iroquois Culture FORMATION OF THE LEAGUE: Dekanawida “Peacemaker”
In the 1500’s, Dekanawida and Hiawatha wanted to end warfare. They tried to get tribes in New York to join together. In 1570, 5 nations joined to promote peace and cooperation, and end warfare. The 5 nations were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. The Tuscarora joined in the early 1700’s. Became known as the “6 Nations.” Iroquois called themselves the Haudenosaunee: “People of the Longhouse.” Iroquois: Name given to group of Indians in New York by the French during the ’s. They were called the “Iroquois League,” or Iroquois Confederacy. Adodarhoh Hiawatha
2. LOCATION: 1. They lived in the present day state of New York along the Mohawk River, Great Lakes, and Finger Lakes. 1 2 4 3 5 Fulton County 6 Tuscarora
3. GOVERNMENT: 1. The Iroquois Confederacy was created by Dekanawida and Hiawatha. 2. The main purpose of the league was to bring about peace and stop the fighting among themselves. The Iroquois created a system of law to govern the league called the Great Law of Peace. Iroquois flag Wampum belt
Iroquois government was a representative government in which the sachems represented the people
Representative Government: system of government where voters elect representatives to make laws for them.
Iroquois depended on environment for all they needed
Iroquois depended on environment for all they needed. They only took what they needed. They did not waste any resources. Iroquois did not own land. Used what they needed. They shared land with others. Women controlled the village and the farm land around the village. When the resources of an area were used up, the village moved. Villages moved every years. They moved because the soil wore out. They needed to find fertile soil for farming. Palisade
E. ROLE OF IROQUOIS MEN: F. ROLE OF IROQUOIS WOMEN: 1. Farming & Gathering Food: Women grew corn, beans, and squash and gathered food from the environment. 2. Warriors: Men were warriors. They protected the village and league against enemies. 1. Sachems: Men served as sachems. 2. Picking Chiefs: Women picked and removed the sachems. 3. Hunters: Men hunted and fished to provide food for the family and village. 3. Food Preparation: Women prepared meats and other food for the people to eat. Mortar and pestle for grinding corn and other things. 4. Merchants/Traders: Men went to other villages and tribes to trade. They traded with Europeans when they arrived. 5. Cleared Land: Men cleared the land in order to build the village and farm. Drying fish and animal meat over smoke helped to preserve it so it would last longer. 4. Making Clothes: Women took animal skins (deer) and made clothing, shoes, blankets, and coats. 5. Raising Children: 6. Builders: Men built the tools and weapons that they used. Before the Europeans arrived, they used stone, wood, and bone for tools and weapons. After the Europeans arrived, they began using metal weapons and tools. 6. Make Tools: Women made the tools that they needed to do their jobs of farming, gathering, and cooking. They made pots, baskets, spoons, bowls from wood, bark, stone, and clay. 8
1. FOREST FOOD: 1. Women were responsible for ___________________ food from the forest and environment. 2. Men were responsible for _________________ and ___________________ in the forest and environment. 3. List the various types of food that the Iroquois found in the FOREST by hunting and gathering: PLANT: ANIMAL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. The _____________ was the most important animal to the Iroquois. It was major source of ______________, skins, and bones. 2. FARMING FOOD: 1. It was the ________________ responsibility to ________________________. 2. The primary crops grown by women were ______________, _____________, and ____________________. -They were called “The _____________ __________________.” 3. In addition, the Iroquois grew ____________________ which was used for smoking and religious rituals. Women did the farming using tools they made. The 3 Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash. Tobacco was an important crop. It was used for religious ceremonies.
Women were responsible for gathering food from the forest and environment. Men were responsible for hunting and fishing in the forest and environment. Food Found in the Forest (Plants) Nuts: Acorns, Hickory nuts Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries Roots: Garlic, onions Fruits: Apples, pears, plums Maple Syrup: Food Hunted in the Forest (Animals) ***Deer: Most important source of meat and skins. Bear, beaver, fox, mink, moose, elk, squirrel, rabbit Birds: Turkey, duck, goose, carrier pigeon Fish
B. FARMING FOOD: It was the women’s responsibility to plant, tend,
and harvest the crops. Primary crops were corn, squash, and beans. -They were called the “Three Sisters.” 3. In addition, the Iroquois grew tobacco. Tobacco grown for religious purposes. SQUASH BEANS CORN
Natural Resources: Things found in nature that can be used to make objects used by humans. WOOD: Used to make homes, tools, canoes, baskets, weapons, spoons, snowshoes. ANIMALS: Meat for food, skins for clothes, bones for tools and weapons. STONE: Used to make axes, hammers, arrow heads, knives SHELLS: Used to make Wampum Belts CLAY: Used for making pots, bowls, pipes, and toys
IROQUOIS VILLAGES: Villages were located by fresh water, wood, and fertile soil for farming. Built on high ground for protection Stockade or Palisade River or stream Fields for crops Canoes for travel
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