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Introduction to the Sacrament of First Eucharist / Holy Communion For Parents and Carers Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Sacrament of First Eucharist / Holy Communion For Parents and Carers Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Sacrament of First Eucharist / Holy Communion For Parents and Carers Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

2 When your child was baptised, you accepted the task of bringing your child up a full member of the Catholic Church. In helping to prepare your child for their First Holy Communion you will be fulfilling your role as the first and most important educators in the ways of faith. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

3 This booklet is very closely linked to what your child will be taught in school. One of the key messages is: By reflecting on the Scriptures and on the Sacraments of Initiation, I understand that I am not called to live out my journey of faith in isolation from others but within the community of the Church. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

4 The Sacraments of Initiation Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

5 Faith Practice Your child will realise that many things in life require practice. From cycling, swimming, dancing, football of reading, writing and maths. Faith is no different and your child’s journey to First Eucharist will be richer and more meaningful is they are supported in joining with the parish community regularly, especially at Sunday Mass. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

6 Faith Practice Your child will realise that many things in life require practice. From cycling, swimming, dancing, football of reading, writing and maths. Faith is no different and your child’s journey to First Eucharist will be richer and more meaningful is they are supported in joining with the parish community regularly, especially at Sunday Mass. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

7 Faith Practice will be supported and encouraged in school. Your child will greatly appreciate your interest and support. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

8 Faith Practice Your child will realise that many things in life require practice. From cycling, swimming, dancing, football of reading, writing and maths. Faith is no different and your child’s journey to First Eucharist will be richer and more meaningful is they are supported in joining with the parish community regularly, especially at Sunday Mass. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

9 Family Workbook: Each Home Session in your Family Workbook ends with a prayer If you think it might be a good idea, you could invite other members of the family who are at home to join in the prayer. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow If you still have your child’s baptismal candle, you could use that – if not perhaps you could use another candle.

10 Session 1 : Baptism, Belonging and the Church Family Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

11 Session 2 :Saying Thanks to God - the Mass Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

12 Session 3 Passover – God keeps his promises Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow Remembering Giving thanks Offering Sacrifice Sharing a meal Together in community

13 Session 3 : The Last Supper Jesus gives us the Eucharist Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow Remembering Giving thanks Offering Sacrifice Sharing a meal Together in community

14 Session 3 : The Mass Gathering to Celebrate God’s Forgiveness and love Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow Remembering Giving thanks Offering Sacrifice Sharing a meal Together in community

15 Sessions 4,5&6 : The Entrance Rite Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow Lord have mercy… Penitential rite… Readings from Scripture

16 Sessions 7 : Called to live like Jesus: sent out to live the gospel. Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

17 Session 8 : The Faith Journey continues – share it with your child Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

18 Session 8 : The Faith Journey continues – share it with your child Mary L O'Duffin RE Adviser (Primary) Archdiocese of Glasgow

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