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Harassment and Bullying

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Presentation on theme: "Harassment and Bullying"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harassment and Bullying

2 Harassment- bell ringer
What is harassment? List various ways you feel harassment takes place in our society, school or workplace? What can we do to reduce or eliminate harassment?

3 Harassment Any unwanted or unwelcomed behavior of any nature which interferes with a person’s ability to learn or work in a comfortable or supportive atmosphere.

4 Types of Harassment Physical – physical harm or destroying property.
Verbal – name-calling, teasing, phone calls, spreading rumors Social/Emotional – rumors, blackmailing, racial/cultural slurs or deliberately excluding you from a group=(emotional intimidation) Sexual – comments, gestures, unwanted physical contact of sexual nature. Written – threatening note, , graffiti and text messages.

5 Cyberbullying /social media
-bullying that takes place using electronic technology.

6 What is a Threat? An expression of intent to do harm against someone or something. Types: Spoken, Written, Symbolic (hand motion for gun) Why? Warning signal, demand for attention, taunt others, to intimidate, to punish, to frighten, etc.

7 Describe a bully……. What characteristics do you think the bully generally has? Why do you think people choose to bully? What characteristics do you think the victim of bullying generally has?

8 Characteristics of Bullies
Aggressive Behavior patterns Desire to dominate peers Need to feel in control Low Self-Esteem Jealousy Defiant towards adults/authority

9 Characteristics of Victims
Often sensitive and quiet May feel lonely or abandoned at school May have difficulty asserting themselves May be physically weaker than others May be different in some way

10 When does Bullying and Cyberbullying become a crime?
Physically assaulting someone Harassing someone especially if the harassment is based on gender or racism Making violent or death threats Making obscene and harassing phone calls and texts Sexting

11 When does Bullying and Cyberbullying become a crime? Conti…
Sextortion- a form of sexual exploitation (ex: threatening release of sexual images- receiving a job promotion, or better grades for sexual favors) Child pornography Stalking someone Committing hate crimes Taking a photo of someone in a place where they expect privacy

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