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PowerPoint and Public Speaking: What you need to know Marcy B. Waldinger, MHSA Aisha T. Langford, MPH Emerging Leaders Program.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint and Public Speaking: What you need to know Marcy B. Waldinger, MHSA Aisha T. Langford, MPH Emerging Leaders Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint and Public Speaking: What you need to know Marcy B. Waldinger, MHSA Aisha T. Langford, MPH Emerging Leaders Program

2 Presentation Outline A. PowerPoint Tips B. Public Speaking Tips C. Discussion

3 PowerPoint Quote “The audience has come to hear you, not merely to stare at images tossed onto a screen. Build a strong PowerPoint program, but make sure that your spoken remarks are no less compelling. "PowerPoint doesn't give presentations — PowerPoint makes slides.” Matt Thornhill, president of Audience First.

4 PowerPoint Guidelines Uncluttered slides No more than 5 lines Good text contrast Large enough font Be prepared to improvise in case of technical difficulties!!!!

5 PowerPoint Tips Have compelling material Keep it simple Minimize numbers in slides Don't be a parrot Time your remarks

6 PowerPoint Tips Give it a rest Use vibrant colors Use various images, videos, cartoons, graphics Distribute handouts at the end Edit ruthlessly, then let someone else review

7 Adequate Color Contrast Bad Hard to read Good Much better!

8 Font Sizes 28 – 32 are easy to read Use plain fonts (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial) Avoid fancy script fonts -Hard to read - Harder to read - I’m dizzy

9 Avoid Using All CAPS ALL CAPS ARE HARD TO READ ALL CAPS IN E-MAIL = SHOUTING!!! Vs. All caps are hard to read All caps in e-mail = shouting

10 Graphics Be thoughtful about CLIP ART graphics Some can appear amateur and unprofessional

11 Graphics Utilize JeanAnn Davidson, UMHS graphic designer Websites for stock photos -Jupiter Unlimited (free images): -IStock Photo (low cost images):

12 Sample of a JeanAnn Creation

13 Sample from

14 More exciting images “Normal colon vs. colon with polyp”

15 Mammogram with cancerous lesion

16 Graphics Avoid photos as backdrops Text is hard to read Distracting

17 Keep Charts Simple Cancer TypeAction Step Breast CancerMammograms/self-exams ColonColonoscopy (gold standard) CervicalPap Tests/HPV Vaccine ProstatePSA Test/Digital Rectal Exam LungDon’t smoke. Quit if you do. SkinWear sunscreen/self-exams

18 More PowerPoint Tips Animation can be useful, but may crash slide show Don’t use the “auto-advance” slide feature Film clips and music can enhance presentations Make slides into PDF if sharing electronically Cite references

19 Most Common PowerPoint Complaints Reading slides Text too small Full sentences instead of bullet points Moving/flying text or graphics

20 Most Common PowerPoint Complaints Annoying sounds Overly complex diagrams or charts -Give full-page hard copy of charts or -Break them up Bad color choices

21 Public Speaking Icebreaker If you could be any public speaker (famous or not), who would it be and why?

22 Public Speaking Guidelines Control fillers like “Uhhmns and Ahhs” Error on the side of brevity vs. length Respect time restraints Pace yourself and speak slowly Enunciate your words and project your voice!

23 10 Public Speaking Tips Know your audience Know your material Know the room Practice Relax

24 10 Public Speaking Tips Visualize yourself giving your speech Realize that people want you to succeed Don’t apologize Concentrate on the message – not the medium Gain experience

25 Public Speaking Tips Keep good eye contact Smile Express emotion Avoid distracting mannerisms (fidgeting, lip biting, etc.)

26 Public Speaking Tips Create an “elevator speech” for impromptu introductions * 15 -30 seconds, 100 - 150 words to describe: 1. What the product or service is 2. What it does for the buyer/consumer (e.g. the benefits). 3. Who you are

27 Public Speaking Tips Tell a story if appropriate Stay true to your personality Make gestures convincing Vary your speaking position

28 10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Starting with a whimper Attempting to imitate other speakers Failing to “work” the room Failing to use relaxation techniques Reading a speech word for word

29 10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Using someone else’s stories Speaking without passion Ending a speech with questions and answers Failing to prepare Failing to realize that speaking is an acquired skill

30 General Issues in Presenting Minimize distractions -Turn off your cell phone and pager -Jingling keys -Change in pocket -Swaying Dress for credibility Comfort using a podium and microphone

31 General Issues in Presenting Managing the audience -Setting expectations about scope of talk -Fielding questions -Looking out for side conversations *If you don’t have an answer, say so, then give an appropriate resource or promise to get back to them.

32 General Issues in Presenting Important Questions to Ask 1. What AV equipment will be provided? 2. How much time will I have? 3. How many people do you expect? 4. What is the desired theme for the talk? 5. Who else is presenting on the program? 6. Will there be a podium?

33 Remember Prepare Practice Present

34 Public Speaking Resources Toastmasters International Toastmasters meetings are comprised of approximately 20 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly for an hour or two. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role. There is no instructor; instead, each speech and meeting is critiqued by a member in a positive manner, focusing on what was done right and what could be improved.

35 Public Speaking Resources The Toastmasters website has information on: -Giving a Eulogy -Toasting Tips -Presenting an Award -Accepting an Award -What You Should Have Said - Business Presentations - The 10 Commandments of Communication

36 Public Speaking Resources Books In The SpotLight, Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performing by Janet E. Esposito Public Speaking (8th Edition) by Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn and Randall Osborn The Exceptional Presenter: A Proven Formula to Open Up and Own the Room by Timothy J. Koegel

37 Public Speaking Resources Books How to Leave Your Audiences Begging for More by Chris King 101 Secrets of Highly Effective Speakers, Caryl Rae Krannich Ph.D. Great Session Openers, Closers, and Energizers: Quick Activities for Warming Up Your Audience and Ending on a High Note by Marlene Caroselli

38 Public Speaking Resources U-M workshops and classes Center for the Education of Women EMU and Washtenaw colleges Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti District Libraries The Human Face, a BBC documentary narrated by John Cleese

39 Presentation Information Sources/References “Presenting with PowerPoint: 10 dos and don'ts” Microsoft Small Business Center website “10 Tips for Public Speaking” and “10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes” Toastmasters International website “How to Deliver an Effective Presentation” handout by Louise August & Jean Waltman Center for the Education of Women, Ann Arbor

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