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Contact: Ricky Somal, Equality and Diversity Manager, 2014 Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact: Ricky Somal, Equality and Diversity Manager, 2014 Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 @QAHospitalNews Contact: Ricky Somal, Equality and Diversity Manager, 2014 Workforce Diversity Scorecard Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Equality and diversity at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is not just about responding to our legal and regulatory requirements but as an opportunity for innovation and growth. The Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty are legal requirements to ensure we provide services that are personal, fair and diverse to our patients and staff. This includes demonstrating due regard to the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Supporting individual differences helps every employee reach their own potential and contributes to the delivery of the Trust’s strategic objectives; To do this we need to have an in-depth understanding of the effect of our workplace cultures, policies, practices and procedures on our staff. Collating and analysing data on our staff by protected characteristics (Diversity Scorecard) provides a good starting point to develop this understanding. It provides us with a robust evidence base to identify any differences in outcomes for different staff groups.

2 @QAHospitalNews 2014 Workforce Diversity Scorecard Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 1. About this report We have published this report because, under the Equality Act 2010, we have a duty to "publish information relating to persons who share a relevant protected characteristic who are its employees. We also have a duty to "publish information relating to persons who share a relevant protected characteristic who are other persons affected by its policies and practices. 1.Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, para 2(4)a. 2.Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, para 2(4)b. The public sector equality duty, which came into force on 5 April 2011, was created by the Equality Act 2010 in order to harmonise the race, disability and gender equality duties and extend protection to the new protected characteristics of age, sex, gender re-assignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sexual orientation. There is now a requirement for public bodies to publish: Equality objectives, at least every four years; and Equality information to demonstrate their compliance with the equality duty, at least annually, and initially by 31 January 2012. Our workforce data will form part of the equality information we will collate, monitor and publish to help us meet our responsibilities under the new duty and ensure equality considerations are reflected in our employment practices and policies.

3 @QAHospitalNews 2. Analysis of our workforce monitoring data Equality and Diversity is a cultural change programme in our organisation and our workforce diversity is measured through our Diversity Scorecard. This tracks both quantitative and qualitative metrics to ensure we are recruiting, developing and retaining a highly skilled diverse workforce. Our workforce reporting for the year 2014 is structured across the following key aims: Inclusive leadership at all levels A representative and diverse workforce across all levels An inclusive workplace culture and environment 2.1 Inclusive leadership at all levels Diversity management requires leadership and a sustained, systematic approach. We are committed to continuing to build the capabilities of our managers so that they can champion our leadership commitment to diversity. What we will do: Equality and Diversity training available for all staff. Strengthening our governance and reporting arrangements for equality and diversity. 2.2 Representative workforce across all levels We benefit from the creativity and skills of all our staff and it is important that this diversity is present across all levels of the organisation. It enables us to tap into a broad spectrum of experience and ideas that comes as being part of a diverse team. What we will do: Embed the Equality Standard to empower, engage and support our staff. Monitor the diversity of our workforce through our Diversity Scorecard. 2.3 An inclusive workplace culture and environment We have developed a set of Equality Standards that will aim to embed equality and diversity throughout the organisation and continue to identify innovative ways to promote an inclusive workplace culture for all our staff. What we will do: Promote our values and associated behaviours Continue to develop better engagement and communication with our staff groups.

4 @QAHospitalNews 3. Diversity Scorecard – Our progress at a glance Workforce Equality information for Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust The Workforce Diversity Scorecard is based on all substantive staff as at 31st December 2014 Protected Characteristics 20132014 AgeUp to 19: 0.81% 20-39: 40.6% 40-59: 53.20% 60 and above: 5.39% Up to 19: 0.97% 20-39: 42.08% 40-59: 51.56% 60 and above: 5.39% DisabilityYes: 2.66%Yes: 3.15% Marriage and Civil Partnership Not available at present timeMarried: 54.53% Single: 33.46% Divorced: 7.08% Legally Separated: 1.16% Civil partnership: 0.91% Widowed: 0.71% Unknown: 2.25% Pregnancy and Maternity Not available at present time RaceWhite British: 92.04% BME: 6.7% Not stated: 1.27% White British: 82.45% BME: 16.38% Not stated: 1.16% ReligionChristian: 40.20% Not stated: 42.15% Atheist: 7.02% Other: 8.05% Other Specified Religions total: 2.24% Christian: 42.23% Not stated: 37.7% Atheist: 8.71% Other: 8.59% Other Specified Religions total: 2.24% SexFemale: 80.97% Male: 19.03% Female: 81.3% Male: 18.97% Sexual Orientation Not available at present timeHeterosexual: 63.27% Gay: 0.46% Lesbian: 0.32% Bisexual: 0.47% Not disclosed: 8.36% Undefined: 27.12%

5 @QAHospitalNews 4. Workforce profile At 31 December 2014 the workforce profile of staff within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: (City Statistics: 2011 Census) 4.1 Age Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015. % Age Profile of PHT - 2014Up to 1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-70Over 70 City25.019.014.0 Workforce1.020.421.726.924.75.40.0 Applications Received2.839.823.418.813.41.80.0 Interviewed2.736.625.420.313.61.40.0 Appointed1.429.527.124.315.72.00.0 Subject to Bullying and Harassment 0.0 44.433.311.1 0.0 Subject to Grievance 0.0 9.127.363.60.0 Subject to Disciplinary0. Sickness Absence0.615.118.327. Leavers4.030.026.613.915.88.71.0 Medical and Dental0.025.833.022.815.62.80.0 Band 134.948. Band 22.320.715.822.828.89.60.1 Band 30.714.315.023.636.210.20.0 Band 41.118.319.423.830.47.00.0 Band 50.028.623.527.616.93.50.0 Band Band Band 8a0.03.925.331. Band 8b0.0 26.234.437.71.70.0 Band 8c0.0 16.747.631.04.80.0 Band 8d0.0 Band 90.0 38.553.97.70.0

6 @QAHospitalNews 4.2 Disability Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015 % Disability Profile of PHT - 2014All city Workforce3.15 Applications Received4.1 Interviewed3.6 Appointed2.9 Subject to Bullying and Harassment0.0 Subject to Grievance0.0 Subject to Disciplinary1.9 Sickness Absence3.2 Leavers3.6 Medical and Dental3.3 Band 19.1 Band 24.0 Band 32.6 Band 41.5 Band 53.3 Band 62.3 Band 71.8 Band 8a4.6 Band 8b3.3 Band 8c0.0 Band 8d0.0 Band 90.0

7 @QAHospitalNews 4.3 Sex Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015 % Gender profile of PHT - 2014FemaleMale City49.051.0 Workforce81.019.0 Applications Received73.326.4 Interviewed76.123.7 Appointed70.030.0 Subject to Bullying and Harassment 66.733.3 Subject to Grievance 100.00.0 Subject to Disciplinary78.921.2 Sickness Absence88.711.3 Leavers24.875.2 Medical and Dental48.251.8 Band 174.225.8 Band 288.111.9 Band 389.410.6 Band 484.615.4 Band 587.013.0 Band 687.013.0 Band 783.616.4 Band 8a74.026.0 Band 8b70.529.5 Band 8c59.540.5 Band 8d60.040.0 Band 923.176.9

8 @QAHospitalNews 4.4 Race Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015. % Ethnicity profile of PHT - 2014 White White Other Mixed Race Asian or Asian British Black or Black British Chinese or other ethnic group Not stated City84. Workforce82.454.780.997.331.571.711.2 Applications Received Interviewed68.78.91.712. Appointed77. Subject to Bullying and Harassment 77.811. Subject to Grievance 72.70.0 Subject to Disciplinary 86.53.9 1.9 0.0 Sickness Absence Leavers80. Medical and Dental Band 1100.00.0 Band Band 395.00.9 Band 490. Band 568. Band 686. Band 794. Band 8a92. 1.3 Band 8b95. Band 8c97.62.40.0 Band 8d93.36.70.0 Band 992.37.70.0

9 @QAHospitalNews 4.5 Religion or Belief Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015. % Religious profile of PHT - 2014 AtheistBuddhistChristianHinduJewishMuslimSikhOtherNot Stated City35.00.652. Workforce8.70.442. Applications Received Interviewed16.90.951. Appointed10. Subject to Bullying and Harassment 11.10.0 77.811.1 Subject to Grievance 0.0 36.49.1 Subject to Disciplinary 28.917.3 Sickness Absence6. Leavers12.30.643. Medical and Dental9.31.637. Band 19.716.7 Band 28.50.445. Band Band 48.80.438. Band 59.80.445. Band Band Band 8a9. 40.916.2 Band 8b4. Band 8c7. 54.87.1 Band 8d0.0 26.713.3 Band 38.57.7

10 @QAHospitalNews 4.6 Marriage and Civil Partnership % Marital Status profile of PHT - 2014 SingleMarriedDivorced Legally Separated Widowed Civil Partnership Unknown Not stated City43.536.910. Workforce33.554. Applications Received Interviewed41.333. Appointed17.118.60.0 64.3 Subject to Bullying and Harassment 22.255.611.10.0 11.10.0 Subject to Grievance18.281.80.0 Subject to Disciplinary 1.90.0 Sickness Absence29.053.711. Leavers42.346.45.21.1 Medical and Dental38.755. Band 180.310.63.00.0 6.10.0 Band 232.750. Band 329.554. Band 434.453. Band 538.950. Band 628.460. Band 723. Band 8a18.867.59.10.7 Band 8b27.963. Band 8c23.861.911.90.0 2.40.0 Band 8d6.786.70.0 6.70.0 Band 97.776.915.40.0 Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015.

11 @QAHospitalNews 4.7 Sexual Orientation % Sexual Orientation profile of PHT - 2014 BisexualGayLesbianHeterosexual Do not wish to disclose Not stated City Workforce0.5 0.363.38.427.1 Applications Received1.31.10.689.87.20.0 Interviewed1.20.90.790.36.90.0 Appointed1.4 Subject to Bullying and Harassment 0.0 Subject to Grievance 0.0 54.618.227.3 Subject to Disciplinary0.0 67.37.725.0 Sickness Absence0.4 57.57.533.7 Leavers0.40.7 71.810.216.2 Medical and Dental0. Band Band Band 30.2 0.459.98.031.2 Band 40.70.4 Band 50.7 0.364.17.826.5 Band Band Band 8a1.30.0 55.810.432.5 Band 8b0.0 1.649.28.241.0 Band 8c0. Band 8d0.0 6.760.06.726.7 Band 90.0 61.57.730.8 Key Actions: As part of our EDS strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ 2014/17 we will undertake a review of this data set to identify any trends or themes. The Workforce Diversity Scorecard will be presented at the Trust Equality Impact Group (EIG) in June 2015.

12 @QAHospitalNews 2014 Workforce Diversity Scorecard This is an exciting time in our diversity journey. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust aims to be a national leader for equality and diversity and it is through the talents of our people that we can realise this aim. We believe having a diverse workforce will help drive creativity and innovation and most importantly, deliver world class experiences of care for our patients. We are fully committed in driving continuous improvements and our equality and diversity strategy ‘Everyone Counts’ puts our patients and our people at the centre of everything we do. Sponsoring Director: Tim Powell, Director for Workforce and Organisational Development Rebecca Kopecek, Deputy Director for Human Resources Ricky Somal, Equality and Diversity Manager To find out more about equality and diversity, please visit us online at diversity.html diversity.html

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