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The Successful Woman Understanding Success Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Successful Woman Understanding Success Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Successful Woman Understanding Success Strategies

2 What is Success? To be successful means to be full of success To be fruitful in every good work. To get results where others cannot To become outstanding through continuous progress making

3 Your Heritage of Success Hollywood, Nollywood, Bollywood cannot guarantee success. Psalm 21:30 (there is no wisdom, insight or plan that can succeed against or away from the Lord). You have a heritage of success with God through your redemption by the blood of the lamb Matthew 5:14 (You are the light of the world, A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden) You have an outstanding destiny with God by the virtue of your redemption.

4 Your Heritage of Success To be redeemed does not imply to be reduced, reproached or frustrated. Redemption suggests distinction, celebration. Why? Because you are a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, chosen to show forth the praises of Him Who has called you out of darkness to live a marvellous life.

5 Your Heritage of Success The seed of success was implanted in you at the point of redemption. 1 Peter 1:23 (Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible through the Word of God which lives forever). The seed is incorruptible and indestructible. This means that you can activate success at any time in your life. You can be successful at 15 or at 95! After all Sarah was 90 when she successfully had Isaac!

6 Your Heritage of Success You are chosen to enjoy celebrations where others are victims of frustration in Jesus Name! Psalm 8:4-8; Angels envy you, you cannot be pitied by men!

7 Season of Fruitfulness Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, Acts 14:17 It is your season of fruitfulness in Jesus Name! Joel 2:23, 26 Success is the treatment for shame

8 Recipe for Success: 1. Vision Vision is the main ingredient for success Steve jobs put vision this way: ‘anticipate the future’ Vision is a mental picture of a better future inspired by the scripture Your vision must be inspired by scripture to be successful. Joshua 1:8

9 Recipe for Success 1. Vision Abrahamic covenant is about vision. Genesis 13:14-15 What do you see? Vision is by faith The power of biblical faith is in the speaking Terah lost the vision. Genesis 11:31 God does not determine how successful you can be, you do! A person with vision is not deterred by color, accent or decent. If you carry the torch, the people will follow you

10 Recipe for Success 1. Vision With vision, you can be locally resident and globally impactful The children of Israel are a classic example of people with no vision except for Moses, Caleb and Joshua Proverbs 29:18 ( where there is no divine guidance, the people run wild NLT) That is why they could ask Aaron to make a golden calf for them soon after Moses left (Exodus 32) Vision is seeing with the eyes of faith. See yourself successful from now on! Get in the Word, let the Lord speak to you about your future…Joshua 1:8

11 Recipe for Success 1. Vision Jesus has come to restore vision to us; Luke 4:18 Take Responsibility for your vision Even an ant has vision and takes responsibility (Proverbs 6:6-11) Refuse anything less, don’t allow the devil to determine how successful you can be. The society will say “a woman shouldn’t do that”, don’t listen. Galatians 3:28 Be careful of your association Proverbs 13:20

12 Recipe for Success 2. Passion Passion is needed for vision to be fulfilled Follow your passion Be passionate about your vision Be courageous about your passion, there is no pursuit without challenges. (Joshua 1:6) People may not agree with your principle, but they cannot argue with results. Don’t follow the tradition of men, Isaac would have missed it if he followed Abrahams footstep to Egypt during the famine (Gen. 26)

13 Recipe for Success 3. Direction Ecclesiastes 10:10 ( if the ax is dull., and it’s edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but wisdom is profitable to direct. KJV, NIV) For lack of direction, people can lose their places to servants! You must define where you are going and know how to go about getting there. You will never get anywhere until you know where you are going Ask the Lord for direction, success comes from God (2Chronicles 26:5)

14 Recipe for Success 4. Discipline Ecclesiastes 10:16-17, Proverbs 31:15 Every distinguished person in the race of life is known to be disciplined. It takes discipline to be distinguished No baby is put on the throne anywhere. Until you grow, you cannot be enthroned As a woman in pursuit of success, you must have a routine

15 Recipe for Success 4. Discipline You cannot wake up at just any time of the day It takes discipline to be an effective time manager Every time manager is always outstanding Invest your time on definite programs, even if it affects other things

16 Recipe for Success 5. Diligence Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 12:24, 27 Diligence is a practical commitment to a given task. A lot of women are not diligent, not focused or committed, hence they are unsuccessful Commitment is the guarantee for attainment Faith is no excuse for indolence Faith has to be active (work) Nobody goes up with idleness; input is what always determine output

17 Confession I am a buoyant woman. I declare that through Jesus Christ I have been made an overcomer. I am beautiful, I am successful. My mind is sharp. I am bright, passionate, and creative. I am an asset not a liability. That’s me; irresistible and attractive. I cultivate temperance by subjecting my mind and body to the Word of God. I cast down every negative thought about my life. I am more than a conqueror and I can do all things through Christ who empowers me. My words have creative ability and in the Name of Jesus, I am what I say I am! Therefore, I declare that I am a SUCCESS, in Jesus Name!

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