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AWP & B 2011-12 Mid Day Meal Scheme. 22  Secretary Education  CEO (DP)  ADE (DP)/EO (DP)  ADEI/SUPERVISOR (DP)  Headmaster  Concern teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "AWP & B 2011-12 Mid Day Meal Scheme. 22  Secretary Education  CEO (DP)  ADE (DP)/EO (DP)  ADEI/SUPERVISOR (DP)  Headmaster  Concern teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWP & B 2011-12 Mid Day Meal Scheme

2 22

3  Secretary Education  CEO (DP)  ADE (DP)/EO (DP)  ADEI/SUPERVISOR (DP)  Headmaster  Concern teacher

4  MHRD releases the fund to the UT Administration. The UT Administration sanctions the grant-in-aid to District Panchayat as UT share and the Central Share.  Central Share is deposited in the Treasury.  The office of the ADE ( District Panchayat ) does the procurement for supply of grocery vegetables, gas cylinders and payment made to the party through Cheque only.  payment to cooks/helpers done by deposit into the Account of Cook/Helpers.  Payment to the FCI through DD for Food Grains.

5  The Headmaster  The concern teachers  The VEC members/SMCs.  The MTA members  The PTA members  The Community  Cooks/Helpers  External Monitoring Agency

6 FCI – Godown Education Godown All schools

7 Existing Unit Cost  Primary : Rs. 5.50  Up. Pry : Rs. 6.50 Proposed Unit Cost  Primary : Rs. 6.00  Up. Pry : Rs. 7.00

8 SN SN DAY MENU nutritonal assessment 1MONDAYRice + Dal + Potato- Tomato- Onion Sabji, Banana/Chiku (Fruit) 2TUES DAYKhichdi (Rice, Mugdal) + Sprouted Chana Sabji 3WEDNESDAYMix Veg. Pulao ( Vatana, Gajar,Cauli Flower,Carrot, frenchbean) + salad (cabbage, onion,tomato), Banana/Chiku (Fruit) 4THURSDAYRice + Dal + Dudhi-Chanadal Sabji 5FRIDAYRice + Dal + Sprouted Mong Sabji, Banana/Chiku (Fruit) 6SATURDAYLapsi + Potato-brinjal-tomato Sabji

9 The no.of School covered is shown less as Std V is now integrated in primary level of elementary education. APPROVED BY PAB COVERED SNSN NAME OF DISTRICT GOVTAIDED TOTAL GOVT.AIDEDTOTAL 1 DAMAN 5245634337 2DIU29130180 TOTAL8158652355 Coverage : Institutions (Pry)

10 One Primary school upgraded to Upper Primary School in Daman District. APPROVED BY PAB COVERED S. N DISTRICTGOVTAIDEDTOTALGOVT.AIDEDTOTAL 1 DAMAN 2342724428 2 DIU 1211312113 TOTAL 3554036541

11 StageDistrictApproved by PAB EnrollmentAchievement% Against Approved By PAB Pry Daman670080795855 87.39 Diu430039133695 85.93 Total11000119929550 86.82 U. PryDaman405043613068 75.75 Diu295031292722 92.27 Total700074905790 82.71

12 PAB ApprovedCoverage 222223

13 Sr. No ParticularDaman District Diu District Total 1No. of Centers373067 2No. of School Covered653196 3No. of Kitchen sheds : Constructed by OIDC/ DP 201030 4Sanction by GOI - Constructed - Remaining (1 Rented building, in 7 Space is not available, 4 Aided - Proposal for New (Approved in PAB 2010-11) 10 03 12 02 16 00 04 26 19 12 06

14 StageDistrictAllocatio n of RICE for 2010- 11 Opening Balance as on 1.4.10 Lifted from FCI upto Mar. 11 Total availablit y Utilisati on up to 31 march - 11 Balance as on 1.04.2011 PryDaman153.383.300112.764 116.064 114.000 2.064 Diu90.826.15582.775 88.930 73.325 15.605 Total244.209.455195.539 204.994 187.325 17.669 U PryDaman143.0812.794.214 106.914 94.570 12.344 Diu90.025.72180.48 86.201 77.772 8.429 Total233.10 18.42174.694193.115 172.442 20.773

15 STAGE DISTRICT ALLOCA TION FCI BILL (RS. IN LACK) PAYMENT TO FCI (RS. IN LACK) % against Allocation PRIMARYDaman8.536.43 Diu4.814.67 Total13.3411.10 83% UPPER PRIMARY Daman7.415.38 Diu4.794.55 Total12.209.93 81% GRAND TOTAL (P&UP) 25.5421.03 82%

16 StageDistrictAllocationReleasedExp.% against Allocation PryDaman30.72 30.70 Diu18.62 18.61 Total49.33 49.31 99 U.Pr Daman27.21 27.20 Diu19.72 19.69 Total46.93 46.89 99

17 StageDistrict PAB Approved No. of Cooks Engaged Allocation Rs. In lacs Exp. Pry & U Pry Daman145 10.9710.86 Diu1151148.538.23 Total26025919.9019.09 Note : This Information up to 31 st March 2011.

18 DistrictAllocationExpenditure Upto 31 st March 2011 % Daman2.101.55 Diu1.271.21 Total3.372.7682%

19 Unspent Balance Primary Stage Rs. In lakh ComponentSanctionedUtilizationBalanceReason Cost of Food grain 13.3411.102.24 PAB Approved 11,000 and availed 9550. Cooking Cost 49.3349.310.02 Transport Cost 3.37 (PS + UPS) 2.760.61 PAB Approved 11,000(PS)+7000( UPS) and availed 9550+ 5790 = 15340

20 Unspent Balance Upper Primary Stage Component Sanctioned Utilization Balance Reason Cost of Food grain 12.209.932.27 PAB Approved 7,000 and availed 5790. Cooking Cost 46.9346.890.04 Honorarium19.5019.090.41 New Cook-cum- helper Engaged from 2 nd. Quarter. MME2.252.160.09

21 DistrictAllocationExpenditure Upto 31 st March 2011 % Daman1.34 Diu0.910.82 Total2.252.1696%

22 No. of School No. of School Covered Enrollment No. of Children Covered % 9688194821555380

23 STATE /DISTRICT LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE MONITORING COMMITTEE MEETING No. of Meeting held 1. State level Monitoring Committee held under the Chairmanship of Development Commissioner at Daman held at 10/11/2010 1 2. District level Monitoring Committee meeting held under the chairmanship of Collector, Daman (11/8/10) & Collector, Diu(23/03/11). 2

24 REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCE Complain Received Subject regardingAction taken 06 nos1.Engagement Additional Cook Cum Helper and Transfer. - by HM From next academic year 2011-12 2. To change the timing of served meal – VEC member Decided in VEC meeting and changed the time. Diu will implement from next year. 3. Drainage of water. Panchayat Member, Diu EO (Diu) repairing work under progress 4. Daily Vegetable supply – DP Member ADE instructed to the supplier 5. Grocery Item supplied in second week of January 11 Instead of fist week. – by HM ADE instructed to the supplier 6.Stake Holders requested for increasing Honorarium Proposed increase under UT Share

25 1. Monitoring Institution of Baroda are as under :  The MDM Prepared was admirable both in quality and Quantity.  The Kitchen shed was tidy organized and clean. It was well constructed with a platform, racks, basin at one corner and a store room. It was also used nicely.  The MDM served was pulav, salad and chikoo.

26 The Schools campus had beautiful banyan big tree under which the children use to sit in small groups to have the MDM. The MDM prepared wad Lapsi which was of good quality. 2. Mahila Mandal have monitored about 20 Schools and have reported that the MDM is very good, well prepared nutritious and children are happy with meals served to them. Contd.

27 3. External monitoring by community Food & Nutrition Extension Unit, DNH Silvassa. 7 Schools Visited (on 13/12/2010 & 12/01/2011). OBSERVATION REPORT  Hot Cooked Mid Day Meals are provided regularly in all Schools and quality of meal provided is satisfactory.  Nutritive Value like protein and calories in food served in Mid Day Meal is meeting the nutritional norms as per the guidelines of Mid Day Meal Scheme.  Attendance of the School Children for cooked Mid Day Meal is satisfactory. Contd.

28  Children like the quality the quality & taste of the Food served and they were enjoying in eating hot cooked meal along with vegetable salad.  Variety of menu provided for a week to children is according to the choice of children (local preparation).  Teachers & other staff of school are also actively participated during the serving of hot cooked food.  Storing of food grains & vegetables etc., Cooking Serving & Eating Practices are done in Hygienic conditions. Contd.


30 Engagement of District co-ordinators, Data/computer operators & Peon at One each at District level. 6.96 Procurement of laptop one each district 0.50 Training for officials and Cook cum helpers. Concerned teachers and VEC/MTA PTA members 0.50 Inter District Monitoring of Officials concerned with MDM, Media Campaign Programme. 0.50 Grievance Redressal Mechanism – Toll Free Telephone Connection 2.48 TOTAL 10.94

31  Cooks/helpers : 35  District coordinator : 02  Data/Computer Operator : 02  Peon : 02  Laptop : 02  Refrigerator : 55  Kitchen devices : 35 U. Pry.  Kitchen Sheds: 06

32 ParticularsNumber Children (Pry) 11,000 Children (U Pry) 7,000 Working Days 223 Cook-cum- Helper 35 Additional (258 Existing )


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