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The Covenanters “Of Whom the world was not worthy” Heb ch 11 v 38.

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2 The Covenanters “Of Whom the world was not worthy” Heb ch 11 v 38

3 Basic Outline Background to the Covenanting Period :- Pre Reformation  The Covenanters and their MEMORIAL  The Covenanters and the MONARCY  The Covenanters and their MEETINGS  The Covenanters and their MEN  The Covenanters and their MARTYRS  The Covenanters and their MESSAGE

4 Patrick comes to Ireland

5 Background Ireland and Scotland Columba sails to Iona

6 John Knox and the First Reformation in Scotland

7 The Covenanters and their MEMORIAL “What mean ye by these stones” Jos ch4 v 6

8 The Covenanters and the MONARCY Laud`s Liturgy - the Book of Common Prayer (1637) Charles I

9 Charles IIBishop Sharp Claverhouse Principle Persecutors

10 Signing the National Covenant at Greyfriars Church

11 The Covenanters and their MEETINGS

12 The Covenanters and their MEN Richard Cameron John Brown Alexander Peden

13 The Covenanters and their MARTYRS The Solway Martyrs “The two Margarets”

14 Martyrs “The Covenants the Covenants shall yet be Scotland’s reviving” James Guthrie

15 The Covenanters and their MESSAGE “Faithful unto death” Rev ch. 2 v 10 “No! No! no sinful oaths for me. I am one of Christ’s children. Let me go” Margaret Wilson “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” Jude 3

16 “Be not conformed to this world” Rom 12 v 2


18 If you don’t bear the You won’t wear the

19 “Cloud of Witnesses” Heb ch. 12 v 1 Some of the “worthies” Peden Renwick Guthrie Knox Brown CameronThe Margarets Rutherford

20 Ulster Presbyterians come to Ulster

21 The Westminster Assembly The Westminster Confession of Faith


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