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Marriage Stew How’s Your Marriage Taste?. A 4-WEEK MARRIAGE SERIES JOURNEY CLASS / 9:15 AM.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage Stew How’s Your Marriage Taste?. A 4-WEEK MARRIAGE SERIES JOURNEY CLASS / 9:15 AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage Stew How’s Your Marriage Taste?


3 Jonah Worship Series Ending today


5 The Amazing Race Vacation Bible School June 22-25th Wanted volunteers !!! Contact R.A.

6 Please Pray: Women’s Weekend: April 30 th -May 3 rd

7 6 Weeks Starting Wed. May 13 th Led by Haydens & Braits


9 Journey Class Starting May 17 th 6 weeks series

10 German Coast Guard

11 A. We are Afraid to Go Deeper 1.Cliché 2.Fact 3.Opinion 4.Emotion 5.Transparency I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)

12 Vimeo

13 B. We Are Different 1.Men: a)Focus on Facts b) 2.Women: a)Focus on Emotions b) I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)


15 B. We Are Different 1.Men: a)Focus on Facts b)Fewer Words 2.Women: a)Focus on Emotions b)More Words I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)

16 C.We Don’t Take the Time D.We Speak Different Languages  Words of Affirmation  Quality Time Together  Receiving Gifts  Acts of Service  Affirming Touch I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)

17 E.We Focus on the Negative F.We “Ramp Up” our Emotions Quickly G.We Disregard Our Words: 1)Why? 2)Need 3)Can't 4)You I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)


19 E.We Disregard the Messages Besides the Words I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)

20 E.We Disregard the Messages Besides the Words I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages)

21 E.We Disregard the Messages Behind the Words I. Ingredients That Spoil (Ways we hurt our marriages) What We See: Words, Tone, Face, Gestures, Body Language, etc. What We Neglect: Stress, Sleep, Yesterday’s Fight, On-Going Issues in Marriage, Past Issues, Childhood Issues, Pain, Trauma, Life Stage, Anxiety, Hormones, Hopes, Dreams, Expectations….

22 Control: James 3:5-9; Prov. 12:23 Truth… In Love: Eph. 4:15; Psalm 34:13 Encouragement: Eph. 4:29 Positive: Philippians 4:8 Transparency: 2 Cor. 2:4; John 11:35; Luke 13:34 Containment: Proverbs 10:19; Proverbs 17:28 Kindness: Proverbs 15:1, 4; 12:18; Titus 3:2 Responsibility: Matthew 12:33-37 Timing: Ecc.3:7 Loving: I Cor.13:1 II. Cookbook Instructions (Biblical instructions to follow)

23 A.Learn to listen- Actively B.Risk going deeper C.Seek Understanding 1st D.Remember: Differing opinions are not wrong E.Resolve miscommunications at your best times III. Fresh Ingredients (Ways we can improve our marriage)

24 E.Learn each other’s “Love Language” …. And speak it often F.Turn “towards” … not Away G.Avoid the “4 Horseman” 1)Criticism 2)Contempt 3)Defensiveness 4)Stonewalling III. Fresh Ingredients (Ways we can improve our marriage)

25 Spend Time Talking This Week… 30 Conversation Starters 1. My funniest memory of our dating days is when … 2. Our kids would freak out if they knew we … 3. Before we are together in heaven, I pray that here on earth we … 4. I have this memory of you in a certain outfit. Remember …5. The most scared you have ever been was … 6. The happiest you have ever been was … 7. I remember thinking I was courageous when I was young because I … 8. I used to always wish I could … 9. If I could spend a day just talking to any one person, it would be … 10. I wish I had learned to … 11. I picture us old, sitting in a rocking chair and you looking over at me and saying, “I’m sorry we never …” 12. If I could spend 24 hours doing anything in the world with you, it would be … 13. I like it best when you refer to me as … 14. The song that always makes me think of you is … 15. My sweetest memory of us in our youth is when we … IV. Cook It (Exercises to Try This Week)

26 30 Conversation Starters 16. My favorite memory of our wedding day is … 17. My greatest need right now as a woman is to … 18. My greatest need right now as a man is to … 19. If I could have any super power, it would be … 20. If I could eat anything and it not affect my health, I would feast on … 21. If I could have lived during a different time period, it would be … 22. I laugh every time I think of you doing … 23. I would so enjoy reading out loud together … 24. If we could be roadies for any musical talent, I would choose … 25. If I had it to do over, I would propose to you by … 26. The world’s best anniversary trip would be to go to … 27. My favorite photo of us is the one where … 28. Did you know that it scares me so much to … 29. When we fell in love, my favorite thing about you back then was … 30. I feel you love me the most when you …) IV. Cook It (Exercises to Try This Week)

27 Gottman’s Magic 5 Partings Reunions Admiration Affection Date Night IV. Cook It (Exercises to Try This Week)

28 Show Intentional Interest Respond positively and with interest when your partner shares joy about an experience or an idea. Don’t be a wet blanket! Research shows that an active positive response to a partner’s joy can boost the goodwill in the relationship. Put the newspaper down! Make an affirming statement and ask 3 questions about it. IV. Cook It (Exercises to Try This Week)

29 Reminisce about positive moments in the past. At times like anniversaries and birthdays, savoring the past is a great opportunity to enrich the present. When your partner does nice things for you, including making changes that you request, let them know you see that and appreciate it IV. Cook It (Exercises to Try This Week)

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