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Social Justice Week 2015 Y1-4 Liturgy. St Francis and the Leper.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Justice Week 2015 Y1-4 Liturgy. St Francis and the Leper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Justice Week 2015 Y1-4 Liturgy

2 St Francis and the Leper

3 St Francis was a good man who liked to pray and to talk to animals.

4 However, like most people of his time he was scared of people who had leprosy. Lepers were often covered in sores and people kept away from them.

5 One morning when he was out riding his horse Francis saw a leper. The leper was begging for money.

6 Francis was afraid but he got down from his horse and handed the leper a coin. Then something strange happened. Francis hugged the leper!

7 Francis no longer felt afraid. The very next day he went to the leprosy hospital with a sack of money.

8 Then he hugged each of the lepers.

9 After making friends with the lepers, St Francis was filled with joy.

10 Dear God, St Francis knew that the leper needed to feel loved. Help us to love everyone in our home family and our school family.

11 St Francis knew that the lepers also needed money for food and clothes. Help us to be generous and to share what we have with others.

12 St Francis knew that we are all brothers and sisters. Everyone is welcome in the human family. Help us to welcome others and include others in our games.

13 St Francis knew that people who were sick or disabled were very special to God. Help us to make a special effort to care for those who need our help.

14 We belong in our church family.

15 Our church is a family that cares for those in need.

16 Sometimes we give what we have to help those who don’t have enough.

17 God of all people, We pray for those who don’t have enough food or warm clothing. We pray for groups like St Vincent de Paul who help those in need. Help us to help each other by sharing what we have. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a mātou.

18 God of the church, Help us to play our part in the Church. Help us to be generous when we are asked to help with a class Mass. Thank you for the gift of our church family. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a matou

19 We belong in our school family.

20 Our school is a family that cares for those in need.

21 God of our school, We pray that our school will be a place of welcome and love for everyone. May all the students feel that they have a part to play. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a mātou.


23 God of all students, We thank you for the gift of our school family. Help us to learn and grow together in a way that is peaceful. Help us to include everyone in our games. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a mātou.

24 We belong in our family at home.

25 Our families are places where we can feel loved.

26 God of families, Thank you for the people who look after us at home. Whether they are our Mum, Dad, Uncle, Aunty, Nana or friends, they are our families. Help us to be helpful members of our families. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a mātou.

27 God of whānau, We pray that families in Aotearoa will be strong. May all families have a good home to live in and healthy food to eat. E te Ariki Whakarongo mai ra ki a mātou


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