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Coptic Orthodox Church is a

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1 Coptic Orthodox Church is a
Holy Liturgy Coptic Orthodox Church is a Liturgical Church

2 Tonight The History of the Liturgy The Basic Structure of the Liturgy
Raising of Incense Church Architecture

3 The History of the Liturgy
(1cor 11:23- 25) “That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do to you, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

4 The History of the Liturgy
CHRIST Apostle Church “of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” Acts 1:3)

5 Liturgy of St. Mark Middle of 1st century – St. Mark brought Christianity to Egypt Liturgy of St. Mark Originally in Greek First Eucharist – Upper room at St. Mark’s house Liturgy of St. Basil started to be used at the end of 4th century

6 Sixth Century Liturgy of St. Mark translated to Coptic (Renamed to St. Cyril)

7 3 most common Coptic Liturgies
Liturgy of St. Basil Liturgy of St. Gregory Liturgy of St. Cyril NO CHANGE

8 Church Building

9 Theology of Orientation
Christ is our East (Malachi 4:2) A Reminder of the Lost Paradise Waiting for the Parousia of Christ Looking towards the cross The Orientation of the graves

10 Shape of the Church Building
The Cruciform The Circle The shape of a Ship

11 Cruciform shape Crucified body of Christ – Mostly byzantine style

12 The Circular shape Eternal nature of Christ as being an endless line

13 Ship Shape Most common Old Testament: New Testament:
Symbol of Salvation Noah’s Ark New Testament: Sailing amisdst a frightful dagers, but within the Lords ship, we are filled with hope of eternal rest

14 3 Division Sanctuary (containing Altars) The Nave
Deacons (Chancel) Believers (Main Nave) The Narthex for the Catechumens

15 Basic Structure of the Holy Liturgy
Could separate the in 4 parts: Raising of Incense (Vespers and Matins) Assembly Liturgy of the Word (Teaching portion) Liturgy of the Faithful (Eucharist portion) -We need to a high level to able to have a total body experience -See, smell, hear, taste, touch 3 parts some people only recognize 2 parts Where the priest is most focus on that is the part we are in. 1. Offer 2. Preparing 3. Choosing Lamb Absolution of the Ministers: Transition between Assembly and Liturgy of the Word

16 Raising of Incense The Thanksgiving Prayer The Mystery of Incense
The major Litanies The procession of Incense EFNOTI NAI NAN (Have mercy upon us,O God) Litany of the Gospel. The 5 minor Litanies. The 3 Absolutions . The blessing and departure.

17 1. The Thanksgiving Prayer
Every prayer starts with thanking the Lord (Eph. 5:20) “Giving thanks always for all things unto God “ The priest stand outside God’s door prostrates as a humble request that God accept his prayers, for himself and the people.

18 2. The Mystery of Incense 5 spoonful of incense.
1.Abel [offer the 1st born] Noah [offer of every pure animal, bird] Melchizedek [bread & wine]. 4.Aaron [offer sacrifices for himself & his people]. 5.Zacharias [offer incense in the sanctuary].

19 4. The Incense Circuit Raising the incense: out side the sanctuary
N (St.Mary) Hail you O full of grace. W Hail to the choir of the angels. S Hail to John … the priest the son of the priest. E Let us worship our Savior.

20 Vespers: Litany of Departed Matins: Litany of the
The sick travelers (not on Sundays) The offering

21 5. EFNOTI NAI NAN (Have mercy upon us,O God)
Help us E E N S Hear us Guard us W Bless us Amen

22 6. Litany of the Gospel Pray for the holy gospel Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord. Prayer of Simon the Elder The priest goes around the alter with the censer saying; “Lord, now You letting Your servant depart in peace.”

23 7. The 5 minor Litanies The Prayers of Submission
Peace : Remember, O Lord, the peace of Your one,… Church. Lord have mercy Fathers: Remember, O Lord, our blessed … Papa abba Shenouda the III and his spiritual brothers. Holy places: Remember, O Lord, the salvation of this Yours holy place. Waters, Plants, Fruits: Graciously accord, O Lord, to bless … Lord have mercy x3 Assemblies : Remember, O Lord, Assemblies, …bless them. The Prayers of Submission +But let Your people be in blessing 1000’s… Blessing O King of peace, grant us Your peace…

24 3 Absolutions

25 Dismissal Go in peace. The Lord be with you all. Amen.

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