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AD300 – AD600. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today,

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Presentation on theme: "AD300 – AD600. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AD300 – AD600

2 Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

3 Great and holy leaders who arose To lead the Church Explain the faith Meet the challenges posed by heresy 2 groups Latin/West Greek/East IMPORTANT: closeness to the time of the Apostles and their writings is a reference point for Church teaching What particular value does this serve for us today?

4 4 common characteristics Antiquity (old…bearded men…) In the East, prior to St. John Damascene (d.749) In the West, pr ior to St. Isidore of Seville (d.636) Orthodoxy (in doctrine) Holiness (Sanctity) Notoriety (Church Approval)

5 Alexander of Alexandria [S] Alexander of Lycopolis Ambrose (340-397) [S] [D] Aphrahat/Aphraates (c. 280-367) Archelaus Aristides the Philosopher Arnobius Athanasius [S] [D] Athenagoras Augustine of Hippo [S] [D] Bardesanes (154-222) Barnabas [S] Basil the Great [S] [D] Caius Clement of Alexandria [S] Clement of Rome [S] Commodianus Cyprian of Carthage [S] Cyril of Jerusalem [S] [D] Dionysius of Rome [S] Dionysius the Great Ephraim the Syrian (306- 373) [S] [D] Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 265-c. 340) Gennadius of Marseilles Gregory the Great, Pope (c. 540-604) [S] [D] Gregory Nazianzen [S] [D] Gregory of Nyssa [S] Gregory Thaumaturgus [S] Hermas, The Pastor (or "The Shepherd") Hilary of Poitiers [S] [D] Hippolytus [S] Ignatius of Antioch [S] Irenaeus of Lyons [S] Jerome [S] [D] John of Damascus [S] [D] John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435) John Chrysostom [S] [D] Julius Africanus Justin Martyr [S] Lactantius Leo the Great, Pope (c. 395-461) [S] [D] Malchion Mar Jacob (452-521) Mathetes Methodius Minucius Felix Moses of Chorene (c. 400- c. 490) Novatian Origen Pamphilus [S] Papias [S] Peter of Alexandria [S] Polycarp [S] Rufinus Socrates Scholasticus (c. 379-c. 450) Sozomen (c. 375-c. 447) Sulpitius Severus (c. 363- c. 420) Tatian Tertullian Theodoret Theodotus Theophilus Venantius Victorinus [S] Vincent of Lérins (d. c. 450) [S]

6 Western Fathers St. Ambrose St. Jerome St. Augustine St. Gregory the Great Eastern Fathers St. Athanasius St. Basil the Great St. John Chrysostom St. Gregory of Nazianzus


8 These Fathers of the Church are also Doctors of the Church DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH – title given to certain saints whose writing or preaching is outstanding for guiding the faithful in all periods of the Church From Modern Catholic Dictionary, John Hardon, S.J. Sts. Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine of Hippo, and Gregory the Great proclaimed by Pope Boniface VIII (9.20.1295) Sts. Athanasius, Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus, and John Chrysostom proclaimed by Pope St. Pius V (1568) 35 Saints in all have been proclaimed Doctors…can you name some?

9 St. Athanasius St. Ephraem the Syrian St. Hilary of Poitiers St. Cyril of Jerusalem St. Gregory of Nazianzus St. Basil the Great St. Ambrose St. John Chrysostom St. Jerome St. Augustine St. Cyril of Alexandria St. Peter Chrysologous St. Leo the Great St. Gregory the Great St. Isidore of Seville St. John of Damascus St. Bede the Venerable St. Peter Damian St. Anselm St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Anthony of Padua St. Albert the Great St. Bonaventure St. Thomas Aquinas St. Catherine of Siena St. Teresa of Avila St. Peter Canisius St. John of the Cross St. Robert Bellarmine St. Lawrence of Brindisi St. Francis de Sales St. Alphonsus Ligouri St. Therese of Lisieux St. John of Avila St. Hildegard of Bingen

10 Antiquity: AD345-420 Orthodoxy DOCTOR OF SACRED SCRIPTURE Greatest of early Christians to use Scripture in defense of the Faith and to offer their idea of what comprises Scripture

11 Holiness Lived a strictly ascetical life Spent his last years in a monastery in Bethlehem Spent much time in study, especially language & Scripture A cantankerous & passionate curmudgeon: referred to St. Augustine as the “peon of north Africa.” Sarcastic, easily made enemies, argumentative Notoriety Lived in many parts of Roman empire Learned Greek & Hebrew & translated SS from these sources into Latin (The Vulgate)

12 Antiquity: AD340 – 397 Orthodoxy in doctrine PASTORAL DOCTOR Zealous defender of the Faith (esp. against Arianism) Considered an exemplary pastor Excommunicated Emperor Theodosius for slaughtering 7,000 people in Thessalonika After public penance, the emperor was pardoned Writings on: the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Sacraments of Initiation, Virginity, Widowhood

13 Holiness Only a Catechumen when elected bishop by popular acclaim in 374. Notoriety Aristocratic parents; well-raised and educated Governor of Milan; when elected bishop he fled, but was brought back to Milan, baptized & ordained a bishop

14 Father is pagan; mother is St. Monica Unbaptized as a child, spent many years in heresy & immorality At 18, became a Manichaean Rejected it b/c of inconsistencies & failure to answer important questions Major conversion at about 33 b/c… Prayers of his mother, St. Monica Preaching of Abp. Ambrose of Milan Attraction to Neo-Platonism Reading of St. Paul (Bible Bingo) “Tolle et lege” – Romans13:13-14

15 Antiquity – AD354 -430 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR OF GRACE Bishop of Hippo (N. Africa) Incredible preacher – trained in rhetoric PROLIFIC WRITER; major works: City of God – written as the Roman Empire is collapsing Confessions – his, not other peoples… Christian Doctrine – how to teach the Catholic Faith AND A TON OF OTHER WORKS!!!

16 Holiness Spent much of his efforts in fighting heresy. Manichaeism, Donatism, Pelagianism** - consider his life… Notoriety – his writings made him famous throughout the Roman Empire Confessions marked the beginning of an entirely new genre of literature – a biography written in the first person Thomas Aquinas refers to him as “The Theologian” in his Summa Theologia

17 Antiquity – AD540-604 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR OF HYMNOLOGY Significant Writings: The PASTORAL RULE Moral Reflections on Job Dialogues (emphasizes the 4 last things, especially Purgatory!) Gregorian Chant

18 Holiness Elected Pope by unanimous decision 3 Sept 590; lots of work to do… Notoriety Trained & gifted in many ways Music, administration, leadership, reformer, writer, preacher, and enforcer of discipline Held many offices Prefect of Rome, Roman senator, missionary, deacon, monk, abbot, papal nuncio, Pope Two aunts were canonized

19 Antiquity: ~AD297-373 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR OF ORTHODOXY Well-educated in: Greek literature, philosophy, rhetoric, law, Christian doctrine “a principal instrument after the Apostles by which the sacred truths of Christianity have been conveyed and secured to the world” – Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman Writings: Life of St. Anthony of the Desert, everything you could imagine about Arius…, On the Incarnation

20 Holiness Shortly after Nicaea (325), became Bishop of Alexandria (328) where he was pressured by heretical bishops & even the emperor They attacked his character & accused him of various heinous crimes 6 times he is exiled from Alexandria The “Great Escape” – “he was headed up river; you are very close to him” Energizer bunny – indefatiguable energy – kept going & fighting against Arianism! Notoriety Disciple of St. Anthony of the Desert Athanasius attended Council of Nicaea (AD325) as a deacon Athanasius vs. Arius!

21 St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Gregory of Nazianzus From…Cappadocia! (modern-day Turkey) Two brothers (Gregory of Nyssa and Basil) and their friend Gregory of Nazianzus

22 St. Basil the Great (c.330-379) St. Gregory of Nazianzus (329/30-389/90) St. Gregory of Nyssa (ca.330-ca.395) St. Gregory of Nazianzus & St. Basil were BFF Writings influenced Council of Constantinople (381) Defending the divinity of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

23 Antiquity: AD330 – 379 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR OF MONASTICISM Worked tirelessly for rights of clergy, needs of poor, & education of the Christian faithful Writings on the Holy Spirit, a Monastic Rule (St. Basil’s Rule), and the prayers & hymns for a Divine Liturgy (Eastern term for the Holy Mass) now commonly used during Lent in the East

24 Holiness Also known for his monastic rule and an Eastern Liturgy that is attributed to him. St. Basil’s Byzantine Liturgy – basis for Eucharistic Prayer IV (Eastern Liturgy – verbose, litanies, threes) (Roman Liturgy – sober, simple, processions, etc.) Notoriety In only 5 years of monastic life, he became known as Father of Eastern Monasticism At 40, elected Bishop of Caesarea Very intelligent, holy & a good administrator Arian heresy had long been gaining force and not only was Caesarea under attack, but Basil was under attack by the Emperor

25 Antiquity – AD329/30–389/90 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR OF THEOLOGIANS Writings: On the Holy Spirit Holiness Known as ‘The Theologian’

26 Notoriety Started as Bishop of Sasima in Cappadocia Elevated to Archbishop of Constantinople and defended the true Faith at Council of Constantinople (AD381) NOT a good administrator Shortly after, resigned as archbishop to live out his days as a monk

27 Antiquity – AD347–407 Orthodoxy in doctrine DOCTOR of the EUCHARIST Against his wishes he was named Archbishop of Constantinople (ABC) in AD398 Preached against moral laxity of his day, including the imperial family Writings: many homilies, full commentaries on the New Testament, letters to friends … and some who were not friends, On the Priesthood

28 Holiness Baptized at 22 & became a hermit Died in AD407 in exile on a “death march” Notoriety Ordained in AD386 by the Bishop of Antioch, whom he served under for 12 years Could apply the lessons of Sacred Scripture to real-world situations with which people were dealing Received the name Chrysostom which means “golden- mouthed” b/c of his preaching Exiled 3 times by Emperess Eudoxia for his fearless preaching against her court of Constantinople 30 years after he died traveling during exile, Eudoxia’s son, Emperor Theodosius II, had his coffin dug up, laid his face on it and asked that his parents’ ignorance and recklessness be forgiven by the Saint!

29 Are they relevant today?

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