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Young Apostles Formation Diocese of Phoenix August 24, 2015August 24, 2015August 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Young Apostles Formation Diocese of Phoenix August 24, 2015August 24, 2015August 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Apostles Formation Diocese of Phoenix August 24, 2015August 24, 2015August 24, 2015

2 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. The formation process for young people must be constant and active, capable of helping them to find their place in the Church and in the world. Consequently, youth ministry must be one of the primary concerns of Pastors and communities. John Paul II, Ecclesia in America (EA) #47. Ecclesia in America

3 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Purpose To respond to the restored order of the Sacraments of Initiation; To provide parishes a game-plan that helps teens develop the tools for life-long conversion in Christ.

4 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Goals: To help Teens… Respond to the invitation to follow Jesus Christ, no matter where they are at in their faith; Develop an understanding of their baptismal dignity; Grow in their Catholic identity, especially through the Sunday Eucharist and involvement in their parish; Continued

5 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Goals: To help Teens… Develop catechetical roots to their faith through Scripture, doctrine, apologetics and philosophy; Develop a diocesan and universal sense of the Church; Respond to God’s vocational call in their lives.

6 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. This process… Is not a new program; Works with any existing parish youth ministry model; Helps parishes fill in the gaps to continually provide opportunities for teens to deepen their faith.

7 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Modeled on the Catechumenate (GDC #90) Evangelization –Pre-Evangelization: Preparation for the Good News –Evangelization: Conversion to Christ through the Church Catechesis: Providing roots through doctrine Purification and Enlightenment: Spiritual Life Mystagogia: Stewardship and Service through Sacramental grace.

8 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Pre-Evangelization No Formal Doctrine; Adult Core Team; Social Events; Informal Gatherings.

9 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Evangelization Jr. High Faith Formation; The Sunday Liturgy; Youth Group Meetings; Weekend Retreats; Rallies, Special Events, and other Encounters.

10 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Preparation for Catechesis Identification of teens based on signs of readiness (not age): –Consistent and regular participation at Sunday Liturgy; –Consistent and Regular participation in parish youth activities; –Ability to articulate who Jesus is and why the Catholic Church is important to them; –Desire to know the Faith of the Church more deeply. Mentor; Blessing #1.

11 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Catechesis Variation of formats and themes; Participation by Mentor; Blessing #2 in Junior or Senior Years.

12 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Purification and Enlightenment Lenten prayer formation; Participation by Mentor; Participation in Triduum at Parish.

13 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Mystagogia Pentecost Commissioning Mass with Bishop; Bible Study on Acts; Catechesis on Sacraments, stewardship and service; Seminar for Catholic Freshmen Continued

14 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Mystagogia Intro Theology Course Pilgrimage to Rome/International Mission Trip; Vocations Retreat; Service at home parish; Continued

15 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Mystagogia Corporal Works of Mercy Testimonies at the Sunday Masses; Events during Freshman year of college.

16 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Youth Minister Training Basic Youth Ministry Methodology; Advanced Training Certification; Ongoing Catechetical Formation.

17 Young Apostles Formation Helping teens answer the call to follow and serve Jesus Christ. Conclusion Want teens to display apostolic characteristics; Entire process can be used for teens completing their Sacraments of Initiation; Living document that will develop as we grow.

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