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THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL.

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Presentation on theme: "THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL."— Presentation transcript:



3 THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL

4 And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Rodrigue

5 Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:

6 Sacraments

7 Church

8 Prayer

9 Eucharist

10 Symbols

11 Wild Cards Wild Cards

12 100 200 300 400 500 Sacraments 100 200 300 400 500 Church 100 200 300 400 500 Prayer 100 200 300 400 500 Eucharist 100 200 300 400 500 Symbols DD FJ 100 200 300 400 500 Wild Cards

13 A sacrament is a visible sign of this kind of reality Answer…

14 What is invisible? 100

15 The sacraments of initiation. Answer…

16 What are baptism, confirmation, and eucharist? 200

17 This sacrament shows God’s love and the community’s support for someone in need Answer…

18 What is Anointing of the Sick? 300

19 The ability to see God all around us in everything Answer…

20 What is sacramental awareness? 400

21 The 3 purposes of the sacraments Answer…

22 What is: make us holy build up the Body of Christ give praise and worship to God? 500

23 This trait of the Church means the Church continues the teaching of the Apostles Answer…

24 What is Apostolic? 100

25 This means fullness or universal Answer…

26 What is Catholic? 200

27 The Church is made up of people through whom God works. The Church is ________ and _______ Answer…

28 What is human and divine? 300

29 The 4 traits of the Church, given it by the Holy Spirit Answer…

30 What is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic? 400

31 We act as the People of God when we do this Answer…

32 What is “care for each other and show love in the world”? 500

33 God’s kind, merciful and absolutely generous love for us Answer…

34 What is grace? 100

35 This changes how I look at things and helps me see as God sees Answer…

36 What is prayer? 200

37 Praying for the needs of others Answer…

38 What is intercession? 300

39 Praying for one’s own needs Answer…

40 What is petition? 400

41 Community prayer with scripture, ritual and symbols Answer…

42 What is liturgy? 500

43 This name for the eucharistic celebration means we are sent on a mission Answer…

44 What is Mass? 100

45 When talking about Jesus as being in the bread and wine, we call it this Answer…

46 What is Real Presence? 200

47 In communion, we become one with _______ and _________ Answer…

48 What is Christ and each other? 300

49 The name “eucharist” comes from the Greek word meaning this Answer…

50 What is “thanksgiving”? 400

51 Grapes and grain become eucharist and we become eucharist when these 3 things happen Answer…

52 What is gathered, changed, and shared? 500

53 A sign with a deeper meaning Answer…

54 What is a symbol? 100

55 The image of the crucified Lord reminds us of this Answer…

56 What is God’s love for us? 200

57 The number seven symbolizes this Answer…

58 What is wholeness? 300

59 The symbol of Anointing of the sick is this. Answer…

60 What is oil and anointing by the priest? 400

61 Water is a symbol for baptism because it symbolizes Answer…

62 What are death and new life? 500

63 The Church is _____ because the Holy Spirit unites all believers. Answer…

64 What is One? 100

65 God’s presence revealed to us in the physical stuff of the world Answer…

66 What is a sacrament? 200

67 The Gospel story that shows the Mass in a story Answer…

68 What is the Road to Emmaus? 300

69 The 1 st century Jewish Christians added this one thing to their Jewish traditions Answer…

70 What is Eucharist or the Breaking of the Bread? 400

71 4 names given to the central celebration of the Catholic Faith Answer…

72 What is Eucharist Mass Lord’s Supper Breaking of the Bread? 500

73 Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double


75 CATEGORY: Eucharist How much do you want to wager? Proceed…

76 In this part of the Mass, we recognize that we need God’s help and ask for forgiveness Proceed…

77 What is the Penitential rite? Proceed…

78 Thanks for PLAYING!

79 Credits Template Created by: Chad Kafka, Technology Support Teacher Franklin Public Schools Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.

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