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1 COPRA Meeting May 19, 2011. What is Open Enrollment When is Open Enrollment Premiums Medical Co-Pays Covering Children up to Age 26 New Pharmacy Management.

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Presentation on theme: "1 COPRA Meeting May 19, 2011. What is Open Enrollment When is Open Enrollment Premiums Medical Co-Pays Covering Children up to Age 26 New Pharmacy Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COPRA Meeting May 19, 2011

2 What is Open Enrollment When is Open Enrollment Premiums Medical Co-Pays Covering Children up to Age 26 New Pharmacy Management Vendor Optional Life Insurance –New Maximums –Add up to $50,000 with no health history!

3 3 Helpful Reminders

4 You may re-enroll in City retiree medical coverage during Open Enrollment if you have CONTINUOUS, COMPARABLE COVERAGE since the date you dropped the City’s coverage. Evidence of continuous, comparable coverage is required.

5 Open Enrollment Communication

6 6


8 8

9 Medical – Dental

10 Provider networks are leased. –Provider reimbursement levels are set City pays a monthly fee to process claims and provide other services. City is billed for the amount paid to each doctor, hospital, lab, etc. –This is paid from the Health Care Benefits Trust

11 The total projected cost for medical and pharmacy coverage in the 2011 – 12 Plan Year –Employees & Retirees –99.06% is spent directly on claims

12 The City issued RFPs in late 2010 for –Medical, Dental, & Pharmacy Management –The last time these RFPs were issued: 2004 Responses were received from –5 medical vendors –9 dental vendors –9 pharmacy management vendors Selection committees reviewed RFP responses and interviewed finalists.

13 Vendors were evaluated on –Ability to meet current and future plan designs –Customer service and support –Cost OUTCOME Medical and Dental Plans: No change CIGNA Pharmacy Management replaces CVS/Caremark on August 1 st

14 Tuesday, May 31 to Wednesday, June 29 at 5 p.m. sharp

15 Medical Premiums –CIGNA 0% –BCBS HMO 0% –BCBS PPO ↑ 8.8% Dental Premiums –DHMO 0% –DPPO 0%

16 16 Retiree and Dependent Status 2011-2012 Monthly Retiree Medical Premiums Code CIGNA HMO BCBS HMO BCBS PPO 0% change 8.8% increase Single – Retiree or survivor not on Medicare A$640.87$562.04 $581.82 was $526.42 Family – Retiree and 1 or more dependents not on Medicare B$1,774.61$1,547.42 $1,604.39 was $1,444.73 Family – Retiree not on Medicare, all dependents on Medicare C$1,187.07$1,034.13 $1,072.44 was $964.97 Single – Retiree or survivor on Medicare D$547.76$480.35 $497.29 was $449.92 Family – Retiree with Medicare, any dependent not on Medicare E$1,071.41$932.27 $966.99 was $869.23 Family – Retiree and all dependents on Medicare F$1,040.54 $905.72 $939.52 was $844.78

17 Retiree and Dependent Status Code Full Premium and PEHP Premium Qualified City Contribution Amount Single – Retiree or survivor not on Medicare A CIGNA: $745.87 BCBS HMO: $667.04 BCBS PPO: $686.82 $105 Family – Retiree and 1 or more dependents not on Medicare B CIGNA: $ 2,149.61 BCBS HMO: $1,922.42 BCBS PPO: $1,979.39 $375 Family – Retiree not on Medicare, all dependents on Medicare C CIGNA: $1,447.07 BCBS HMO: $1,294.13 BCBS PPO: $1,332.44 $260 Single – Retiree or survivor on Medicare D CIGNA: $637.76 BCBS HMO: $570.35 BCBS PPO: $587.29 $90 Family – Retiree with Medicare, any dependent not on Medicare E CIGNA: $1,316.41 BCBS HMO: $1,177.27 BCBS PPO: $1,211.99 $245 Family – Retiree and all dependents on Medicare F CIGNA: $1,275.54 BCBS HMO: $1,140.70 BCBS PPO: $1,174.52 $235 17

18 Total Monthly Premium Dental PPO Single $34.08 Retiree +1$75.72 Family $110.75 Dental HMO Single $18.36 Retiree +1$33.17 Family $58.46 Deduction automatically taken from monthly pension check.

19 Medical Co-Pays

20 ServiceCurrent Co-Pay Primary Care Physician Office Visit, Convenience Care Clinic$15 Specialist Office Visit$35 Lab, Radiology$0 Routine Physicals$0 Behavioral Health Office Visits$10 Eye Exam$5 Inpatient Hospitalization$100/day, max. $300 Generic Medication$10 Preferred Brand Name Medication$25 Non-Preferred Brand Name Medication$40

21 ServiceCurrent Co-PayCo-Pay as of 8/1/11 PCP Office Visit$15$20 Eye Exam$5$10 Urgent Care$40$45 Emergency Room$125$140 Outpatient Surgery$75$80

22 Prescription Co-Pays Tier Retail Co-Pay 30 Day Supply Mail Order Co-Pay 90 Day Supply 90 Day Fill at Retail Generic $10 / 30 day supply$20 / 90 day supply $30 Preferred Name Brand $25 / 30 day supply$50 / 90 day supply $75 Non-Preferred Name Brand $40 / 30 day supply$80 / 90 day supply $120 22

23 Eligibility for Children up to Age 26

24 The term “child” includes a biological child, adopted child, child placed for adoption, stepchild, qualified domestic partner’s child, or a child living with you for whom you have either permanent legal custody. Student status is not required.

25 Medical – Dental Beginning August 1, 2011 the maximum age for eligible children changes from age 23 to age 26. Eligibility for Coverage –Cannot have access to other group coverage, for example, through their employer or their spouse’s employer.

26 Children who were removed from City coverage at age 23 will NOT be automatically re-enrolled. The employee must take action during Open Enrollment. It is always the retiree’s responsibility to know when a child no longer qualifies for coverage.

27 CIGNA Pharmacy Management Replaces CVS/Caremark

28 Takes effect on August 1 st For CIGNA and BlueCross/BlueShield plans. If you are impacted by this change you will receive information in the mail. Please open and read it.

29 CVS/Caremark 60,000 pharmacies nationally –Walgreens –CVS –Walmart –Target –Costco –Safeway –Fry’s –Bashas’ CIGNA Pharmacy Mgmt. 60,000 pharmacies nationally –Walgreens –CVS –Walmart –Target –Costco –Safeway –Fry’s –Bashas’ –CIGNA Medical Group

30 CVS/Caremark Customer Service –24/7 Mail Order 90 Day Fill at Retail –Large chain stores –3 co-pays Onsite Representative Online support CIGNA Pharmacy Mgmt. Customer Service –24/7 Home Delivery 90 Day Fill at Retail –Large chain stores –3 co-pays Onsite Representative Online support at

31 Everyone will receive new medical ID cards. Everyone will receive new Pharmacy ID cards. You will receive new ID cards in the mail in late July.

32 Continue to use your CVS/Caremark pharmacy ID card through July 31 st. Give your pharmacist your CIGNA Pharmacy Management ID card the first time you fill a prescription on or after August 1 st.

33 eCHRIS Self-Service

34 “I’m not sure what I’m enrolled in.” Go to eCHRIS Self-Service Log in Go to Benefits Click Current Benefits Summary

35 “I want to make a change.” Use eCHRIS Self-Service –Log in –Go to Benefits –Click Benefits Enrollment –Make Change(s) –SUBMIT Changes must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29 th

36 If you have a computer, but eCHRIS seems overwhelming, ask the HR Center or the Benefits Office for help. If you are unable to use eCHRIS and would like to make a change, contact the Benefits Office before 5 p.m. on June 29 th.

37 HR Center –(602) 262-6608 –Located on the 1 st floor of the Personnel Building. Benefits Office –(602) 262-4777 –Located on the 4 th floor of the Personnel Building. Password Help –Call (602) 534-4357

38 “I don’t want to change anything.” Do nothing, and your current benefits will continue August 1, 2011 – July 31, 2012

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